Jan 25, 2019
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Centenary Incarnation Day celebrations of Reverend Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj

The Human being is really blessed from exhort Saints and it is in this form a soul can experience God's love in its truest form. It is this purpose, that souls take birth on this planet, and Saints show them their true path, by guiding them at every step of life. And this is the sole purpose for which Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj incarnated on this mortal Planet on 25th January 1919(Centenary Incarnation Day).

Followers of Dera Sacha Sauda are celebrating the Centenary Incarnation Day of Rev. Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj. The one who has shown the world how selfless love and Kindness, can change the evilest of souls. Selfless love paves the path for God and makes one realize the true connection with God. Millions of souls have found this true connection, with His guidance and benevolence. His guidance and teachings have transformed myriad lives and brought them out of the garb of ignorance and selfish pursuits. People have found the key to the true spiritual treasure. The cycle of birth and death was impossible to break, had it not been for the true method of meditation.

Spirit Of Welfare

Followers are really excited to celebrate the centenary Incarnation Day, singing praises of Almighty and thanking God, for his countless benevolences. The birth month has already seen exceptional welfare acts by devotees from all over the world. Right from distributing woolens, shoes, groceries, to constructing homes, donating blood, Tree plantation and much more. The spirit of welfare is all due to the grace of his holiness Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, who has taught his disciples to follow the path of humanity with extreme dedication and determination. In no circumstances, can the followers steer away from this path of virtues, which has been blessing them infinite happiness and ensuring their lives in this world and beyond? Many thanks to the Rev. Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan for holding our hands and keeping us in thy abode.