Sep 23, 2022
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A Day When Divine Radiance Illuminated the Whole World with Its Light: 23rd September

Every year, 23rd September is celebrated with great zeal and gusto in Dera Sacha Sauda. The view there looks so beautiful as if God has brought down heaven on the earth. Followers of Dera Sacha Sauda celebrate it with enthusiasm, devotion and love. The golden moment happened on 23rd Sep, 1990 when Param Pita Ji declared Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji as the next spiritual master of Dera Sacha Sauda. To acknowledge this event, Dera Sacha Sauda celebrates this day as a day of benevolence (Maha Propkar Diwas) each year.

Saint MSG - Gift of Humanity to This World

We all understand the importance of a teacher in every field. Without a master it is quite impossible to achieve any kind of knowledge. So, when we need a Guru for worldly knowledge, then moving a step in spirituality is very much impossible without spiritual Master’s directions. The primary purpose of the Guru is to illuminate the lives of His disciples. And after getting their master, Saint MSG, the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda always thank the Supreme power for giving them such an incredible Guru who always fulfill their desires and heal their wounds in an instant. Following the teachings of their Spiritual Master and guide, humanity becomes their religion as well as duty.
Dera Sacha Sauda is the holy spiritual place, where people of all religions can sit together, worship God and this caravan is growing with the teachings of Guru Ji. Isn't it a wonder, where common people are moving towards drugs and evils; at the same time, Dera Sacha Sauda followers are not only giving up drugs and evils themselves, but following the holy teachings of their Guruji, they are also making other people freed from drugs and other vices and assimilating them in the humanitarian works. It is truly a blessing to have such a Guru on the earth, whose one call brings millions of people forward towards the humanitarian tasks. This is indeed a gift of humanity from the God to every creature. Saint MSG is like a torch which is always lit, no matter how dark it is, to show the right direction to the people.
Pious Teachings of Guru Ji gave us all strength to persevere

The day of benevolence was celebrated on 23rd Sep, 2022 at Dera Sacha Sauda, Ashram. Bhandara was organized on the same day. There were multitude of people who came from all across the Globe to show their devotion and to receive the rewards of peace and happiness. Every heart was filled with power and ultimate energy after hearing the holy hymns (bhajan) and they reached to the zone of contentment. After that the recorded satsang of was played and by listening to the mellifluous voice of revered Guru ji, they quenched the thirst of their soul. Langar was distributed among all the attendees in the blink of an eye.

Celebrating the Day of Coronation with Impressive List of Programs of Humanity

Though, there are thousands of ways to express happiness in this world, but the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda always express their happiness by connecting it with humanity. They do believe that the real meaning of happiness is giving smile and hope on the needy and sad faces, the heart can never be happier than that. So on this auspicious day of benevolence, they execute various humanitarian activities based on 142 works which have been running under the banner of Dera Sacha Sauda. At Dera Sacha Sauda, ration has been distributed to needy families. Proper nutritional Kits have been provided to ladies for their maternity. Even the Keys of a complete house built by the followers have been donated to needy people. These activities are not only carried out at Dera Sacha Sauda but have been wisely executed all over the world. Many devotees have celebrated it by planting trees and others have donated their blood to give tribute to their Spiritual Master. A couple of people distributed the essential items and clothes to the needy people where as lot of others have helped the old age and handicapped people by providing financial help and emotional support. Many have indulged in building homes for poor families which in itself is such a noble deed as everybody has right to have shelter over their head. It is rightly said if you are in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity, so think and help the other 99 percent and this principle has been turning into reality in Dera Sacha Sauda. We all should get inspiration and motivation from Saint MSG and His followers so that we can host the flag of humanity with full zeal and proud.

God Can’t Be Everywhere in Physical Form So He Sends His Messenger in the Form of Spiritual Guru

Place of God is irrevocable, non-transferable, God is one and only supreme power but to reach to that Supreme power we need a guide in physical and human form who can make us understand and to whom we can share our hurdles and suffering. To get such a guide in the form of a Spiritual Guru is the best thing we can have. But not every human being is capable of being at that place and the Guru can’t be recognized by the eyes of an ordinary person because it is not our choice but the choice of God to select his messenger and only the pious and holy soul can recognize them. The same event happened on 23rd September 1990 when Param Pita Ji recognized the divine power of the next master of Dera Sacha Sauda in Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji. Though words can’t express the gratitude we all have towards Guru Ji as it would have been impossible without him to have a light of hope for humanity and a better world. His pious teachings are making a great difference in this world. We can only bow our heads and take an oath that we will always follow the path illuminated and directed by him.