Jan 2, 2022
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Greetings on Advent of 103rd Holy Incarnation Month of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj!

No words hold power to praise the paranormal personality sent by Almighty on the earth for a divine purpose. His unique ways, thoughts, and actions are meant for the upliftment of society. It's impossible to discern the reasons behind His actions.

The incarnation of this supernatural power turns into a divine aura for all the disciples. Following the divine orders of God Almighty, Revered Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj incarnated on earth on January 25, 1919. His Holiness removed shackles of evils and saved souls from drowning in the slough of negative power. The most benevolent charisma of Param Pitaji took away all sorrows & woes of people and provided them eternal happiness! His Holiness dedicated his entire life to uplift humanity and emancipate souls from the birth & death cycle.

The messiah of humanity, spiritual guide, and inspiration of millions, Revered Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj took birth in January month to bring revolution in the society. This month brings enormous pleasure to devotees and they celebrate every day & every moment wholeheartedly!

Deep Devotion in God Since Childhood!

Having an acute interest in spirituality, Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj was quite devotional since childhood. He regularly heard Gurubaani quite attentively and read it as well repeatedly. In the search of truth and meeting God, His Holiness visited several spiritual leaders and sages. He was looking for a perfect spiritual master who can teach the true Method of Meditation and showcase the way to salvation.

In this journey of finding the truth, His Holiness met with the true Spiritual Leader, Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj and after getting completely satisfying, His Holiness devoted Himself completely to Sai Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj! Since then, His Holiness committed Himself to spirituality and presented the example of a true disciple before the world!

Continuous Arduous Tests by Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj to Hand Over Spiritual Powers!

 Revered Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj took numerous tests of Shah Satnam Ji before handing over the spiritual reign. It's not easy to understand the strange ways, however, each test is a part of the divine process being carried to choose the next successor!

Demolishing buildings and giving the duty to Param Pitaji to carry the debris of these demolished buildings, then reconstructing Dera of Gadarana and keeping Him busy in collecting & transporting debris.

Not just this, Sai Ji ordered to demolish the personal home of Shah Satnam Singh Ji and take all the items to Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa. Fully committed to Sai Ji, Shah Satnam Singh Ji without thinking about anything, obeyed every single word of Sai Mastana Ji. It might seem simple but in reality, we can’t find this level of dedication and courage in anyone. On one call, Shah Satnam Ji himself broke the entire house and carried all the material to Dera Sacha Sauda.

Still, tests were not complete. Sai Ji after watching the heap of belongings, ordered to keep it outside Dera premises and take care of it yourself. In that cold drizzle weather with chilled breezes, Param Pitaji without thinking for even a second took out all the goods and took care of it the whole night. In the morning, He donated all items to people and then attended a spiritual congregation.

This way, several strenuous tests were conducted. However, His Holiness obeyed each order of Sai Mastana Ji Maharaj very sincerely and pleased His Master.

Uncountable Favors on Mankind!

No words hold power to enunciate the deep ocean of love that Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj bestowed on disciples. After getting enthroned as the second Spiritual Master on 28th February 1960, Revered Param Pitaji granted endless love to devotees for around 30-31 years. By continually conducting spiritual congregations and not caring for their own health, Guruji nurtured the garden of spirituality and blessed people abundantly with divine love & care.

By conducting thousands of spiritual congregations at varied places and states, Param Pitaji shunned superstition, and many social evils to revive the society with positivity. After attending these spiritual congregations, people left these vices and led a peaceful life. The followers increased from hundreds to thousands & lacs when His Holiness used to guide people. Around 11 lac people shun their bad habits and got blessed with true Method of Meditation!

His Holiness composed several shabads/ spiritual songs as well by wrapping the love & benevolence in it! These songs inspire people to become ideal disciples and follow His teachings!

Complete Month Dedicated to Humanity!

Usually, birthdays last with the day's end. However, the complete month of Guruji’s incarnation is celebrated by the disciples with imperishable enthusiasm. They perform varied welfare works subsuming blood donation, tree plantation, blanket & cloth distribution, food donation, and many others. Their altruistic efforts bring enormous happiness to needy ones and work as an aid to help them survive.

Moreover, they take a pledge every day to leave one vice daily. They follow the teachings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan by leaving their vices, and gifting their Master in the best way! As preached by Guruji, it's the best gift to leave bad habits and become an ideal disciple. So, all followers try their best to gift their Master by removing their bad habits.

By making it their prime objective, millions of Dera Sacha Sauda followers are following the teachings of Revered Guruji and performing 135 welfare works across the globe! They extend help to the needy and try removing their pains & worries with all their might.