Sep 1, 2023
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A Month of Great Benevolence and Divine Blessings: Congratulations on the Advent of MSG Maha Paropkar Month

As per ancient sayings, we humans are not merely bodies but souls that have left the home of the Lord, The Almighty and only a true spiritual master can bring us back and showcase the right pathway.

Imagine traveling to a new place without a tour guide. You are bound to feel lost at times.

While on this soul's journey, when you don’t know even a bit about your excursion, what if you meet a friend, a guide who gives you the way to eternal peace? Liberates you from your sorrows and guides you on how to live a better life, without asking for anything in return.

That guide is known as Spiritual Guru whose sole purpose remains in emancipating the whole universe from the vicious cycle of birth & death, escorts the way to eternity.

Whenever evil forces rise on the Earth, God sends messengers who can guide the lost souls to the right path. A saint is the messenger of God himself, whose purpose is to guide the tormented souls to the true path of spirituality.

Though the Earth has been graced with the arrival of saints from time to time, getting the supreme saint whose every second of life is a lesson for all, who taught the meaning of what a saint actually could be, is a matter of great fate.

A spiritual maestro, unparalleled and rare,

Dedicating life to mankind's welfare and care!!

With compassion and love that's endlessly vast,

His teachings and blessings forever will last.

In the history of Dera Sacha Sauda, such auspicious moment of getting the supreme guide occurred on 23rd September 1990. It was the day when Revered Param Pita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj handed over the divine spiritual reign to Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan and declared Him as the next successor of Dera Sacha Sauda. Millions are getting the source of pure grace and wisdom under the guidance of Revered Saint Dr. MSG.

On this auspicious day, the Almighty initiated the divine mission of saving dying humanity and bringing surge of spirituality in every heart through Saint MSG and therefore this day holds a significant value for the whole universe.

September 23rd: A Day of Spiritual Eminence and Benevolence

September 23, 1990, was the auspicious day when Param Pita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj declared Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan as his successor and announced that Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan would be the spiritual master of Dera Sacha Sauda.

Typically, the transition of leadership occurs from one individual to another, with the second person assuming control thereafter. However, in the annals of Dera Sacha Sauda's history, a remarkable event transpired. Revered Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj forged a new chapter by bestowing the divine decree: "We were, We are, We shall be." This transformative proclamation made 'MSG' in the embodiment of Saint Dr. MSG, designated to illuminate the world towards spirituality and humanity.

On this golden day, the world witnessed the emergence of the holy trinity in the form of MSG. This pious month is celebrated every year as MSG Great Benevolence Month or MSG Maha Paropkar Month.

Why Do We Call It Maha Paropkar Month?

A True Saint is the only one in the world, who sacrifices his entire life to serve the creation of the Almighty. In this month, millions got the spiritual master, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. His selfless love and boundless benevolence are beyond mere words.

Therefore, this month is observed as the 'Great Benevolence' bestowed upon us by Revered Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj, who manifested Himself as a youthful embodiment in the form of Revered Saint Dr. MSG, setting a remarkable example for all.

This month is auspicious for millions, as without this day, they couldn’t have been so blessed to attain the benevolence of Revered Guruji. To celebrate this month of Great Benevolence and this divine coronation, the disciples of Dera Sacha Sauda perform many welfare works and spread kindness across the globe.

Cherished Memories and Divine Instances: Childhood of Saint MSG

The childhood of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan was filled with many divine instances. When he was born, Saint Triveni Das foretold his father that he would stay with the family only for 23 years and then he would leave to meet his spiritual master and meet his real purpose on this planet. Saint said that the revered Saint MSG was sent by God himself to their family.

One day Saint Triveni Das asked Saint MSG to inaugurate a well, Saint MSG, a little boy of 5 years, inaugurated the well with his cute little hands and villagers say that even till today, the well has never run out of water. Even in the worst draughts, when people from neighboring villagers, took water from the well, it never ran out. He could ride a tractor at the tender age of 7 and freed up Bapu Ji (Guruji’s father) from all the responsibilities, which is impossible to expect from a child of such a younger age. Guruji was a bright student in his school years, and plays 32 national games with the grace of Almighty!

Saint MSG was filled with divine capabilities since his childhood. One day when Guruji and his father were visiting his father’s fields, Guruji pointed to a field and said, Father, there used to be our farmyard, right? To this, his father was shocked as this was in the past and he wondered how a little kid knew this. Then he was reminded, by sayings of Saint Triveni Das Ji that his kid was God-sent. There were innumerable such instances that the family members, school friends, teachers, neighbors, and relatives witnessed in Guruji’s childhood.

Divine Moment that Graced the Earth- The Sacred Day of Coronation

Revered Param Pitaji illuminated the path of humanity and spirituality for the universe for over twenty-seven years, and then entrusted the spiritual legacy to His Excellency, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

To dispel people's misconceptions, Param Pitaji conducted an extensive search to find the next successor. Even Guruji has conducted many meetings also for the same purpose. And, arrived at the same conclusions that had already been determined by the Supreme Power.

His Holiness Param Pita Ji made this announcement during a Satsang, declaring Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji as the Spiritual Master of Dera Sacha Sauda. This momentous proclamation etched a golden chapter in the annals of Dera Sacha Sauda's history. Since then, each year, this month has been celebrated fervently as the Month of Great Benevolence (Maha Propkar Month), marked by profound devotion and enthusiasm.

On that very day, Param Pitaji also imparted the divine revelation that the progress of Dera Sacha Sauda would surge manifold, gaining distinctive global recognition. We are all witnessing the realization of this prophecy. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan stands as the beacon of motivation and inspiration for millions across the globe. Under His sacred guidance, devotees ardently follow the path of humanity and compassion.

On that day, Param Pitaji passed the divine ordinance, “We Were, We Are and We Shall Be” and set a unique history that none has even thought before. Thus, Guruji Himself emerged in His young avatar and blessed the world with unimaginable grace and unprecedented divine powers.

Witness the magic of 'Celebrations with Welfare' once again at Dera Sacha Sauda, where celebrations are a source of joy for both the giver and receiver

With the guidance and inspiration of Saint Dr. MSG, each Dera volunteer tries his or her best to make their celebrations unique and meaningful. This month too, the whole universe will witness the surge of welfare works across the globe. These celebrations are no less than a festival for millions. It is the Dera Sacha Sauda's tradition to celebrate every special occasion with welfare works for serving humanity.   

Many medical camps will be organized, and welfare works such as planting samplings, donating blood, helping poor families financially, and helping in the marriage of daughters of poor families will be performed under the guidance of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

Revered Guruji is guiding millions through life's journey and filling their lives with eternal happiness.  He is surely a beacon of hope, a source of pure grace that is leading us toward a harmonious embrace!

So let's cherish each moment by following the teachings of Revered Guruji and celebrate in a divine way.