Feb 14, 2013
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Bridle the Negative Aspect of Mind with Courage

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita ji" by over 5o million followers presently) exhorts that no matter how much savvy and experienced a man might be, yet he remains a kid for Almighty God until he listens to Satsang and abides by the holy sermons. Due to the effect of mann (evil force inside the man) he remains involved in ostentation and deprived of every happiness. Blessed are those who come to Satsang by taming their mann. It happens due to good sacraments and moral values provided to them. Mann keeps on cultivating the negative thoughts inside the man but if he does not follow them, then only he can refrain himself from their consequences. So, one must bridle the negative thoughts. On getting the negative thoughts one is advised to meditate on God's words. Then these nocuous thoughts will come to an end. Nevertheless, mann is that valiant magician that never gets exhausted but it cannot be controlled just with five minutes meditation. So man must be determined that as and when the negative thoughts appear in the mind he should start meditating. This way, negative thoughts will have no effect on a person's devotion or on life.

One must not be depressed with ones negative thoughts for instance that he will not obtain any happiness or divine grace. These all are the delusions created by mann. So, one must defy the negative thoughts and should tame the mann. Only with meditation it would be under control and the soul would win over it. And then one will be bestowed with immense happiness and his family members will also be blessed with the blissful pleasure.