May 15, 2013
  Total Views : 6202


Population Control

Day by day, the population explosion is becoming worse. Due to it, the problems of sustainability, starvation, unemployment, poverty and pollution are emerging as newer challenges to the world. In population growth, India's situation is the worst, which is consequently giving rise to other overwhelming sequelae. The population is further straining the scarce social resources. Guruji has coined a popular slogan to explain His message ---
"We, the family unit are one And, ours too, just a little one"
People are facing hunger and poverty. The problem of food scarcity is worsening. Rising prices are hurting the economy hard. The mismatch between demand and supply of things is worsening. It is the need of hour to solve this problem otherwise this unchecked population will swallow limited natural resources. Guruji is making people aware in this regard. They are encouraged to keep family size small. In this age of rising prices, having no more than one or two children can ensure their proper upbringing. Guruji teaches that to give birth to more than two children is to give birth to problems. The followers are acting upon this message universally, deeming boy and girl to be equal. Most of the devotees keep the family limited to one child whether that child is boy or girl, they do not bother. Guru Ji's message will surely act as a brake to check the surging population.