May 15, 2013
  Total Views : 1836

AIDS Awareness

AIDS Awareness

India used to be a beacon to teach the world of moral character and cultural education but now, things are a nadir in India. The moral/social values, good customs, relationships, tolerant nature and the native and traditional Indian values are largely disappearing. Cheating in relationships and the degradation of moral character is one of the important reasons for the spread of HIV/AIDS in commoners. A disease that was initially limited to truck drivers and prostitutes has permeated general society. It is only when social behavior ebbs and tends towards animal behavior that such consequences result. Multiple partners, homosexuality, intravenous drug abuse etc. are some of the important contributing factors for the spread of this pandemic. In nearly 70% of cases, the cause of infection is illicit sex on contact with prostitutes.
Anything against the order of nature is an invitation to misery and suffering. It is sad that man continues to ignore spirituality and religion in his inflated assumption of supremacy.
Revered Guru ji has vowed to stop the spread of this dreadful disease. This is an important message that is conveyed by Guruji is the spiritual congregations. The Saints, seers and prophets spend their entire lifetimes in teach people the importance of character and balance, but human being are getting increasingly swept into the cauldron of lust and high risk behavior. There was a time when people would sacrifice their lives to protect the sanctity of a relationship, the same relationship have sunken to unmentionable lows. Revered Guru ji  preaches people to live life with a self control. Sex outside or before marriage, observance of celibacy until marriage, giving up homosexuality and living a balanced life are some of the cardinal teachings that the devotees are able to follow powered by Guruji's free meditation. The followers have also become increasingly vocal and instrumental is spreading the awareness nationwide by the way of rallies, street plays etc. The rallies for HIV awareness by Dera followers have a profound impact on the onlookers psyche. The campaigns are being conducted on a national scale. In India, HIV is especially affecting the youth. Therefore, Guruji enjoins them to strictly remain celibate and following marriage remain honest to their spouses. This shall save society from the scourge of many a dreadful disease. This global pandemic still does not have an effective vaccine in sight. And if the human race continues to disregard morality and slide down further, the dire risk of newer viruses cropping up multiplies.