Jan 26, 2019
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100th Incarnation Day of 2nd Master Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj celebrated with gusto at Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa

25th Jan (100th Incarnation Day) is the biggest day for a DSS follower when Shah Satnam Ji incarnated on this planet. He brought the light of truth into the lives of lacs of souls who were stuck into the garb of ignorance and misery.

Teaching the glorious method of meditation, he freed souls who were caged into the cycle of birth and death for all of eternity. When souls call true Lord to save them from the lives of the misery of human form, Lord has to send his messengers to bring the souls out of the shackles of slavery of 5 thieves, the senses. Hearing the plight of their souls, Lord grants them a messiah who can pour his infinite love onto his beloved souls and show them the path of bliss and ecstasy. Souls on reuniting with their Master, rejoice and thank their master for hearing their pleas.

So the day when the Master incarnates becomes the most blessed day for a disciple. He simply cannot thank enough for this blessed day, which took him out of the garb of misery from countless births. So the day was more blessed this year, as this was the 100th Incarnation Day of True Master Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj.

Born on 25th Jan in Sri Jalalana Sahib, His Holiness graced the womb of Mata Aas Kaur Ji and Father Variyam Singh Ji elated in joy. His Holiness was in command of Dera Sacha Sauda from 1960 -1990. He took millions of souls out of the cycle of birth and death, during his lifetime.

Programs Organized on 100th Incarnation Day

A number of programs were organized on this occasion by followers, at Shah Satnam Ji Dham, "‹"‹Sirsa today. Devotees from far and nearby areas of Haryana visited the Ashram. Devotees from other states like Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, UP, Maharashtra participated in the programs organized in their respective blocks.

A Naamcharcha was organized in the Sirsa campus playing recordings of the preachings of True Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Live telecast of this Naamcharcha was covered on Dera Sacha Sauda's Facebook page. Devotees distributed blankets, warm clothes and ration to the needy. Distribution drives were also conducted by followers across the globe. In fact, the whole month has been celebrated by the followers as a month of exceptional welfare. As part of the celebration, one more initiative to the 133 lists of welfare activities. "Will not resort to spreading pollution and will try our best to stop the same". Everyone present raised their hands in unison, indicating acceptance and chanting the pious slogan "Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Asra".

A free OPD was also organized, by the Shah Satnam Ji Specialty Hospital, where thousands of patients consulted. A number of expert doctors provided their services as part of this camp.