May 17, 2013
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'Dera Sacha Sauda Amarpur Dham', Mehmad Pur Rohi, Fatehabad, Haryana

Amarpur Dham

Established in 1952 by Beparwah Mastana Ji this Ashram is situated at 67 km from Sirsa on Sirsa-Hisar Main road at 5 kms from vil. Dhanger and is well connected all round. There was a very high mound [old kiln] nearby Sat sang pavilion during 1985. When Beparwah Ji passed by it during evening walk, some dust fell in his pious feet from the top of that mound. Param Sant Ji told that some old souls were lying buried in this mound crying for salvation. The underground water there was very salty but a hand pump sank at a particular spot pointed out by the most revered Mastana ji yielded sweet water. This ashram was got erected and demolished simultaneously many times by Beparwah Ji, to attract the attention of Janta. The dividing walls of hatred among various factions here were removed by the kind grace of Guru Ji and an atmosphere of love prevailes all round.