May 1, 2022
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Congratulations on 74th Ruhani Foundation Day of ‘The divine world of benediction- Dera Sacha Sauda'

The day ensued as the golden day in the history of Dera Sacha Sauda when Revered Sai Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj (Founder of Dera Sacha Sauda) laid its foundation and discovered a holy place of serenity and salvation. Since its inception, millions of Dera Sacha Sauda followers have found a common place to recite God’s words and attain salvation from not just the birth & death cycle but also from worldly woes. It's the place to awaken the soul’s voice and conscience. 

The Ruhani Foundation Day is the most auspicious occasion for the disciples of Dera Sacha Sauda and they commemorate the day by following the teachings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. 

Establishment of Dera Sacha Sauda

When Sai Mastana Ji set up Dera Sacha Sauda, it was completely barren land. Sai Ji used raw bricks and straws to make a small hut. The seekers used to come to Sai Ji and got blessed with immense blessings. At that time, the disciples told Sai Ji that this entire place is overrun by snakes and it would be harmful to all of us. However, the most tender-hearted Sai Ji sermoned ‘Do no harm to these creatures. They will not hurt you in return.’ Since that time, many cobras, scorpions, etc. infest here. By following the words of Sai Ji, no one harms them and in return, they also don’t hurt anyone. 

Sai Ji established Sacha Sauda which means to devote time to God’s name and true things without any pretense or hypocrisy. To obtain the way to salvation by giving own vices and evils, is the true bargain, thus called ‘Sacha Sauda’. This Sacha Sauda takes nothing in return but gives eternal peace and happiness. By getting true ‘Method of Meditation’ the disciples worship Ram, Allah, God, Khuda, Rab and attain salvation & everlasting delight. 

Sai Ji addressed people that the Lord always responds to the prayers quickly. If you remember Him and recall Him via meditation then He opens up the door of Eternal Abode and provides you immense happiness by solving all your problems. There’s indeed no other easy way of reaching Him. In ‘Sacha Sauda’ one can even get what was not in imagination. 

Today, people of every religion, class, or creed are welcomed in Dera Sacha Sauda, where they sit together and worship the Lord. 

Since 1948, it is spreading the coolness of spirituality and helped people to live life tension-free. Now Sai Ji is blessing people in His present form, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Under the guidance and motivation of His Holiness, this hub of spirituality and humanity is progressing by leaps & bounds and connecting maximum people with God’s name, making them true humans and providing ultimate happiness. 

Greatest Benediction for the Humans

The establishment of Dera Sacha Sauda is itself a blessing to all human beings. When Sawan Shah Ji Maharaj (Sai Mastana Ji’s Guruji) bestowed the spiritual powers to Sai Ji, He sermoned, “I have given you the Divine Form and the treasure that will never be at a loss”. He made Sai Ji the King of Bagad and instructed him to make a hut and show people the way to salvation by blessing them with the method of meditation. 

Furthermore, Sawan Shah Ji uttered, “Those who get connected to God’s words by You, will have one leg in this world and another one directly in the Eternal Abode. His soul will not wander or get deviated, instead, it will directly attain salvation.” 

This means those who get the ‘Method of Meditation’ from His Holiness will never fall into the vicious life & death cycle, instead, they will get true salvation in one go. It is indeed the greatest benediction for humans because we humans get birth with the prime purpose of meeting the Almighty and getting salvation. Only the wise ones decipher the secrets of spirituality and keep a keen eye for small details. 

Another benediction is the holy slogan ‘Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Aasra’, which was sanctioned by Sawan Shah Ji. This slogan subsumes enormous power and the one who recites it by heart sees wondrous results and is even saved from death. It's not an ordinary Nara or slogan, rather it's accepted in both the worlds. There are infinite examples of miracles that happened with disciples that testify to its truth. 

The Elixir to Save the Dying Humanity

To give strength to humanitarian activities, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan initiated ‘Jaam-E-Insan Guru Ka’ on 29th April, 2007. It proved as a golden step to awake the sleeping values in every heart. It turns the gravest of sinners into the noblest human beings illuminating the world with humanitarian deeds. 

Drinking this nectar was no less than a miracle for the disciples. The blind got their eyesight back, the dumb started imparting knowledge, cancer got cured and many other live examples demonstrate the power of Jaam. The immeasurable power made the impossible possible and brought success to even the failed projects by boosting willpower. However, these unbelievable results are purely based on one’s devotion. The more devotedly one drinks it, the more miraculous outcomes one enjoys. 

47 Rules: To lay foundation of noble society 

The 47 rules abiding by Jaam-E-Insan are enough to make a human realize their duties. The human body is superior to all. The prime purpose of taking a human birth is to meet the Almighty by meditating and performing welfare works. Unfortunately, rare are those who show these qualities of being a human. 

With the purpose of infusing great humanitarian values, making people realize the real purpose of taking human birth, and laying the foundation of noble society, Revered Saint Dr. MSG made 47 rules. These 47 rules are the pledges of extending every possible help to the needy ones. Everyone who drinks this nectar takes a vow of staying true to these rules and saves people from worries with all their might. In today’s era when people feel the lack of qualities of being human, these rules are surely teaching them the real virtues. 

It is a repository of ‘spiritual blessings but it is obtained by only those creatures who drink it with true devotion and feeling. The second important thing is to drink the Spiritual Nectar, after completing its initial process and after drinking it, wear the locket the symbol of the unity of religions. We are one and so is our God’ adorned with

‘Humanity is Our Religion’- Slogan of Millions

This initiative of Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan is giving life to the dead humanity. Today, millions are working on the agenda of extending every possible help to the destitute. Helping someone in need, removing their distress, sharing love, and kicking out their troubles, are the main agendas of these humanitarian warriors who are working selflessly around the corner. 

Whether that help is mentally, physically, or monetary, they make every attempt to ward off the worries of the people at large. The one who makes fun of someone in distress has devilish qualities. So, one must possess the qualities of a good human being. By making everyone realize their responsibilities, His Holiness has set its focus on making humanity proud in this self-centric world. 

Insan- An emblem of brotherhood and unity

The one who drinks this spiritual nectar affixes the word ‘Insan’ at the end of their name. It's not a different religion or caste. It simply means we are following the notion, “We all are one, and humanity is our caste”. To ward off the dreadful evils from the society that are parting ways with people on the basis of caste and religion, this ritual was initiated by Saint Dr. MSG. 

Humanitarian spirit setting new paradigms every day

To abolish all malpractices and to establish a healthy society, 138 welfare works have been initiated by His Holiness. The volunteers are raising bars in humanitarian deeds across the globe. This sacred day will also be celebrated by performing various welfare works. It’s the day of origin of Dera Sacha Sauda, the spirituality hub that introduced welfare works and showcased the path to serve society. So this pious day also marked varied noble deeds to keep humanity alive and save people from worries. Here’s a sneak peek of it!

  • 29 ration kits to destitute families
  • 29 nutrition kits to destitute pregnant women
  • 29 cloth kits to underprivileged
  • 29 sewing machines to needy women
  • 11 tricycle to the destitute
  • 529 bird feeders to save birds
  • 18 Free newly constructed homes to needy

With these welfare works, Dera Sacha Sauda is extending every possible help and making it easy for the people to survive. Besides couples tie knots without demanding dowry and these marriages are giving the message to society to ward off this social evil. 

Moreover, marriages of devout warriors have solemnized wherein the well-educated girls married handi-capped boys and become their lifetime support. Moreover, braveheart devout warrior boys married divorced/ handi-capped girls, thereby giving the best message to society. To reintegrate tribals with mainstream society, and remove evils & orthodox thoughts, marriages of tribals were solemnized. They now get married at their legal age and don’t follow the wrong traditions.

10th pious letter added new magic of joys

The best part of the event was the 10th pious letter by His Holiness, another favor to the disciples. Everyone was spellbound and teary eyes were clearly demonstrating their devotion and reverence towards His Holiness. This letter was again a prized possession for them. 

Guruji gave blessings to all for the pious Ruhani Foundation Day of Dera Sacha Sauda and abolished all rumors and negativity with holy soothing words. Guruji urged all to never slander anyone or say anyone bad. Spread love and positivity everywhere. One new welfare work has been initiated by Guruji to take care of the old age people. Usually children abandon their parents and send them to old age homes. 

For them, new welfare work, “Service to orphan senior citizens” has been initiated. All the disciples pledged for the same. They will do every possible help to them and selflessly do every effort to ease out their lives. Everyone pledged to follow each sermon of Revered Guruji and become an ideal disciple by always following the teachings. The wishes and blessings by His Holiness were an ultimate present for all. The love and care of Guruji for each of His disciples are simply beyond words.        

We bow down to our true spiritual leaders for paving our ways and making us humanitarian warriors. This spiritual hub has given us infinite reasons for happiness and made us so fortunate for connecting with the truth. This holy spiritual tree is giving shadow to all of us and saving us from the scorching heat of negativity, hatred, and envy. We are forever beholden to Revered Guruji for creating this college and shaping us in the right molds.