Jul 26, 2023
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Fueled by the spirit to serve mankind, 2000 Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers forge a 20-feet deep sandbag embankment in the Ghaggar River to save flood victims

The administrative officials and leaders of various parties are praising wholeheartedly the brave acts of humanity by the volunteers of Shah Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force Wing!

Amidst any perilous circumstance, when all hopes vanish then Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers emerge as a beacon of hope for the flood victims. History witnessed, whenever disastrous situations emerged, their unwavering commitment has always been the talk of the town. 

This time too, in the flood-affected regions of North India, their unwavering dedication and acts of bravery have earned them a reputation that echoes far and wide. No matter how dangerous the situation, these brave heart volunteers fearlessly step forward to extend a helping hand to those in need, embodying the very essence of humanity. Their these acts give tribute to the teachings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan who instilled the endless dedication in them to save the dying humanity.  

In these times of distress, the presence of Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers brings solace, unity, and a glimmer of hope to all who encounter their relentless acts of service.

Volunteers unite, making the impossible possible!

With the outrageous flow in the Ghaggar River, the fear for survival lurked in locals. The Ghaggar River spans from the Punjab border to Rajasthan over approx. 100 kilometers. The wrath of nature caused so much destruction in North India and made it quite difficult for people & animals at large to live and survive.

On 14th July, the breach in the Ghaggar River put threats on thousands of lives. Near the village Ranga, the breach occurred in the embankments of the Ghaggar River and consequently the rising water levels created the disastrous situation right away. 

The locals were trying to meet their ends but the situation turned worst on July 15th with the breach of the main embankment near the villages Musahibwala and Panihari. It eventually also brought disastrous results in Malewala, Farwai Kalan, and Burj Karmaghar villages. The flood water engulfed the village areas, thereby leaving the area deserted as people left the places because of lurking danger.

During this difficult time, Shah Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force Wing again turned out as life-saviors for a myriad of people. With the permission of the authorities, they reached the affected places and initiated the process to save people at large. 

When all seemed lost, Dera Sacha Sauda emerged as the silver lining for flood-stricken communities

The overflow of water that surged into the Ghaggar River crumbled the embankments that resulted in a flood-like situation from Khairaka to Purani Chamal. This overflown water exceeded its capacity and posed a flood threat to adjacent fields and varied villages.

The water flow was much higher than expected, as per the authorities. It results in the breach of the river’s embankments at varied locations leading to unexpected adverse outcomes. The whole area is filled with water from Khairakan to the Purani Chamal area. From Rattakhera Syphon in Purani Chamal, the excessive water flow put risk to the concerned fields and many villages out there. The authorities tried to control the water flow by tilting it with the tractor. But all went in vain!

Then on 19th July, the members of Shah Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force Wing stepped in to deal with the situation. Around 1500-2000 volunteers arrived at the site to save them. They built a 50-foot-long dam. Despite some unavoidable difficulties, they even built a further 16-foot high dam with sandbags and soil.

The most challenging task was to prevent Ghaggar’s water from entering the areas of Panihari, Musahibwala, Burj Karmaghar, and Farwai Kalan. For that, they prepared and placed sandbags for embankments. With the pious grace of Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, they were successful in doing so. They created 20 feet deeper embankment to stop the water flow from causing further destruction to the area.

By using wooden nets, sandbags, and bamboo, the volunteers constructed safety walls/ embankments. By working day & night, they started building this dam but unfortunately, it was swept away by the rising water levels.

But as they say, nothing can beat their spirit and dedication! The very next day, they again stood strong and started rebuilding the safety wall. With a resolute spirit, they created a human chain and filled sacks with soil to complete the 20-foot-deep embankment. Despite the darkness of the night, the volunteers pressed on, committed to their cause.

They kept chanting holy nara (slogan) 'Dhan-Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Aasra,' and got succeeded in completing the embankment. Their relentless efforts and indomitable spirit prevailed, thwarting the flood's impending danger, and safeguarding the fields and villages alongside the Kharif channel. With the help of boats, they transported the trapped villagers and animals to safe places. Also, they made new embankments in Ranga and Mattar to protect the villages.

With Selfless Hearts and Unwavering Grit, The Volunteers Bore all the expenses to extend help to eternity!

Understanding the need of the hour, the volunteers of Shah Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force Wing did all the efforts. Even they bear all the expenses, used their own vehicles, and made every effort to extend relief to the flood-affected individuals. As per the morning routine, the volunteers start preparing food for the victims and then distribute it to the people stuck in affected areas. They also provide packed meals, medicines, and other necessary items to them from time to time.

Their spirit to serve the victims and extend help in flood-affected regions was a true testament to their commitment to the teachings of Guruji. Besides food, the residents faced a shortage of dry & green fodder for the livestock. The volunteers managed the fodder as well as fed animals and satiated their hunger. All in all, they took care of every single creature in all ways possible.

Guruji’s Divine Care Transcending All Bounds!

By following the teachings of Revered Guruji, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan aka Baba Ram Rahim, the volunteers performed their selfless duties in an applauding way. Their dedication to implementing Guruji’s sayings was setting a great unseen example of selflessness. They were on call to serve mankind.

Guruji took every minute-detail of them and took every care in all possible ways. With Guruji’s decree, they were served with lemon water, food, and drinking water consistently so that all stay safe and healthy. Indeed, the boundless and ineffable care of Revered Guruji transcends words and language. The divine grace and blessings touch the hearts of countless souls, inspiring love, compassion, and selfless service. His grace and guidance are beyond description, and the impact of his care on the lives of those touched by it is immeasurable. 

Gratitude echoes worldwide for those making a difference in the lives of others

The ripple effect of kindness is felt globally, and the world says 'thank you’ to these humanitarian warriors for their selfless spirit.

These volunteers garnered praise from all spheres including political leaders, administrative officials, the local population, and all. Chaudhary Ranjit Singh, the State’s Power Minister expressed gratitude for the tireless efforts of Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers. They even said that without the support of these volunteers, the flood situation might have been more challenging. 

Besides providing relief, they turned out as the emotional & mental support for the victims during these trying times. Their unwavering determination to assist those in need reflects the guidance & teachings of Revered Saint Dr. MSG. 

Hand in hand, these volunteers exemplify the true spirit of humanity with unity and dedication and inspired the masses!