Jul 29, 2014
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82nd Free Medical and Voluntary Blood Donation Camp on 2nd August 2014

A Ruhani Satsang by Revered Guru Ji on August 3, 2014

A Regular Monthly Free Medical Camp (Jan-Kalyan Parmarthi Shivir) along with a Voluntary Blood Donation Camp is scheduled to be organized on 2nd August 2014 by Shah Satnam Ji Research and Development Foundation under the auspices of Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. The camp will be inaugurated by His Holiness Guruji by "joining of ribbons," a practice customary and unique to this institution.

Specialist and super specialist doctors will render their services free of cost for heart, cancer and diabetic patients. Besides, Gynecologists, ENT specialists, ophthalmologists and dentists would also extend helping hand for the needy patients.

Free legal aid will be provided by senior advocates under the welfare program "Free Entitlement" on 2nd August 2014. All those who seek aid are requested to carry all their documents with them.

Noteworthy, every month a free blood camp is organized here for Indian Army. Schedule:

Date: 2nd August , 2014 (Saturday)

Time: 8:00 AM

Venue: Sachkhand Hall, Shah Satnam Ji Dham, Sirsa (HR)

Note: - Registration for the camp will be started from 31st July , 2014 in the Dispensary, Shah Satnam Ji Dham. Patients are requested to bring old prescription slips, X-rays, MRI etc. with them. For further enquiries please contact us on 01666-238659.

Subsequent to the Spiritual Voyage of Revered Saint Gumreet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan in different states on India, a Ruhani Satsang is scheduled to be organized on August 3, 2014 at Shah Satnam Ji Dham, Sirsa. His Highness Guruji will bless seekers with the method of meditation and Jaam-E-Insan.