Feb 29, 2024
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64th Great Benevolence Day Brought Divine Grace and Blessings for All| Congratulations on the Arrival of MSG Maha Rehmokaram Diwas

The transfer of spiritual powers is predetermined and occurs by divine decree. It is not within human capacity to confer such holy grace upon another; rather, the individual who receives such divine powers is predestined.

In the annals of Dera Sacha Sauda's history, this divine transition occurred on February 28th, 1960, when Revered Sai Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj bestowed spiritual wealth upon Revered Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj.

This 28th of February holds profound significance in the realm of spirituality. It bestowed upon all a benevolent master whose care and benevolence transcend all boundaries.

Sai Ji's Indications of Revered Shah Satnam Ji's Magnificent Charisma

The childhood name of Revered Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj was Harbans Singh Ji. One day, during a spiritual congregation in Gadrana village, Revered Sai Ji circled a footprint and proclaimed, "O children! Let me show you the footprint of God." Among those disciples present, one remarked (as he knew), "This footprint belongs to Sardar Harbans Singh Ji, the son of landlord Varyam Singh Ji." To this, Sai Ji responded, "I don't know about any landlord or Sardar. What I know is that this is the footprint of God."

A similar spiritual revelation occurred when Sai Ji bestowed the Method of Meditation to Shah Satnam Ji. Whenever Revered Shah Satnam Ji approached Sai Ji for Gurumantra, Sai Ji always deferred, saying, "There's no divine decree yet to impart the method of meditation to you."

However, on the 14th of March, 1954, during a spiritual congregation at Anami Dham, Ghukkanwali, Sai Ji declared, "Today, it is the divine decree to impart the method of meditation to you, Sardar Harbans Singh Ji. Go inside, sit near my chair, I am coming soon." As there was no space near Sai Ji's pious chair, Shah Satnam Ji sat wherever space was available. Upon entering the room, Sai Ji called Shah Satnam Ji to sit beside His chair and declared, "Today, I am imparting to you the Method of Meditation by seating you nearby, because you will be assigned some important divine tasks. I will make you a spiritual leader, who will guide the world in reciting Gurumantra."

Such incidents had been foretold by Sai Mastana Ji, yet it is challenging for a layperson to comprehend the depth of a saint's actions. However, at the right time, everything becomes clear to the world.

The Blessed Coronation Day- 28th February 1960

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived when this divine revelation was unveiled to the world. Revered Sai Ji proclaimed Shah Satnam Ji as the custodian of his lineage and showcased his divine aura to the entire world. However, as spiritual trials are not everyone's forte, Shah Satnam Ji also underwent numerous tests formed by Sai Ji to demonstrate to the world about unwavering dedication, profound devotion, and love a disciple can have for his true master, forsaking all worldly attachments.

Following these rigorous spiritual tests, Sai Ji bestowed upon Sardar Harbans Singh the name 'Satnam,' symbolizing the truth that the world had been seeking. Sai Ji designated Param Pitaji as the embodiment of the divine, proclaiming his role in undertaking significant divine deeds for the betterment of society at large.

Then, on the auspicious day of February 28, 1960, a historic moment unfolded. Sai Ji instructed ten devoted sewadars to respectfully escort Shah Satnam Ji from the sacred Terawaas to the stage. Upon his arrival, Sai Ji seated Shah Satnam Ji on the divine stage and adorned him with garlands made of currency notes. Sai Ji proclaimed, "The world has chanted 'Satnam-Satnam' unto death. Has anyone seen him? The Satnam whom the entire world has invoked yet never seen, is HE (pointing towards Shah Satnam Ji). He is the Satnam upon whose support the entire cosmos, realms, and universes stand."

This sacred day unveiled the true divine power and charisma of Revered Shah Satnam Ji, celebrated worldwide as 'Maha Rehmokaram Diwas' or 'Great Benevolence Day.' Disciples were blessed with a spiritual master whose benevolence and love transcended all bounds. Shah Satnam Ji always preached, "My disciples hold a place dearer to me than even my life and biological children. I incessantly pray for their well-being and prosperity, seeking blessings from the Almighty day and night."

Divine Commemorations of MSG Great Benevolence Day on 28th February 2024

The revered occasion of the sacred Gurugaddi Diwas of beloved Param Pitaji Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj was celebrated with grandeur and fervor at Dera Sacha Sauda. Millions of devotees from around the world gathered on Wednesday to commemorate the auspicious occasion of MSG Great Benevolence Day.

Revered Guru Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan blessed all the disciples across the country and abroad by getting Live from Shah Satnam Ji Ashram, Barnawa (U.P.). At Shah Satnam Shah Mastana Ji Dham and Manavta Bhalayi Kendra Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa, lakhs of disciples reached from all over Haryana state. Besides, in every state, there were some common stipulated places where Live Bhandara was telecasted.

Amidst changing weather patterns and brisk winds, the spiritual congregation remained engrossed in the divine discourses of Revered Guru Ji for hours. Everywhere, disciples of the True Master danced in joy.

Revered Guru Ji remarked that this is the divine place where anyone who comes with reverence and devotion has all their sorrows and worries alleviated, becoming blissful. Revered Guru Ji spoke about the significance of the Sacred MSG Maha Rehmokaram Bhandara, stating that the Revered Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj bestowed upon the world such a monumental humanitarian service that continues to shower blessings in the form of the MSG even today.

The cultural program was held a day before the Bhandara. The major highlight of this Bhandara event was that Revered Saint Dr. MSG was honored with the doctorate degree by American East Coast University, New York, USA. It was the fifth Doctorate degree to Revered Saint Dr. MSG for Guruji’s commendable work in saving 70 million people from drug menace by connecting them with the Method of Meditation. 

Revered Guruji launched the 162nd Welfare Work, the "Healthy Heart Campaign." Encouraging the disciples and everyone to opt for better health and fitness, Guruji initiated the campaign, emphasizing meditation, avoiding excessive reliance on processed or oily food, and abstaining from intoxicants & alcohol to maintain a healthy heart.

Through this campaign, the disciples pledged to adopt sugar-free diets, engage in meditation, and inspire others to do the same. Guruji remarked on the rising incidences of heart attacks due to adulterated food and substance abuse. Urging the disciples, Guruji advocated for meditation, spiritual contemplation, and avoiding fast food to preserve their health.

A special documentary was shown during the event organized on the auspicious occasion of the Sublime Bhandara MSG Maharahmokaram Day, which is celebrated as Gurugaddi Day by the Sadh Sangat. It highlighted February 28, 1960, the pious day when Revered Beparwah Sai Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj bestowed the sacred Gurugaddi upon the Revered spiritual leader, Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj, and manifested his divine form.

During the auspicious feast, Revered Guruji sang the bhajan "Sajda Hi Sajda Karte Hain, Naman Sabhi Ko Hum Karte Hain", which stirred the congregation deeply. The disciples enjoyed the beats and paid reverence to Guruji for blessing them with such divine moments!

As a special gesture from Revered Guruji for the congregation, the dry fruit laddoos from Papa Ki Rasoyi were served as Prasad, which added more delight to the event. Within moments, the congregation was served langar by the volunteers, and the prasad was distributed.

The Transformative Legacy of Revered Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj Guiding the World to Salvation

Revered Saint Dr. MSG, in his divine mission, has taken the congregation to such heights that Dera Sacha Sauda has become the center of people's faith. Guruji has tirelessly conducted thousands of congregations day and night in villages, towns, and cities across Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and other states, liberating more than 11 lakh people from vices, hypocrisy, and social evils by connecting them with the divine Almighty.

Through his holy teachings, conveyed through hymns, words, and discourses, he guides people on the path of righteousness.

Today, with the same mission, Revered Saint Dr. MSG is carrying the torch forward both nationally and internationally and has helped around 70 million people break free from their addictions, connecting them to the divine through the chanting of God’s name (Gurumantra). Presently, Shah Satnam Ji continues to work through the embodiment of Saint Dr. MSG, offering the path to salvation for the entire world.

We express our deepest reverence and gratitude to Guruji, whose love and guidance have positively impacted millions of lives. Greetings on the pious Great Benevolence Day!