Mar 25, 2014
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The 4th Kisan Mela in Dera Sacha Sauda brought a message of Green Revolution

The two day 4th Farmer and Agricultural New Technology Fair (Kisan Mela) organized by Dera Sacha Sauda on 24th-25th March 2014 brought the grand message of a Green Revolution to provide knowledge to farmers about the latest developments in farming techniques and to encourage organic farming. Farmers from Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh visited the fair to have a look at the agriculture products, tools, pesticides and the latest techniques. Spread across 30 acres, the 4th 'Farmer and Agricultural New Technology Fair' was inaugurated by His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan by joining the ribbons. Revered Guru Ji keenly examined all the 78 stalls set up at the fair. Apart from the latest technological farming tools, stalls of seeds, traditional farming devices, farming tools and awesomely designed cars invented by Guru Ji, and games like tractor and dog race. Revered Guru Ji mentioned that in future Dera Sacha Sauda will engage in marketing of organic farming and will also honor farmers who do organic farming.

Revered Guru Ji visited each & every stall and inquired about the agricultural products and tools exhibited in the Fair. Agricultural products, Organic fruits, vegetables brought from different ashrams, herbal medicines, dairy products and products related to the care of animals were exhibited in the Fair. Besides it, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar and companies manufacturing various farming tools also set up their stalls in the Fair. Farmers showed particular interest towards 'S7' named a new variety of wheat developed by Dera Sacha Sauda. S7 seeds have received gold medal in Haryana and the crop produced through this seed yields 150 to 190 grains in one strand and it looked like a corn cob. In the fair, the stall named 'save the heritage' also attracted the onlookers in which the affluent traditional heritage of Haryana, Punjab was brought to life and objects used in traditional times were decorated. Along with all this, stalls of traditional games like catapult (Gulel), aiming with marbles (Kanche) were also organized for the entertainment of farmers.

On the occasion of the inauguration of 4th Agriculture and New Technology Fair (Kisan Mela), Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan stated that this fair is organized with the main aim of creating awareness in farmers so that they make use of new techniques of farming. In the present age, agriculture is considered to be a worthless occupation, but if farming is adopted using the latest techniques then it can be very profitable and will help the country. Agriculture scientists were also called in the fair that provided farmers with important information. Revered Guru Ji said that in this fair, many techniques like a system to reuse water, generating electricity from fodder-cutting machine and routing water by using a halt to the tubewell which is also used to generate electricity and many other techniques are exhibited.

His Holiness said that cultivation of medicinal herbs can provide good returns. If the government increases the rates of organic products by two or three times than other ones, then the farmers in the country would opt for organic farming. Even if organic farming yields only 50 or 70% of the yield one gets from the use of pesticides, it will still be profitable. Diseases will be eradicated by consumption of organic products. HE further said that whatever glossy vegetables we eat or which doesn't contain worms, are actually poison for us. They are sprayed with pesticides. Nation should encourage organic farming.

Revered Guru Ji commanded the farmers to adopt new techniques in farming. HE told that instead of sowing routine crops like cotton, rice, farmers must opt for medicinal herbs. If the seeds of herbs are made available on subsidies and if they are properly marketed, then returns can be multifold. If the vegetables are sown at home itself, then much of your expenses can be curtailed. If vegetables like pumpkin, bottle gourd etc. are grown at home, then your expenses on vegetables can be reduced. You can also plant vegetables under gooseberry, berries etc., which can be helpful to manage many household expenses.

Revered Guru Ji mentioned that grains should be stored at higher places where humidity and air cannot creep in and scientific methods should be used. Along with this, food grains can be stored safely by putting Neem leaves in them.

Revered Guru Ji said that if government increases the price of organic crops three or four times, then automatically farmer's interest will shift towards organic farming.

His Holiness made a call to farmers to stay united and affluent farmers should help small farmers, then the system would change soon. Farmer organizations should also think about the benefit of farmers.

Revered Guru Ji mentioned that a book will be prepared with the advice of agricultural scientists. HE informed that Dera bought barren lands in Faltan, Maharashtra which was considered to be haunted place. Volunteers dug pits there, filled them with soil and dug a well too and planted pomegranate and banana trees. Today that place is at first position in the whole Maharashtra. When His Holiness visited again there, more than 50% people had started growing fruits like banana, pomegranate etc.

On this occasion Revered Guru Ji said that a people's representative should be the one who does virtuous deeds. Who becomes a part of the society and doesn't spread hatred & jealousy. One who works for building a addiction-free country, eradicating female feticide, banning non-vegetarian food in the country. Politics should be as per the religious teachings as all religions provide the same teachings. All the religions forbid trickery, dishonesty, addiction, meat and if the religious teachings are adopted in the right way then everybody will be benefited.

Further, HE said that any farmer who practices organic farming, Dera Sacha Sauda will provide marketing facility to them. Organic products will make people healthier. Besides this, farmers practicing organic farming will also be honored.

To protect crops from insects and moths, Revered Guru Ji recommended the medicines being prepared through ayurvedic and other means. Also, vermicompost can be used. Even fodder provided to the cattle should also be organic.

Elaborating on "Save the Heritage" stall, Revered Guru Ji said that it is a humble effort to preserve our cultural and village heritage. His Holiness said that our heritage is the healthiest of all and many farming techniques are invented here in the ashram. In old times seeds, were sowed with plow and since that was not Iron Age, bamboo or other empty material was tied in which grains were put.

Cautioning the farmers about the duplicate seeds present in market due to which they incur loss, Revered Guru Ji said that they should always buy seeds from certified shops. Buy seeds from the places which you trust and if you can arrange the seeds prepared by yourself that would be the best.

HE further mentioned that at HIS birthplace Shri Gurusar Modia also, HE had planted trees like oranges, kinnow etc. instead of traditional farming which nobody else followed initially. This way the yield is 70% more there.

His Holiness also said that in the present era, addictions have made the society void and no section is left untouched from this vice. All the religions condemn intoxicants. HE asked the farmers to stay away from intoxicants and if they really want to intoxicate themselves, they should get addicted to God's Name which will never end.

On this occasion, Revered Guru Ji mentioned that a new initiative has been started in Dera Sacha Sauda where left over bones and ashes (asthi) of human beings are mixed with soil and animal manure which is then used to plant trees. This will be beneficial for the society and will combat pollution too. People will also come out of hypocrisy.

Tractor Competitions and Dogs Race attracted everyone:

After Revered Guru Ji examined the Fair, a 'pulling competition' was organized in the presence of His Holiness, in which two tractors of different companied but with the same horse power had to pull each other in opposite direction. It was witnessed by people with great interest and excitement. Along with this, a dog's race of different foreign breeds was also center of attraction, where 'grey hog' breed of dogs rocked the show. After that students of Shah Satnam Ji Educational Institutes presented a colorful cultural program. Famous punjabi folk singer Pargat Bhagu sang a song "Kisan Mela, Kisan Mela" in the presence of His Holiness which was appreciated by audience a lot. Revered Guru Ji's stage was decorated with farming tools and the table was given the form of an ox-pulled cart, which was looking just awesome.