Dec 8, 2021
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Warm Clothes Distribution by DSS Volunteers following the guidance of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

Gift of Warmth to Needy Ones by Dera Sacha Sauda Volunteers!

 Wrapped in mufflers and quilts, many of us are unaware of the plea of individuals battling for their survival during winters. Blankets, jackets, and winter clothes are out of their reach.

You might have noticed people sleeping on the roads without wearing enough clothes to preserve themselves from cold & harsh weather. Their unaffordability makes them hapless.

Helping these poverty-stricken people to survive during unbearable winters, Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers performed a laudable role. They provided winter cloth kits to the needy ones and their efforts are considerably alleviating the sufferings of needy people.

Clothes Donation Panchkula

Ethereal Contribution by Thousands of Devotees!

Winters are not so cozy for those who live on roads or don’t have proper resources to fulfill their basic needs. Every drop in temperature elevates their sufferings and their fight for survival never ends. They are more prone to severe illness every day.

There’s no better care and gift for such people than providing them woolen clothes to deal with the bitterness of winters. Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers emerge as a big hope for them.

Where the vulnerabilities were on the rise for the destitute, there compassionate endeavors of these volunteers are helping them to deal with these unfavorable situations in a better way. They distributed warm clothes kits to all such people who were at high risk of winter vulnerabilities.

Clothes Donation Ambala

It’s not just one volunteer or one area where these kits have been distributed. In the whole of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi, and other states of India, these welfare works were performed. Look at the deets!

Winter Kits Distribution Details

  • Haryana- 7712 kits
  • Punjab- 5901 kits
  • Rajasthan- 2054 kits
  • UP- 4802 kits
  • Delhi- 500 kits

Besides, to help the impoverished people living in slums, the volunteers distributed high-quality warm clothes in these poverty-stricken areas too.

These quick steps in helping people by contemplating their daily winter needs are inspiring for others. The volunteers have been geared up to deliver their altruistic services to every needy during winters and will carry on these welfare works to the maximum!

Their dedication, compassion, and commitment to serve needy people anytime anywhere, is the real tribute to Guruji! We appreciate them by heart!