Sep 24, 2023
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Commemorating 33rd Maha Propkar Diwas: A Day of Divine Coronation and Benevolence

While change remains the fundamental law of nature, the power of a Saint transcends these laws. Revered Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj made history for the world with the divine ordinance, 'We Were, We Are, and We Shall Be,' on September 23, 1990.

The auspicious day of Coronation marked a significant milestone in the history of Dera Sacha Sauda. Revered Param Pita Ji proclaimed the emergence of a spiritual master in the form of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji, and bestowed the ‘Great Benevolence’ upon millions.

By transforming into a young embodiment, Revered Shah Satnam Ji brought blessedness to the whole universe. Revered Param Pita Ji declared Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji as his successor and passed on his reign to Saint MSG on this pious date.

The world witnessed a historic moment when Param Pita Ji performed the sacred garlanding ceremony with their pious hands and coronated Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan as the third spiritual master of Dera Sacha Sauda.

On this momentous day, the holy trinity known as 'MSG' emerged, and from that day forward, the divine influence of MSG has illuminated the path of humanity for millions.

Throughout the years, this historic day has been celebrated as 'Maha Propkar Diwas' or the 'Day of Great Benevolence,' as it was on this day that Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj bestowed the blessing of a Guru like Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan upon millions- a truly unparalleled and remarkable act.

Under the guidance of Saint Dr. MSG, also known as Baba Ram Rahim, the number of individuals who have overcome drug addiction has grown from thousands to millions. Today, Dera Sacha Sauda proudly boasts a community of 65 million followers who have not only successfully conquered drug addiction but have also discovered their true purpose in life.

So, over six and a half crore individuals worldwide find their inspiration in the Revered Guru Ji. Across the globe, the youth affectionately refer to the Revered Guru Ji as Dr. MSG; His devoted disciples revere Him as Spiritual Majesty or Revered Guru Ji or Pitaji.

Revered Guru Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, the third Spiritual Master of Dera Sacha Sauda, has been at the helm of leadership since September 23, 1990, in accordance with the divine guidance of a spiritual mentor, Revered Supreme Father Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj.

Over the course of the past 33 years, every moment of Revered Guru Ji's life has been dedicated to the betterment of our nation and society.

During this time, Saint MSG has initiated 159 humanitarian projects and tirelessly worked towards eradicating various social maladies that have plagued our world and society. Even today and beyond that, the welfare initiatives are continued.

Divine Beginnings: The Life Story of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

The life story of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan is replete with extraordinary experiences, beginning with his childhood. He was born on August 15, 1967, to Respected Bapu Maghar Singh Ji and Mata Naseeb Kaur Ji.

Saint Triveni Das (a saint of their village in Sri Gurusar Modia, Ganganagar, Rajasthan), upon his birth, made a prophecy to his father, Bapu Ji, indicating that he would remain with the family for just 23 years before embarking on his true purpose on this Earth. Saint Triveni Das proclaimed that Saint MSG was indeed a divine gift from God.

At the young age of 5, Saint MSG was called upon by Saint Triveni Das to inaugurate a well. With his tiny, innocent hands, the little boy inaugurated the well, and astonishingly, the well has never run dry to this day. Even during the harshest droughts, neighboring villagers would draw water from this well, and it would never fail them.

Remarkably, by the age of 7, he could skillfully handle a tractor. He excelled as a student during his school years, and to this day, he has participated in 32 national games. The villagers used to say that he was not a normal child, he is extraordinary and inspiring all from the very tender age of seven.

Such remarkable achievements are a testament to the divine blessings that have accompanied his life's journey. Saint MSG's holiness and exceptional abilities have been evident since his early childhood.

A Glimpse of Some Sacred Moments between Param Pita Ji and Saint MSG

Saint Ji's entire life is filled with divine moments that are beyond compare. In his childhood, Saint MSG recounted these divine incidents. One moment that Saint Ji shared was a divine encounter with Param Pita Ji before officially becoming Param Pita Ji's successor.

When a five-year-old boy arrived at the premises of Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa, seeking Naam Dan (Method of Meditation) from Param Pita Ji, Param Pita Ji graciously invited the child to sit beside His chair. He then addressed the young boy, asking, 'Child, what is the name of your village? Are you well? Is everything alright?'

It is widely accepted that this encounter marked the moment when Param Pita Ji acknowledged Saint MSG as His true successor. From that day onward, this young child committed his entire life to his spiritual mentor.

It's just one example. The entire life of Saint MSG is enveloped in divine interactions between Him and Param Pitaji that were truly beyond imagination and comprehension for everyone. People were curious to know the nature of their interactions and conversations, but these were matters that a common person could never fully grasp.

They exemplified the perfect model of what a Guru-shishya relationship should entail. Their profound reverence for the Satguru and the graciousness with which the Satguru bestowed blessings were truly remarkable.

Saint MSG never missed an opportunity to make Param Pitaji happy through his small gestures and actions. His actions were profoundly inspiring, setting an exemplary standard for the world on the level of dedication and commitment a true disciple should have toward their ‘Guru.’

The Quest for the Successor: How Did It Begin?

Revered Param Pita Ji had led lakhs of individuals onto the path of spirituality. However, in response to a divine calling, Param Pita Ji chose to pass on his leadership to a successor, marking the commencement of the search for Dera Sacha Sauda's next leader in 1989.

For this purpose, His Holiness, Revered Param Pita Ji, conducted numerous extensive meetings and discussions that spanned almost a year. His Holiness even sought suggestions from disciples for a successor's name, emphasizing that they would evaluate the candidates. In response, disciples earnestly implored him not to leave them and to always remain by their side.

Revered Param Pita Ji assured them, saying, "We will undertake an unprecedented endeavor, one that has never been attempted and will never be replicated. We will take care of this ourselves." Meetings were held every month, with Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan also participating.

On Param Pita Ji's repeated requests for a name from the disciples, a few of them suggested a name from Param Pita Ji's own family. In response, Param Pita Ji emphasized that this sacred responsibility would only be entrusted to someone truly deserving. It’s not a family will that will be entrusted to family members. It’s divine spiritual wealth and only deserving one will be crowned with it.

In numerous such meetings, Revered Param Pita Ji indicated that they were seeking someone akin to Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Understanding the profound wisdom of a saint's words goes beyond the capacity of an ordinary person. It is believed that saints receive direct revelations from the divine. Revered Param Pita Ji, being a saint himself, had already comprehended the divine revelation of the universe. He had identified the successor but held off on making the announcement.

Subsequently, the world witnessed divine marvels when Param Pita Ji proclaimed Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan as the spiritual leader of Dera Sacha Sauda. Even after the coronation, His Holiness spent approximately 15 months alongside Saint Dr. MSG, addressing the world and dispelling misunderstandings.

Hukumnama- The blessings Eneveloped for the World by Revered Param Pitaji

When Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji was announced as the third spiritual leader of Dera Sacha Sauda, Param Pita Ji imparted a divine message to the disciples. These profound words were recited during the coronation ceremony of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, in accordance with the guidance of Revered Param Pita Ji, before a vast assembly of devoted followers.

“As per the divine decree of Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has been bestowed with the divine powers”

  • Those who love Saint MSG are loving us.
  • Those who faithfully follow his guidance are following in our footsteps.
  • Those who place their trust in him are placing their trust in us.
  • Those who exhibit any form of discrimination towards him are, in essence, discriminating against us.

With this Hukumnama, Param Pitaji made a profound declaration before the world: Saint MSG is an embodiment of Himself, and by showing reverence to Saint MSG, one is demonstrating reverence to Param Pitaji.

To dispel any lingering doubts among disciples and everyone else, Param Pitaji then issued a decree: "We were, We are, and We shall always be." This marked a historical moment as never before had a leader who while passing on the reins had ever declared that He had, He has, and He will continue to lead.

History offers no precedents for such an extraordinary declaration. Indeed, as Param Pitaji had previously stated, His actions would be unprecedented, and this coronation undeniably validated His divine sermons.

Dera Sacha Sauda's Ascension: Reaching New Heights under Saint MSG's Guidance

Under the Guidance of Saint MSG, Dera Sacha Sauda is reaching new heights. On the auspicious day of coronation on 23rd September 1990, Param Pita Ji addressed that He has made Saint MSG- the Lionhearted, a Babbar Sher who will address the world.

Param Pita also prophesied that from that day onwards, Dera Sacha Sauda would flourish tremendously, serving humanity, and the world would bear witness to its prosperity.

Since that momentous day, Dera Sacha Sauda has indeed soared to greater heights, all thanks to the guidance of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Presently, more than 65 million individuals have committed to abstain from drugs and lead meaningful lives, following the teachings of Saint Dr. MSG.

Under His guidance, Dera Sacha Sauda is actively involved in over 159 charitable initiatives, setting a remarkable example for the entire world.

How Did Volunteers Commemorate 33rd Maha Paropkar Day?

Every year, Great Benevolence Day is celebrated with immense enthusiasm, transforming it into a day of welfare and jubilation. This year marked the 33rd MSG Maha Paropkar Day, observed with acts of kindness and service guided by the Revered Saint MSG.

Disciples from various states convened on September 23rd at the Dera Sacha Sauda premises for the Maha Paropkar Bhandara event, where they listened to holy sermons delivered by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Rahim Singh Ji and commemorated this auspicious occasion.

Revered Guru Ji has motivated millions to follow the path of humanity. In accordance with the teachings of Saint MSG, Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers observed this sacred day as an opportunity to serve humanity. The disciples reached there from far and wide and took part in these divine festivities.

The fervor was clearly visible from the busy roads where their vehicles packed the roads as they were making their way to this sacred event. Besides festivities, welfare works were also performed, which is indeed the divine ritual of Dera Sacha Sauda for celebrations.

Under this, 23 sewing machines were distributed to financially disadvantaged women, and 23 nutritious food kits were provided to individuals who had overcome drug addiction, as part of the Welfare Work known as the SAFE Campaign. These kits indeed help them to stay healthy forever after shunning drugs.

Furthermore, a free health check-up camp was organized, where experts provided their services to patients. This camp was a blessing for those who wish for expert medical services but their pocket doesn’t allow. All patients satisfactorily attained the services and got expert advice in a medical camp.

The highlight of the 33rd Maha Paropkar Diwas was undoubtedly the reading of the 13th sacred letter by Guru Ji. This spiritual missive, delivered by our esteemed spiritual leader, Saint Dr. MSG on this auspicious day of profound benevolence, infused the hearts of all present with immense joy and spiritual fervor.

His Holiness graced us with his blessings in commemoration of the sacred Maha Paropkar Diwas and also amused all with poignant memories from the coronation ceremony that took place on September 23rd, 1990.

Revered Guru Ji further enlightened us with narratives of the conversations between Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj and Himself. He vividly described how Param Pita Ji, with his sacred hands, carried out the garlanding ritual and crowned Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, a moment that remains etched in the annals of our spiritual history.

Revered Guruji graciously bestowed His blessings upon us all, and this letter itself is a cherished blessing for each one of us. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Him for welcoming us into the fold of these sacred celebrations and for accepting us as His devoted disciples. This bhandara undoubtedly stands as the pinnacle of our experiences, overflowing with divine blessings for everyone in attendance.