Jan 27, 2022
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12 Holy Letters by Saint Dr. MSG- The Gateway to Immense Blessedness!

There’s nothing euphoric or better delight than receiving a letter from your Guru. A Guru is a path shower, pioneer, mentor, leader, torchbearer, and above all, the supreme caretaker. He abolishes darkness by bringing the light of knowledge to our lives. The ocean of His love knows no bounds. Receiving the holy letter from Him is a matter of extreme blessedness. Wrapped with heavenly love, benevolence, and blessings, His Holiness, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan sent twelve letters for the disciples so far. Every letter contained varied messages for the upliftment of humanity and boosting spiritualism amid all.

Besides, many new welfare works have also been initiated by His Holiness for the betterment of mankind and unfurl happiness all around. These welfare works are unparalleled initiatives that are igniting humanitarian values in every heart and emerging out as a boon for the needy ones. Here are the highlights of all these twelve letters sent by His Holiness.

From 1st to Letter 12th- Devotion has grown over the edges!

The happiness knew no bounds when the disciples got the first letter from His Holiness. It was the day 7th May 2020 when the first letter was written by Guruji. Fervently waiting for the pious letter, the love and devotion of devotees poured out of their eyes when they heard the message of Guruji.

This letter contained the pious blessings for all the devotees and instructions as well. His Holiness apprised about His health by saying that He is fine with the grace of Lord and asked Respected Mata Naseeb Kaur Ji (Respected Mother of Saint Dr. Gurmeet ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan) to take medicines properly, have check-ups from doctors from time to time and take proper care. As the Covid-19 pandemic was spreading its wings, so the caretaker, His Holiness provided world-class tips to stay safe and healthy to all. It's never wrong to say that His seamless love and care are unparalleled!

Guruji asked all to take care properly, perform welfare works, and extolled the disciples for selfless services being performed by them in their respective blocks and areas. After admiring Dera’s Management and Trust for endless services, His Holiness instructed them to keep an eye if any disciple needs any help while performing welfare works.  

The entire cosmos charged up with electrifying emotions that arose from every listener and reader. Each word of the letter suffused with auspiciousness, filled every heart with joy and deep emotions. Their devotion towards the Almighty raised manifold after getting the letters of His Holiness.

His Holiness reinforcing unity, integrity, and devotion among the masses!

His Holiness has always taught the lessons of selfless love, selfless services and motivated all to meditate regularly. These letters were also a prized possession of valuable lessons. In every letter, His Holiness directed the disciples to stay united, follow every sermon by heart, keep all promises made with Almighty, meditate regularly, perform selfless deeds & all the welfare works over & over again, extend helping hand to the needy, donate blood on regular intervals & if the government instructs, then also donate blood and save lives. Also, He directed to stay firm and perform every sort of welfare work by heart. Keep your unity strong and stay united always besides having firm faith in Almighty. 

Guruji urged all to never get worried at any point in life, instead meditate, perform selfless services then Almighty will surely brim you with limitless happiness. Meditate even while walking, sitting, or performing any chore of your routine. Always walk on the path shown by us, respect every religion, and never discriminate against anyone.

Whatever Almighty does is 100% right and will always be 100% right. Guruji made everyone aware by saying’ “Rehna Mast Te Hona Hoshiyaar Chahida” which means besides being easygoing, everyone should remain aware because there are many fraudsters in Kalyuga.  

Guruji instructed that only with the holy grace of a true Guru, Tenth Door (Dasva Dwaar) can be opened of only that disciple who follows each sermon of Guru by heart. A disciple can’t open the Tenth Door of another disciple. Everyone must remain as one and perform welfare works as instructed by the ADM block. 

When Kisaan Protest was going on, Guruji prayed for the early resolution of the matter so that the whole nation can step ahead in the way to progress and beat coronavirus collectively. For this, Guruji urged all to keep a fast for 12 or 24 hours too and by following His instructions, every disciple kept a fast for one day and prayed for the wellbeing of all. Also, the ration saved on that day was distributed to underprivileged families. 

Restrict yourself from these deeds!

His Holiness strictly prohibited everyone from getting indulged in backbiting and slandering anyone. Even if someone slanders others, then also never appreciate them, instead stop them from doing so. Guruji said, those who keep on slandering others, day & night do backbiting and claim themselves as our disciple then that’s totally wrong. Such people can’t ever be our disciples. Everyone must stay aware of them. Never appreciate or accompany them directly or indirectly. 

Besides other instructions included, never follow the one who persuades you against anyone or to do wrong things, never get influenced by negative power (Mann) and negative people. Treat everyone equally and don’t discriminate against anyone on any ground. Stay always united and keep unity intact. 

Spiritual Competitions were Icing on the Cake!

It’s rightly said that a Guru keeps on teaching His disciples through thoughts, actions, and sermons. His every sermon is a treasure of blessedness if one follows it sincerely. Via letters, His Holiness instructed all to do competition of Shabdakshari (Kind of Antakshari in which the contestant sings the first verse of holy Shabads) and Meditation. As per the devotees, these healthy competitions brought immense happiness to the lives of devotees, and how their days got filled with spirituality is beyond words. Besides, His Holiness directed all to keep on performing welfare works to the maximum. 

New Welfare Works Glorified the Prominence of Dera Sacha Sauda!

The thoughts of a True Guru remain always with His children. The whole universe is His children and He keeps on praying for their well-being and does every effort to bring happiness to their lives by removing all worries altogether. The only purpose of His life is to unfurl happiness all around, uplift humanity, ignite the true spirit & values in every heart and teach the way to salvation. 

Having deep emotions with every being, the thoughts of His Holiness are not spared from the pain of people. That’s the reason that He started four new welfare works and instructed disciples to follow the same via His letters. These are:

Welfare Work- 135

We two, our two or We both are one and We will have one child

Welfare Work- 136

Take a pledge to get vaccinated and encourage others for Covid-19 vaccination and get them inoculated too

Welfare Work- 137

Wear Mast, encourage others for the same, and provide free masks to the needy. Maintain seven feet distance from one another.

Welfare Work- 138

The underprivileged and orphan children who are unwell, provide them proper treatment and food items too.

Welfare Work- 139

Service of orphan senior citizens and taking care of them

Welfare work- 140

Keep aside one roti (bread) for every animal & bird and ensure that no one starves because of hunger.

Welfare work- 141

To remove the stigma of ‘Dirty India’, mobile toilets will be set up on long roads and public areas. Proper maintenance will also be done for the facilitation of the general public.

Welfare work- 142

Raise the glory of the Indian flag and hoist it in every home to boost the commitment toward the nation.

These welfare works are another favour of His Holiness on the whole of mankind. All the disciples pledged to follow these word to word and even started implementing the same right after the orders of His Highness. 

Divine Verses!

Every word of a True saint subsumes infinite blessings if the disciple takes it sincerely and devotedly. His Holiness always brims everyone with immense pleasure inside out. His single word is a treasure of delight if one takes it by heart. These letters contained several rhymes or verses. Here are these!

“Naam Japo, Prem Karo, Karo Maanavta Ki Sewa

In Vachno Par Amal Kro To Satguru Dega Do Jahaan Ka Meva”

 “25 January Do Hazaar Ikkis,

Prabhu Khushiyan Vo Dein Ki Aap Sabki Khil Jaye Battees”

“January Mein Aaye Shah Satnam Ji, Khushiyon Ka Bhar Ka Bhar Ke Jhola,

Sabki Bharenge Jholiyaan Poori, Aa Ke Ru-B-Ru- MSG Maula”

 “Daata Ji Ka Aaya Hai, Janam Din Ji,

Denge Beshumar Khushiyan, Na Dein Gin Min Ji”

“25 January Ke Din Aaye Daata Ji, Le Ke Ruhani Bahaar,

Drid Yakeen Rakho Vachno Pe Amal Denge Daata Khushi Beshumar”

Hamare croro pyare bachho, suno pyare pyare,

Dil ke tukde, akhiyon ke tare.

Guru ki sunoge to gand ki nhi tum, 

Shehed vali ‘makhiyan’ banoge sare.”

His Holiness keeps on blessings the disciples in His unique ways and devotees love these ways by heart!

Instructions for Protection from Covid-19 Virus!

His Holiness instructed all to follow all the guidelines shared by the government for protection against Coronavirus. Even if there was unlock, Guruji urged all to stay inside their homes and while traveling or going for work, wear the mask always and maintain seven feet distance from one another. Even with the guidance of Guruji and as per His instructions in the letter, a website was created with the name ‘DSSCovidhelp.org’ wherein a devotee doctor remains always available to solve the queries regarding coronavirus so that everyone can remain informed and protected from the virus. Here are the instructions by Guruji:

  • Do regular meditation with pranayama for at least 15-30 minutes morning & evening. It will increase your willpower, which will defeat Corona.
  • Wash your hands intensely with soap by rubbing your nails on your palm. 
  • After reaching home from outside, take a bath, put your clothes in water and wear new clothes before going to your family members.
  • Take a protein-dense diet such as grams, soya food, cheese, curd, milk, buttermilk (Lassi), pulses, pistachios.
  • Make a decoction of basil, 4-4 leaves of neem or Indian lilac, 10 grams Giloy twig leaves, 5 grams cumin seeds, 2-2 cloves & cardamom, a pinch each of turmeric, Liquorice, ajwain or thymol seeds, dry gourd. Boil all these items in 300-gram water and boil until it remains 150 grams. Take it just as tea once a day. You can add 20 grams of jaggery or honey. Take at least 50 milliliters 2-3 times a week.
  • Take 100-100 grams Neem and Giloy twig leaves, grind them, and put them in 2-liter water. Take steam of it by deep breathing 25 times or for 2 minutes.
  • Take Shyama Tulsi (Holy Basil) 3-4 times in milk or tea.
  • Take Vitamin C regularly including lemon, oranges, citrus, Indian gooseberry, etc.
  • Don’t touch your face over & over again
  • Do light jogging
  • Take a good diet including black gram, protein, cheese, pulses, lemon, hot water, vitamin C tablets, B complex, decoction, etc.
  • Take decoction two times a day besides Vitamin C and B-Complex!

If anyone broke any of the three promises made with Almighty, then that person must do the meditation of one hour morning & evening, for 76 days. By doing so, Almighty will pardon you and bless you with willpower to beat corona. Never perform these mistakes again. Those who did backbiting or slandered others or have swindled in Parmarth, must do regular meditation of one hour morning & evening for 30 days.

His Holiness instructed all to initiate free ambulance service for corona patients. Also, distribute oranges, lemon juices, and fruits among ‘Corona Warriors’ such as police, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, etc., and salute these warriors wherever you see them. 

To save the world from this deadly virus, His Holiness urged all to pray before meditating, “Hey Satguru Ji, Poori Duniya Ko Corona Se Bachaane Ka Raasta Vegyaanikon Aur Doctors Ke Dimaag Mein Dein, Jisse Corona 100% Khatam Ho Jaye”

Prayers for Ukraine

No misery or pain goes out of the sight of a true saint. When people suffer then the saints extend their prayers to the Almighty to relieve those affected souls from all woes. The Russia-Ukraine war needs no introduction today. Countless people died and lakhs of people were suffering there. The situation was getting worsen with every passing day. In the 9th pious letter, His Holiness urged all to do prayers for people living there and He also extended prayers to the Almighty for maintaining peace all around so that people can live happily and peacefully.

Blessings for cleanliness campaign

On 7th February 2022, Guruji arrived in Gurugram for 21 days. Presenting the unseen example of devotion, the devotees didn’t reach Gurugram and followed the rules & guidelines thoroughly. But how could a disciple stop paying reverence to the place where his Guru arrived and put His lotus feet? So, a cleanliness campaign was held after this period of 21 days in Gurugram. Lakhs of devotees from far-off places reached there to touch the holy land and pay reverence by following the pious teachings. 

In the 9th letter, His Holiness extended pious blessings to all the disciples who presented an unprecedented paragon of devotion and love for their Guru. Also, His Holiness prayed to brim every devotee’s life with limitless happiness.

The downpour of love during ‘Online Gurukul’ live talks

When His Holiness spent 30 days on parole in Barnawa, UP then the disciples got the golden chance of having glimpses of their beloved master. The divine moments of having face-to-face interaction with Guruji overwhelmed every disciple. The moments of love pouring out of their eyes and hearts filled with pride were worth beholding. In the 11th letter, His Holiness elucidated that it was a great pleasure to see you all. The way all get connected to ‘Online Gurukul’, way of celebrations and devotion was out of the world. Also, Guruji bestowed blessings on all those who did the great work of connecting people with God’s name and contributed to leaving their evils & drugs. Taking people to a spiritual congregation and connecting them with the method of meditation is great noble work. His Holiness prayed from all those who connected people with God’s name and showered enormous blessings on them. 

We were, We are, We will be!

His Holiness said that Revered Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj has made Him next successor of Dera Sacha Sauda on 23rd September 1990 and passed the divine ordinance ‘We were, We are, and We will be.’ Now also, Shah Satnam Ji is working, was working, and will always work in Him. 

There’s always a reason behind every action of true saints. His Holiness instructed all to never get worried, instead stay happy in the Almighty’s will. His ways and will cannot be understood easily.

In the 10th pious letter sent on Dera Sacha Sauda’s Foundation Day occasion, His Holiness reminded all these sacred sermons of Revered Param Pitaji and asked all to never get influenced by anyone. Only a true Guru guides through pious sermons. People just talk, but a Guru gives you real navigation through His sermons. Only the Guru sermonizes, not the people.  

Respect for all religions!

Guruji’s deep reverence towards religions and all spiritual scriptures is incomparable. It is His guidance and teachings that today above 60 million disciples respect every religion by heart and extend help to every person belonging to any religion. The values infused by our religions get visible in the acts of Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers and it’s only because of the teachings & motivation of Revered Saint Dr. MSG. Since 1948, the DSS disciples are taught to follow each lesson that our respected religions give, viz. reviving humanity, performing humanitarian chores, meditating, and maintaining peace & positivity. 

In these pious letters also, Guruji conveyed that He didn’t even think to slander or disrespect any religion, in fact, He has always taught everyone to be respectful towards this treasure. Dera Sacha Sauda is ‘Confluence of All Religions’ and millions adopt the unity and sense of brotherhood there. All disciples respect the religions by heart and maintain brotherhood with people belonging to any caste or religion. 

Blessings for celebrating pious Bhandara Naam-Charchas in different areas of states!

For celebrations of special months, April- the Foundation Month of Dera Sacha Sauda, August- the pious incarnation month of Saint Dr. MSG, September- the Great Benevolence Month; different Naam-charchas (spiritual congregations) were held at different places. His Holiness showered blessings to all those who attended those and performed selfless services as a way to celebrate these sacred days & months. Also, His Holiness extended blessings to those who reached there and performed their duties for facilitation of the programs & performed selfless deeds; and prayed that their legitimate wishes get accomplished soon. 

Blessings for special months!

August month is the incarnation month of Saint Dr. MSG. The disciples from all over the world celebrate it with great pomp & show. They perform maximum welfare works to please their master. In the 11th letter, His Holiness showered blessings on all for the pious 15th of August (incarnation day) and for Raksha Bandhan too. Further, Guruji said all to stay firm on the two promises made with His Holiness, that are, ‘Stay firm on three principles and have strong & firm faith on Satguru’. Those who will stay firm to these promises will get brimmed with eternal happiness inside out. 

September month is celebrated as ‘Great Benevolence’ month when the royal coronation of Saint Dr. MSG took place. On the pious 23rd of September, His Holiness bestowed us with the Great Benevolence by sending the pious letter. By sharing the special meditation timings, His Holiness said that between 4-5:30 AM and 6-7:30 PM He extends special prayers for all His disciples, and those who meditate during this time we will get divine bestowing for them from Satguru, Shah Satnam, Shah Mastan. His Holiness showered immense grace by saying that He keeps on praying for good health and prosperity in the good works of all the disciples. 

Tiranga Hoisting on Amrit Mahotsav

Guruji initiated three new welfare works during His stay in Barnawa Aashram. One was to keep one chapatti aside for cows & other animals, the second was to hoist Tiranga (Indian Flag) at homes and the third was to place mobile toilets on highways and public areas. For addressing further in the same regard, His Holiness instructed all to become part of ‘Amrit Mahotsav’ of the 75th Independence Day of India and hoist Tiranga in homes, and on vehicles and capture the moment while saluting it. Put the photos and videos on social media so that we can respect and pay reverence to our freedom fighters whose efforts brought freedom to us. Also, Guruji said that He will initiate the third welfare work after coming back.

14th Guru ka Patra on The Great MSG Union : christening of 'MSG Gurumantra Bhandara'

The divine 14th letter, read out to volunteers on 25-03-2023, multiplied their joys during the pious MSG Bhandara celebrations, commemorating the sacred bestowment of the method of meditation upon Saint Dr. MSG by Parampita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj.

Blessing the volunteers abundantly, Saint Dr. MSG shared that he had earlier declared 25th March as MSG Bhandara, as it was on this day in 1973 that he received the sacred 'GuruMantra' from Parampita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj. His Holiness further announced that, since the great Spiritual Masters Shah Satnam Ji and Shah Mastana Ji had also received the 'GuruMantra' in the holy month of March, 25th March would henceforth be celebrated as 'MSG Guru Mantra Bhandara'. Congratulating the devotees on this auspicious occasion, Guru Ji bestowed his blessings, wishing everyone new and unique divine joys.

Heartfelt Appreciation and Blessings for Mega Cleanliness Drives

Recalling the precious moments and highlights of his recent 40-day stay in UP, Guru Ji expressed his joy over two remarkable presents given by the volunteers on the joyous occasion of the 'Bhandara'. The first was the organization of a Mega Cleanliness Drive across the entire state of Haryana, completing the task in a record time of 5.5 hours. The second was the cleaning of the entire state of Rajasthan in just 6.5 hours, which is eight times larger than Haryana, marking the successful and remarkable completion of the great cleanliness yajna.

Blessing those who participated in the Mega Cleanliness Drives, Guru Ji said, 'For every single kilometre you traveled from your home to render this noble service, may the Lord bestow upon you as many unique joys and as many benefits in your work. His Holiness emphasized upon maintaining firm faith and adherence to the three principles.

An emphasis on unity

Referring to the decision to dissolve the political wing, revered Guru Ji stated that its formation and dissolution were autonomously decided by the volunteers, and he gave his blessings for their decision. Guru Ji emphasized that he was, is, and shall forever be the devotees' MSG Guru, urging his 65 million disciples to maintain unity and never allow it to be broken by anyone's influence or hearsay.

His Holiness gave his sacred promise to forever support the volunteers in every welfare work and noble deed, and to provide his eternal guidance.

Granting abundant blessings and endless love, Guru Ji’s letter filled every soul with joy and gratitude.

Commencing the 'Satsang Bhandara' and 'Uttam Sanskar' on the 75th Dera Sacha Sauda Foundation Day : Guru ka Patra 15

Congratulating on the 75th Foundation Day and 16th 'Jaam-E-Insan Guru Ka' Day, revered Saint Dr MSG bestowed his pious blessings upon all the volunteers. 

Abundant fruits of 'Naamcharcha' and 'Naamcharcha Satsang'

Revered Guru Ji showered his abundant grace upon the disciples by multiplying the fruits of 'Naamcharcha' organized in villages and blocks by hundreds of times. Furthermore, for attending and participating in Seva during the 'Naamcharcha Satsang' held at the 'Deras' the blessings would increase by thousands of times with each participation.

Respect for all religions and commencing the 'Uttam Sanskar' welfare initiative

Guru Ji emphasized the teachings of respect for all religions and the elimination of discrimination based on caste, which have been taught since 1948. His Holiness sermonized that those who fully adhere to these principles will be blessed with good health and divine rejuvenation by revered Shah Satnam Ji and Shah Mastana Ji. 

To instill moral values and virtues of humanity in the younger generation, Saint Dr. MSG launched the initiative 'Uttam Sanskar', encouraging parents to impart the teachings of humanity, human welfare, and nature care at least three days a week. The volunteers pledged to follow this initiative by chanting the holy slogan and received abundant blessings from His Holiness.

Revered Guru Ji asked the volunteers to promise to remain united in 'Naamcharcha' and 'Naamcharcha Satsang', while pledging their allegiance to their MSG Guru. In return, Guru Ji assured them that he has always been, is, and will forever be their MSG Guru. He also prayed to the Lord to grant them new spiritual, divine, and worldly happiness. Guru Ji further promised to continue guiding the volunteers, both in spiritual and physical forms.

The 'Satsang Bhandara'

Revered Guruji told that after establishing Dera Sacha Sauda on 29th April 1948, Shah Mastana Ji conducted the first ever Satsang in the month of May. Therefore, the last Sunday of May would be celebrated as 'Satsang Bhandara'.

The holy letter brought waves of joy to the hearts of devotees, filling their eyes with tears of love, as their souls’ yearning to see their Guru grew manifold.

Bestowing the Joys of 'Anaami' Saint Dr MSG blessed the Devotees: Guru ka Patra 16

Revered Guru Ji extended heartfelt wishes and divine blessings to all the devotees on the auspicious occasion of the 'Satsang Bhandara'.

The Unshakable and Eternal Sermons

Saint Dr. MSG said that every pious sermon delivered by him in the sacred forms of Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj and Parampita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj got fulfilled and are coming true. Similarly those being made by His Holiness in the form of MSG will also come 100% true. 
Revered Guru Ji urged the volunteers not to worry, reassuring them that the Almighty is listening to their prayers and will certainly fulfill them soon. Guru Ji encouraged everyone to meditate, participate in Akhand Simran, Naamcharcha, and Satsang Naamcharcha, to serve humanity and aid the destitute to the fullest extent possible, assuring that the Lord will undoubtedly grant their legitimate desires soon enough.

Divine Sermons full of Blessings on Satsang Bhandara

Referring to the remarkable participation of over 10 million volunteers on the Foundation Day Bhandara and Jaam-E-Insan Guru Ka celebrations, Guru Ji showered abundant blessings, stating that for those who participated in the 29th April Bhandara and the current Satsang Bhandara, may the Lord mark their attendance in the holy abode 'Anaami' and bestow upon them the divine joys of 'Anaami' in this world as well. Additionally, for the dedicated servitors who have been selflessly serving, the Lord will grant twice the joys of 'Anaami' and bless them with increased interest and focus in meditation.

'With firm adherence to the principles, whatever you will ask of MSG Guru, I will pray to the Lord and get that granted. I will bestow so many oceans of benevolence, that you won't even be able to contain them.'

Precious Tears of Devotion and Divine Love

Expressing his deep love for all the devotees, revered Guru Ji shared that he remembered them constantly and prayed for them to Satguru every moment. His Holiness said that every teardrop of longing and love shed by the devotees upon hearing his letters was more precious than diamonds, and was accepted at the Lord's holy feet, whereupon the Lord immediately enriched them with divine wealth. Guru Ji mentioned that witnessing the devotees' emotions made him sentimental as well, and he prayed for the Lord Almighty to grant them the highest possible joys and happiness.

Sacred Moments and Heart-warming memories of 22-23 September 1990 : Guru Ka Patra 17

Giving profound love and divine blessings to the devotees on the sacred 33rd 'Mahaparopkar Bhandara', revered Saint Dr MSG emphasized on continuous meditation (Akhand Simran) and attending Naamcharcha twice a week in his sacred 17th letter.

Revered Guru Ji shared some deeply personal, touching and emotional moments from 22 and 23 September 1990, when Parampita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj had called upon Saint Dr MSG to declare him his successor.

On the evening of 22nd September, in the sacred 'Tera Vaas', Parampita Ji made Saint Dr MSG sit in front of him and inquired about the well-being of His Holiness and their family. Parampita ji then asked revered father of Saint Dr MSG if he wanted to say something.
With folded hands and extreme devotion, Bapu ji urged, that Saint Dr MSG was his everything and since he had been called, their wealth and property may be taken and a room be granted to them, where they would stay and get the divine sightings of Parampita Ji and revered Saint Dr MSG, every morning and evening. 
Upon hearing this, Parampita Ji was extremely pleased and touched, and responded that he had already taken their most precious treasure and desired nothing more. Parampita Ji guided revered parents to take care of the little children (of Saint Dr MSG), and promised that whenever they will remember or call them (pointing towards himself and Saint Dr MSG), they would come.

Blessing them, revered Parampita Ji said, 'From today, I enrich Him with the spiritual treasure of both worlds. He will henceforth dedicate himself to all the spiritual works." Saying this, Parampita ji placed his pious hand on Saint Dr MSG's head and patted the shoulder.

Furthermore, revered Guru Ji shared the heartfelt and profound conversations, where Parampita Ji assured that He Himself would be the one orchestrating and accomplishing everything.

The Royal Coronation Day: 23rd September 1990

On the divine day of Royal Coronation, 23-09-1990, Parampita Shah Satnam Singh Ji adorned Saint Dr MSG with a garland, and while giving the sacred prasad, proclaimed, 'From now on, it's not you, but I who will work through you. We were, we are, and we shall always be.', and reiterated these sermons to all the servitors and disciples numerous times. Parampita Ji also added, ‘I would continue doing spiritual work in this body for at least 50-60 years.’ 

Having shared these precious moments, revered Guruji gave his sacred word to beseech the Lord for blessing the devotees with oceans of joys, fulfill their greatest demand and promised to foster unity amongst volunteers upon coming back.

Celebrating the Golden Dawn of 105th MSG Incarnation Month : Guru ka Patra 18

The beautiful dawn of January 2024 brought with it abundant blessings of revered Saint Dr. MSG. Guru Ji congratulated the volunteers on the advent of sacred Incarnation Month of Parampita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj, and on the New Year. 

His holiness mentioned two lines from a bhajan written by Parampita Ji, emphasizing the wisdom and principles of Dera Sacha Sauda encapsulated within them.

'There are two deeds that one must do in this birth - meditate upon Lord's name and selfless love for all,
Never hurt anyone's feelings, always remember death, and be afraid of the Lord.'

His Holiness mentioned that to multiply the joys of services done during the Bhandara month, the volunteers must adhere firmly to the three principles and have firm faith upon their Guru and Guru's sermons, and it would lead to exponential growth of their happiness. 
Guruji once again affirmed, 'I was I am and I will be your Guru, forever'.

Revered Saint Dr. MSG encouraged the volunteers to provide treatment to mentally unstable or handicapped people who were lost, and reunite them with their families, stating that serving man is akin to serving Lord. 

New Welfare Intiative: Sahara-E-Insan

Drug abuse has tragically claimed the lives of countless young individuals, leaving their families devastated. To support such grieving families who have lost their only child to drug addiction, revered Guru Ji urged volunteers to extend financial assistance and care, and provide solace by visiting their homes collectively.

Guru Ji named this initiative as 'Sahara-E-Insan'. His Holiness urged the volunteers to take this pledge by chanting the holy slogan and sermonized that Lord will grant abundant and unique joys to those who perform this service. 

Revered Guru Ji also stated that as a Guru, he would beseech Lord every moment to grant e-special joys to the volunteers in the  Bhandara.

The volunteers made a pledge towards the new initiative and nourished their souls with the divine sermons received in the pious Guru ka Patra.

Blessed and Heartfelt Wishes on the Foundation Day 2024 : Guru ka Patra 19

Blessing his millions of children with boundless love and congratulating them on the 'Foundation Day MSG Bhandara', revered Guru Ji sermonized that if the devotees firmly adhere to the three principles and maintain unwavering faith, Lord will lay the foundation of joy and merriment from the sacred 'Nijdham' in their homes, enriching them abundantly.

Guru Ji also shared that every day, between 3-5 am and 7-9 pm, he offers 'especial' prayers for the devotees, asking that the ferocious karmas, which are like mountains, transform into mere pebbles and get eradicated.

New Initiative: Caring for the Pet Animals

Often, cattle are abandoned once they grow old or are deemed no longer useful. To address this issue, revered Guru Ji launched a new initiative, urging volunteers to pledge against abandoning their pet animals and ensuring their proper care. He named this initiative 'Paltu Sambhaal' and encouraged devotees to take the pledge by chanting the holy slogan.  
His Holiness blessed everyone with happiness, mutual love, and good health for themselves and their families.

A Call to Increase the Passion of Service 

Guru Ji appreciated the passion and dedication with which the volunteers selflessly served humanity. He encouraged them to further enhance their efforts and ensure that their spirit of service never diminishes.

Filling millions of hearts with joy, Guruji revealed that he listens to every prayer and heartfelt conversation volunteers have with him.  
His Holiness shared that whenever devotees speak to him as their Guru or parent—be it lovingly or even to express complaints—once they calm down, he answers them all from within, with the grace of Parampita Ji. He also expressed that their happiness brings him immense joy.

When devotees encounter obstacles or karmic ailments and pray to their MSG Guru, His Holiness prays for them and sends his blessings to help eradicate those karmas. Guruji further mentioned that devotees may even sense their karmic diseases being dissolved.

Revered Guruji blessed the volunteers and expressed a deep gratitude to revered Masters Shah Mastana Ji and Shah Satnam Singh Ji for bestowing immense benevolence on the mankind by establishing Dera Sacha Sauda.

Pious Letters Brimmed of Holy Blessings!

The magical words filled with emotions and love for all disciples instilled all with deep affection. No words have the power to express the love of His Holiness. It can only be felt and disciples were feeling the acute love that His Holiness string together in His pious words. It’s the aftermath of His prayers and blessings that all are living comfortably, without facing any problem in their lives. 

His Holiness extended blessings by saying that He prays to Almighty for immense blessedness and happiness inside out for those beloved disciples who keep firm faith during these times. His Holiness further said that He keeps on praying for everyone’s well-being and will do it forever. 

Before sleeping at night and after waking up, Guruji blesses all and prays for everyone’s happiness and wellbeing. Just as Demoiselle Crane keeps its thoughts in its kids, we also keep our every thought in all our crores of beloved children. Also, His Holiness prayed to fulfill every legitimate demand of all the disciples. In the recent 12th pious letter, His Holiness urged all to pledge to stay united always and 100% follow the sermons.

Talking about lumpy skin disease that is proving dangerous for cows and making them hapless, His Holiness prayed for their wellness and extended prayers to the Almighty to give its solution to any doctor. His Holiness further stated that ‘Vachan, Daat, Parmarth’ is only of true Guru and none other can give it.

These letters are inevitably the boon for every disciple. These are unleashing spiritual values in every heart and their love for Almighty has grown manifold. We are deeply thankful to His Holiness for sending enormous blessings by wrapping them in these holy letters. We feel so fortunate on having His pious presence in our lives and are forever grateful and always pray for the wellbeing & good health of Guruji.