Jun 21, 2015
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18th Cleanliness Campaign held by Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing Volunteers, Illford, London

Sunday 21st June 2015: After organizing 17 Cleanliness Campaigns, The Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing, Volunteers, Illford, London, conducted another Cleanliness Campaign to free the areas from the clutches of Garbage and filth. 50 volunteers took part in this Event for cleaning a dirty and messy Alleyway on Highbury Gardens Road in Ilford Town in London. This alleyway was made with an intention for emergency services like Fire Brigade and Ambulance to pass from one point to other without any traffic. But the residents of the area along with the Shopkeepers have dumped all the waste and garbage from bricks, empty drums, tiles, metal plinths to Sofa, beds and all other kind of waste. Mr Russell ward from Redbridge council requested the warriors from Dera Sacha Sauda to clean this area. On Mr Russell's request the Volunteers (members of Dera Sacha Sauda), who are always awaiting such opportunities (its opportunity for these Volunteers as it's a chance to act on the sayings of their Master), simply took up the task right away and started the clearing work. Rob from Redbridge council was with the Volunteers throughout the Drive with a large Van to carry the filth. He showed his apprehension in completing the whole task in a day as it was a huge pile of waste. He even offered an extra day, if the Volunteers cannot complete in 1 day. But time becomes a slave in front of enthusiasm of these Volunteers. With extreme devotion and enthusiasm these Volunteers cleared the whole area in just 2 hours The Volunteers started cleaning the Alleyway and in record time of just 2 hours, they cleared the whole area accumulating 11500 KG (11.5 tonnes) of waste. DSS Volunteers cleaning the Alleyway Rob from Redbridge council had to empty his large Van 4 times and he said, "are the members crazy, they are all laughing, singing and having fun while picking up the dirt - salute to you all and your leader for such motivation and teaching". Indeed it is with the inspiration and blessings of Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, that the Volunteers can engage in such Welfare Works for the sake of Humanity. It is worth mentioning that the Cleanliness Campaigns carried by these Volunteers under the aegis of Dera Sacha Sauda, are run very systematically with teams being formed to look after various areas, needing attention like dry waste, cleanliness of Nullahs and segregation of waste. One area, which is unique about these Campaigns is that the Volunteers educate the locals about the importance of cleanliness and various ways to maintain the same and even convince them to take pledges to maintain cleanliness in future. This is done by filling out pledge forms, which reiterates the whole exercise. With more than 29 Cleanliness Campaigns extending all parts of India, right from Puri in Orissa, The holy Ganges, to the latest being held in Mumbai, Cleanliness Campaigns held by Dera Sacha Sauda have been a model to achieve the nation wide Campaign of 'Swacch Bharat Abhiyan'.