Dec 15, 2014
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23rd Mega Free Eye Camp 2nd Day Glimpses at Shah Satnam Ji Dham, Sirsa

Until afternoon of second day of the camp, 390 patients were planted with lens

1114 patients identified for operation, 9051 eye patients tested

Till 14th Dec,2014 , the Sunday, a total of 9051 patients were tested in the 23rd 'Yaad-E-Murshid Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh JiMaharaj' Free Eye Health Screening and Operation Camp set up under the National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB), in the sacred memory of His Holiness Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj. Out of these tested patients, 4046 were male patients and 5005 were female patients. The doctors who came from various states of the country identified 1114 patients for operation which comprised of 512 were male patients and 602 female patients. In the modern operation theaters of the Shah Satnam Super Speciality Hospital, operations were performed on a total of 390 eye patients of which 243 were male and 147 were female patients.

The patients who were selected for the operation were operated upon in 6 number modern operation theaters of the Shah Satnam Super Speciality Hospital. In each operation theater, two eye specialist doctors operated upon patients on two tables. A total of 6 teams of doctors were working in 6 operation theaters.

In the 23rd 'Yaad-E-Murshid Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj' Free Eye Health Screening and Operation Camp, the patients after the operation were made to stay in the wards set up in the Shah Satnam Super Speciality Hospital which were equipped with all the latest and all possible modern facilities. There were separate wards for the male and female patients. In these wards too, the patients were further segregated and kept separated on the basis of left and right eye patients. In the wards, the para-medical staff of the Shah Satnam Super Speciality Hospital worked in tandem with thousands of volunteers of the Shah Satnam Green S Welfare Force Wing volunteers to render the selfless services to the eye patients. The hospital staff and the Shah Satnam Green S Welfare Force Wing volunteers provided the patients with the meals, drinks, medicines etc and provided the complete welfare of the patients with utmost care.

Gets internal happiness:

Jasveer Kaur, a resident of Dabwali, who is working as staff nurse in the Shah Satnam Super Speciality Hospital says that usually the people do not even bother to take care of their own parents but after coming to Dera Sacha Sauda institution, she is inspired by the revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan to move on the path of humanity. With tears in her eyes, she says that because of the revered Guruji, she is proud to serve the old age patients who have come from different parts of the country. She said to serve these patients was equivalent to serving one own father and mother. She further said that doing such selfless service bring immense internal happiness and peace which cannot be brought from elsewhere.

Even at own homes, such service is not received:

Mr. Om Parkash , resident from Shamli, U.P says that they are being served with utmost care in the Shah Satnam Super Speciality Hospital . The care services received at the eye camp is not even received from their own children. The hospital staff helps them to eat their food, drink water, take their medicines and even accompany them to toilets.

No one gets disheartened in the camp:

The Ludhiana resident Mr. Gurdeep Singh says that in the camps set up the Dera Sacha Sauda institution, no patient gets disheartened. In these camps, the famous doctors of the country take part. The patient is provided treatment according to actual needs. The one who needs spectacles is provided with spectacles, the one who needs medicines is provided with medicines and the one who needs to be treated with operation, is operated upon.