Apr 30, 2021
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73rd Foundation Day of Dera Sacha Sauda: Volunteers Distributed 73,000 COVID Prevention Kits

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan came forward to aid COVID patients - Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers distributed 73,000 COVID Prevention Kits, Revered Guruji helped 100 families by himself - Every possible support will be extended to Corona Warriors fighting COVID-19

73rd Foundation Day Dera Sacha Sauda & 14th anniversary of 'Jaam-E-Insan Guru Ka'

Sirsa | The 73rd anniversary of the spiritual foundation day of Dera Sacha Sauda and the 14th anniversary of 'Jaam-E-Insan Guru Ka' on Thursday was dedicated to the welfare of humanity. On this auspicious occasion, Online spiritual congregation was organized at Shah Satnam Ji Dham, which was viewed by millions of devotees across the country and abroad. Adhering to the guidelines for COVID-19, devotees benefited by listening to Revered Guruji's pious sermons while staying at their homes only.

Distribution of COVID Prevention Kits

Covid Prevention Kits distribution on the occasion of 73rd DSS Foundation day 01   On the holy day, COVID prevention kits were given to 100 needy families by Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, each of which includes a steamer, mask, sanitizer, MSG immunity boost (decoction), Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C tablets. Along with this, DSS volunteers of several blocks distributed 73,000 such kits to help the COVID-19 patients, as a method to celebrate the joy of 73rd Foundation Day.

What's there in the Spiritual Letter?

spiritual letter - DSS 73rd Foundation Day During the spiritual congregation, the 'spiritual letter' sent by Revered Guruji was read out. In the spiritual letter, Revered Guruj wrote that the coronavirus pandemic is spreading manifold but do not panic, just follow the guidelines issued by the government. Completely abide by the suggestions we gave through previous letters and those which we are going to tell you now. Grind twigs & leaves, 100 gram each of Neem and Giloy every morning, put them in 2 liters of water, take steam for 25 long breaths or for two minutes. Through the letter, Revered Guruji appealed to the disciples to provide Ambulance services for the corona patients. Abiding by the directions given in the spiritual letter, the disciples pledged to distribute kinnows, oranges, lemon water & fruits to the Corona Warriors - doctors, nurses, police and ambulance drivers. Moreover, they will salute the Corona Warriors for their exceptional services and will fully support them.

Virtual Doctor Assistance for Covid Related Information

Also, Revered Guruji guided to make a website of Dera Sacha Sauda, "‹"‹on which a disciple doctor would be available all the time, so that anyone seeking information about Coronavirus can get it from him online.

Everyday Prayer

It is noteworthy that Revered Guruji sermonized a prayer for the devotees to be spoken every day before the meditation. 'Oh Satguru Ji! Give the remedy to save the whole world from Coronavirus in the minds of scientists and doctors, so that Coronavirus gets 100 percent eradicated.'