Mar 30, 2013
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A Mentally ill Vagrant Reunites with His Family After Two Years

A mentally deranged person who was practically on the verge of death, was reunited with his family at Shah Satnam Ji Dham , Sirsa on Wednesday , 6th March. The story dates back to 4th September 2012 when Guruji was going from Sirsa to Bikaner. While travelling swiftly in a motorcade, Guruji suddenly noticed a thin emaciated figure lying helplessly on the road side. On seeing his plight, Guruji asked the motorcade to be immediately halted and deputed some volunteers to look after that person. Smeared in his own fecal matter and drenched in urine, he was a piteous bundle of flesh and bones. The volunteers bathed him and scrubbed him clean. Raj Kumar Insan and Jagdish Insan, the local representatives in Bikaner, were entrusted with the task of getting him treated. While the local police expressed their inability to trace his address, they were considerate enough to grant permission to dera volunteers to look after the ailing young man. This silent suffering man, nick named Bablu, was housed in a comfortable room at the Bikaner ashram. In the ashram he was nourished with a good diet and shown to the best psychiatrist in town. As medication started , his condition gradually improved, his appetite returned and he became more communicative. Slowly, he recollected his life in his native village and told the Dera volunteers the name of his village. Owing to his mental status, he could not proffer any more information. Rajkumar Insan, who had been deputed, prayed for divine help in tracing the obscure sounding village named by Bablu. Since the spelling of the villages' name was not clear and Bablu's pronunciation, a little slurred, Rajkumar persisted tediously on the internet for several weeks until he finally located a similar sounding village out of the millions of villages in India even when he had no clue to the state. By this time Bablu had improved enough to name his father as well although no other details were forth coming. As the Dera volunteers pieced together the clues to Bablu's probable native place, they passed on the information to certain dera members residing in Kolkata. Armed only with the name of the village and father's name, the volunteers eventually tracked down Bablu's parents who promptly identified their missing son. In their failed search for their lost son, Sheikh Hanan Ali (His father) and his family were reduced to penury as they had sold off their small house. Finally, the parents were brought by the volunteers from West Bengal and reunited with their son at Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa on 6th March, 2013. After the morning congregation, Guruji lauded the sincere efforts of the Dera followers and expressed His fervent hope that Bablu alias Sheikh Abdul would be restored completely to good health. At this emotional juncture, the overwhelmed father said that he had been praying fervently to Allah for restoring his lost son who had drifted away over two years ago. In a choked voice, he said that Allah had heard his prayers through the medium of Guruji.