Jan 11, 2022
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Historical Moments of Utmost Devotion at Punjab Bhandara Awestruck Everyone| Revered Shah Satnam Singh Ji's Incarnation Month Special

With ultimate enthusiasm and passion, the disciples of Dera Sacha Sauda celebrated the pious Incarnation Month of Revered Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj at Salabatpura, Punjab. Millions of devotees attended the holy Naam-Charcha with endless zeal & joy. Chanting Naara, dancing on the beats and holy radiance on their faces were adding an imperishable layer of divinity in the ambience.

All guidelines for protection against COVID-19 were fulfilled. The DSS volunteers were sanitizing the hands of every attendee and giving masks at the entry gates to whoever didn’t have.

The Divine Ambience Echoed with Holy Slogan, ‘Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Aasra’!

Presenting the true example of devotion towards Almighty, the disciples chanted the holy slogan ‘Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Aasra’ and thanked His Holiness for keeping them intact from all problems. They congratulated His Holiness for incarnation month by chanting the holy Naara (slogan). The entire month is celebrated by the devotees in the most divine way and they pay gratitude to His Holiness for connecting them with heavenly bliss!

No Weather Barricades Could Stop Disciples to Attend the Celebrations!

The underscoring point here is, even the cold and rainy weather could not halt disciples from reaching the Naam Charcha. For the last ten days, the weather was extremely bad. The continuous rain ceased all works and people were finding it hard to come out of their spaces. But nothing can stop the true disciples from attending this holy celebration and paying gratitude to His Holiness for this sacred day.

They reached with full enthusiasm and devotion. At 10 am the whole sitting area was completely occupied by devotees, even though the timing of the congregation was 11 am to 1 pm. Not just this, even at 2 pm the devotees were continually reaching the place to become part of this blessed time. Their zeal and passion were beyond words! All arrangements seemed nothing before the love & devotion of devotees reaching there from far-off places.

Around 50k Volunteers Continually Provided Services to Facilitate All 25 lakh (approx.) Devotees!

All arrangements for the devotees had been done in the perfect way. The ways to reach, aisles, various pandals (sitting areas), food-related arrangements, and all other aspects were properly kept in focus. However, everything seemed less before a huge number of disciples reached there and nothing can beat their adoration for their Master. Traffic grounds were filled in no time and many have attended the program outside the Dera premises by hearing everything on speakers set there.

The volunteers arranged for them outside the Dera premises and the disciples sat even till 10km distance from it. All arrangements for their Langar and Parshad were done there. Around 50000 volunteers were providing their services to keep everyone comfortable and safe. The Naam Charcha was telecasted live and a huge number of disciples across the globe watched it from their homes.

Pledge to Keep Unity Intact!

On this pious occasion, everyone promised to keep their unity intact, no matter what the situation arises. Devotees of all age groups collectively chanted holy Naara to affirm their consent and presented an unseen example of commitment.

Moreover, they took a pledge to stay united always and never step back on the humanitarian & spiritual path, to always follow the pious sermons of His Holiness & to never pretend for doing so. They vowed to follow each word of His Holiness by heart.

It's no less than a wonder that in this self-centred world, the disciples are carrying on welfare works worldwide. They pledged again to keep on doing these welfare works across the globe in every damn circumstance and keep on shinning the name of their Master in the whole universe.

सलाबतपुरा, पंजाब में अवतार माह समारोह में अनोखा नज़ारा | Salabatpura, Punjab

Celebrations Couldn’t Complete without Welfare Works!

No matter what, the consistency of Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers in saving people, extending helping hands, and performing welfare works is beyond words. To celebrate the sacred Incarnation Month of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj, a wide array of welfare works has been performed by them.

They distributed warm blankets to 54 needy families, ration kits to 25 underprivileged families, stitched machines to 21 needy women to help them earn a livelihood, given keys to a destitute of one complete home constructed for free, and honoured five disciples who donated their kidneys to saved lives!

It’s a sacred way to pay gratitude and stay firm to the teachings of His Holiness always! The whole day presented an unseen vista of devotion and love for Almighty. The Punjab Bhandara witnessed an imperishable passion amid all devotees reached there from varied places. We thank His Holiness for connecting all of us in one holy string and brimming everyone with blessedness & endless adoration!