May 13, 2013
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These quarrels often escalated into gang violence and lives were lost. Most matters were not even reported to the police. Away from modern technology, these people were leading a subhuman existence.

Guruji has taken the responsibility of aboriginal tribals of Kotda and Jhadol of Udaypur district to integrate them with the main stream society. Shah Satnam Ji Green S welfare force has played an important role in it. Till 2001, ordinary people used to fear and did not even dare to cross the tribal areas even during daytime. Eating meat, robbery, illicit relationships, addiction to home made liquor, stealing and violence were commonplace. Even the police dared not interfere even in instances of murder. The Dera made constant and repeated efforts to secure their amalgamation into mainstream society. Without taking any government assistance, the Dera established 46 camps for their emancipation and improvement. Initially there was stiff resistance from the tribals. But the volunteers persisted with love and compassion, undeterred by their violent ways. As directed by Guruji, the volunteers taught them to dress up, eat, bathe, engage in agriculture etc. Their bows and arrows are perfectly lethal weapons, enough to kill. The villages had several groups that fought everyday for hegemony and control. These quarrels often escalated into gang violence and lives were lost. Most matters were not even reported to the police. Away from modern technology, these people were leading an animal existence.

For the purpose of their reform, over 750 volunteers stayed there for over six months. After that, amazing changes started to happen in these primitive tribals. They quit drinking and slowly gave up the eating of meat. Finally, immoral relationships were given up. The custom of heaving a child prior to marriage was given up. Apart from that, they were caught in a web of widespread superstition and sorcery etc. Upon falling ill, they used to visit the witch doctor instead of the medical doctor. They were unaware of the world having entered the 21st century. In a young age, the train of children used to crush adolescents even prior to attaining adulthood. Everyday violence and crime was the norm. Now there is atleast 80% improvement. A notorious character of the area, Bhura Singh, recounts, "Robbery, liquor and meat were an important part of the daily routine. Murder was an everyday occurrence and people feared our area. The administration used to feel unable to reform us. Superstition and witchcraft were in full bloom. Following Guruji's intervention and exhortation, there is a sea change". The volunteers taught them cost effective farming. The women were trained in weaving Durries as part of a vocational training initiative. Guruji visited the area personally several times and taught them the technique of meditation.

Marriages of tribals are routinely held in the Ashram.