Apr 29, 2020
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13th Anniversary of Jaam-E-Insan Guru Ka | Nectar Of Humanity

13th Anniversary of Jaam-E-Insan Guru Ka: On 29th April 2007, a new history unfolded at Dera Sacha Sauda, where millions participated and made a pledge. That pledge was to stay true to humanity and always put humanity first. And that is when millions became true humans. Yes, this was the historic day when Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan started the unparalleled tradition of spiritual jaam. A jaam, which makes you remember your true purpose as human being, which connects you with the rest of the world and brings you out of the ditch of evils and makes your true human. A disciple is tied to 47 rules of humanity, and every rule is a way to cleans the human being of his inner evil habits, which is keeping him out of his true potential. Also, this "Jaam" has been initiated to bring the people out of the differences of caste, creed, and religion and to make them recognize themselves as humans first. Followers use Insan as their last name, along with a locket with the symbol '1' after they partake the spiritual 'jaam'. This may be a very simple gesture but definitely goes a long way in reminding the person of his true identity as a human, and all of us are one and belong to one God. The 'jaam' is prepared while undertaking meditation on God's name by people from all the four religions i.e., Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, and Christian, along with Guru Ji to signify all religions are one and they are just different of forms of the same identity. When inhuman tendencies were on their rise and caste, and religious differences were overtaking every field, it is then that Rev. Guruji decided to initiate ruhani jaam as a means to connect all with a common thread. And till date lakhs have partaken this ruhani jaam and pledged to stay away from all evils. Many have experienced changes in their lives for good, and as per Guru Ji's words, it as per one's feeling that this jaam will benefit them. This can even cure third stage cancer provided one has that feeling or Bhavna as they say. "jaisi jiski Bhavna vaisa hee fal de". Many are a witness to the above fact. https://youtu.be/28msxvzs17c

Humanitarian Initiatives for Seven Decades

It is indeed amazing how Guru Ji's initiatives have been a game-changer in the humanitarian space. He has been an advocate of serving society right from childhood. There are various incidents describing this very special quality of present Guru Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. This caravan of the holy confluence of humanity and spirituality grew day by day, and crores of people remain a part of this sacred work. In India, not only in the country but also abroad, these initiatives of the revered Guruji are giving impetus to the welfare of the society under the 134 works of humanity. Initiatives such as prostitute marriages, reintegration of 3rd gender in the mainstream, tree plantations, cleanliness, and blood donation drives. All this is the result of the holy teachings of Murshid beloved Saint Dr. MSG. Thus, this day of 29th April is celebrated every year in the Dera Sacha Sauda with a huge Bhandara. A unique tradition was also started by Guru Ji to celebrate functions of every religion on a single day like Diwali, Eid, Christmas, and Gur Purab by the Sadh-Sangat. Congratulations to the entire universe on the holy foundation day as it, on this day, 72 years ago, Dera Sacha Sauda was founded by Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj on 29th April 1948 and 13th 'Jaam-e-Insan Guru ka' anniversary. https://www.facebook.com/DeraSachaSauda.Org/photos/a.949308491750150/3462974030383571/?type=3 Carry on with the humanitarian work with utmost zeal and dedication Guru Ji's message to the world. It is requested to the followers to carry on the good works according to the word of their beloved Satguru. Rev. Guru Ji has taught the lesson of goodness to the devotees that every needy person, whether a human being or any animal, bird, they should be helped as much possible with their body, mind, and wealth. Just as the followers have already set examples of good works on a global scale, it is to this day that the work of service and goodness by Dera Sacha Sauda continues unabated. In the wake of Covid-19, too, followers are engaged day and night in serving society by distributing ration, masks, sanitizing areas in every part of the country and abroad also. Let's ensure nothing comes in the way of winning this fight against this deadly virus, and every life is brought to safety. Revered Guru Ji is proud of the virtuous and noble followers. Guruji keeps praying to God day and night for the society. Follow the path of teachings of your religion, as every religion preaches goodness and virtues, keep moving, keep going as per the teachings of his Holiness Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.