Feb 1, 2025
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65th MSG Maha Rehmokaram Month - Honouring the Great Milestone in the Spiritual History

The pious month of February holds a great importance in the history of spirituality. The month is deeply revered by the Dera Sacha Sauda followers, as it was in February 1960 that Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, the founder of Dera Sacha Sauda revealed the divine power in the form of the second Spiritual Leader, Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj.

Today marks the advent of the 65th MSG Maha Rehmokaram Month, when Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj bestowed the great benevolence upon the entire world in the form of Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj - the divine light that is present eternally in this universe and beyond.

28th February 1960 was the day of royal coronation of Parampita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj. On this great day, Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj sermonized that he was presenting the same great power ‘Satnam’, whom the world prayed to and constantly sought. He further said that the whole universe, the planets, and the celestial bodies have been operating under the divine power of ‘Satnam’.

On September 23, 1990, during the royal enthronement of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj delivered profound words that had never been said in the annals of spirituality or humanity: “We were, We are, and We shall forever be.”

These statements unveiled the essence of his eternal divine presence, echoing sentiments previously expressed by Shah Mastana Ji on February 28, 1960.

Divine Teachings: The Foundation of 167 Welfare Works.

Parampita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj dedicated every breath and every moment to the welfare of mankind.

He travelled far and wide across the states of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, UP etc and connected nearly 12,00,000 people with the divine name of the Lord through ‘Gurumantra’, ‘Naam Shabad’ or method of meditation.

His simplicity, divine voice, love and acceptance touched the hearts and souls of millions of people. Every person who got his divine darshans would consider himself to be the most fortunate.

Through his sacred discourses, Param Pita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj effectively eradicated numerous societal vices, including drug addiction, the consumption of non-vegetarian food, discrimination based on religion or caste, domestic violence, hatred, ego, greed, dishonesty, and corruption.

His teachings inspired countless individuals to embrace a life of integrity and compassion, fostering a community committed to uplifting humanity and promoting a harmonious existence.

The homes that were akin to hell transformed into abodes of pure love.

Faces full of sorrows bloomed with joy.

Society began embracing the virtues of brotherhood and selfless service, gradually realizing that all religions are guiding lights toward the same Almighty

Parampita Ji nurtured the seed sown by Mastana Ji Maharaj - Dera Sacha Sauda, a confluence of all religions and a great spiritual college.

Through Parampita Ji’s divine blessings, it has become globally recognized as an organization that prioritizes humanity, serving selflessly worldwide.

Today, more than 65 million people are associated with the divine name of Lord, and serve selflessly while practicing integrity.

Parampita ji’s timeless sermons of meditating upon Lord’s name and practicing selfless love continue to echo in every heart.

इस जन्म में ये दो काम करो, इक नाम जपो और प्रेम करो,

किसी जीव का दिल दुखाना कभी, मौत याद रखो, मालिक से डरो।

‘In this lifetime, perform these two tasks: chant the Lord’s Name and love all. Never hurt any living being's feelings, remember death and fear the Almighty’.

Today, Dera Sacha Sauda undertakes 167 welfare initiatives aimed not only at serving humanity but also at conserving nature and protecting our planet Earth from rising pollution.

These initiatives encompass a wide range of activities, including:

  • Empowering Women and Girls: Protecting and uplifting the girl child and women by providing education, vocational training, self-defense classes, etc.
  • Rights for the Third Gender: Providing legal recognition and constitutional rights.
  • Environmental Initiatives: Organizing Mega Cleanliness Drives, Mega Tree Plantation Drives, energy conservation initiatives, and pledges against pollution.
  • Support for the Impoverished: Assisting those in need by providing monthly rations, medical treatments, and nutritious food kits for destitute pregnant women.


The great power of Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj continues to guide us in the form of the current Master and 3rd Spiritual Leader of Dera Sacha Sauda, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

As we welcome the month of great benevolence, the sacred 65th Maha Rehmokaram Month, let’s reaffirm our commitment to following Parampita Ji’s sacred teachings diligently with unwavering faith. Let’s embrace the values of selfless love and service, and celebrate this month by doing welfare works.

Heartiest congratulations to the entire universe on the 65th MSG Maha Rehmokaram Month.