Apr 21, 2018
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Dera Sacha Sauda leaves no stone unturned, to take care of the Environment, International Mother Earth Day, Special

Dera Sacha Sauda leaves no stone unturned, to take care of the Environment

Dera Sacha Sauda (Environmental protector) the many record holder in Tree Plantation and Cleanliness Campaigns has always been on the forefront when it comes to working for the society. The volunteers are synonymous with service. When it comes to service before self, no one can beat DSS volunteers.

These volunteers are synonymous with service. Their passion to serve humanity is even greater than their own lives for them. Millions have been at the forefront to follow the path of humanity and environmental care is taken on topmost priority. Every volunteer plants hundreds of trees during various occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, as a gift to True Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan on His Incarnation Day. What's more these trees are taken care of from time to time during their initial years. The use of Plastic in the form of plastic bags, and limiting use to Plastic in other forms, has also been encouraged so that environment can be saved from the onslaught of plastic which is affecting the environment. Incidentally, this year's theme for International World Earth Day is also "Reducing Plastic Usage".

Bye Bye Ethene

Bye, Bye ethene is an initiative whereby volunteers give up the practice of using plastic bags and other ways by which plastic is used so that the environment can be kept clean and adulteration free. Cloth bags have been used and plastic bags have been completely shunned by the volunteers.

Tree Plantation Campaigns

Till now millions of trees have been planted by Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers.  Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan strongly believes that climate change can be reversed with Trees. Trees can bring back the lost glory of the planet and aptly called lungs of Mother Earth, Our planet can sustain a substantial amount of pollution with its lungs intact and in good condition. But sadly we are all lost in the challenges life provides, and forget to consider the plight of our planet in our own pursuits of survival. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has been advocating and creating awareness in the masses about the benefits rather boons of Tree Plantation. Since the campaign first initiated in 2009, more than 60 million trees have been planted of which 80% are thriving and cleansing the environment.

[caption id="attachment_21922" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Saint Dr. MSG Insan[/caption]

You can read more about Nature campaign by DSS here:


Mega Cleanliness Campaigns

Cleanliness is next to Godliness and aptly so, after all, cleanliness makes u capable to look after yourselves and also the neighborhood, and environment at large. A clean neighborhood, keeps diseases at bay, not for ourselves but for hundreds around you and in essence, you are affecting thousands of lives, by just a small act of keeping your surroundings clean. And as a larger effect, you may also end up saving lives, which could have been lost of deadly diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Chickengunia, etc. And saving lives is the biggest pursuit in this World. It is indeed

Environmental protector

Planting trees on human ashes for environmental protection

To safeguard the environment from pollution one more novel initiative has been started by Dera Sacha Sauda under the guidance from Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, whereby as per Hindu rituals, the human ashes after death are flown in holy rivers. But with increasing pollution and other environmental hazards, this is proving fatal to the environment as these ashes end up clogging rivers. On the other hand, these ashes being bones, are rich in magnesium and many other vital ingredients that can enrich the soil and be a good source of nutrients for trees. So an initiative was started whereby these ashes instead of flown into holy rivers are used to plant trees. And a person gets a golden chance to serve humanity and safeguard environment even in his death. So a soul gets tremendous blessings and family members can also feel like their relatives are around them in the form of a tree. Hundreds of trees have been planted to date, following this ritual.

  Solar Energy

Dera Sacha Sauda has also been tapping into the vast solar energy resource to fulfill its electricity requirements. The shed, where the spiritual congregations are held, are utilizing solar energy thus giving an immense boost to the environment in the process.

Environmental protector

Bio Gas Plant

A huge biogas Plant is built in Dera Sacha Sauda premises, whereby human and animal waste is collected in a reservoir and used to produce Gas, which in turn takes care of various needs of electricity like for kitchen purposes and also making a whole unit self-sustainable in terms of electricity, kitchen gas, etc. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has also made a Movie where a biogas plant is made the whole village becomes a model of self-sustainable living. For this Movie, a complete Village has been made from scratch and this model is a working model and the village continues to exist as a self-sustained entity, even after the Film, which is incredible. Panchayats from various villages are invited to follow this unique model and replicate at their respective levels too. This is nothing short of exemplary. The efforts that Dera Sacha Sauda is putting towards an environmental friendly setup is applaudable.

Environmental protector

Pollution free environment

where manure is made out of agri-waste. Dera Sacha Sauda's volunteers are crusaders of green living and have been using leftover fodder for feeding of animals instead of burning them in fields.

Organic farming

is followed at every single patch of land and besides every volunteer pledges his contribution towards the environment through Tree plantation, reusing and recycling plastic and also conducting awareness rallies in villages and remote areas.

Water is life

Water harvesting is taken place wherever feasible at the ashram and also by the volunteers at an individual level.

Involving masses into the task of environmental conservation, and the drafting of policies can produce exemplary results. Dera Sacha Sauda has been doing this at every level and at a very early phase and results are visible everywhere. In the arid land and dry patches of Haryana, Fruits like apples, cherries, cashews, Kesar are harvested by Dera Sacha Sauda, with tips and guidance from Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Dera Sacha Sauda is the only organization that has created more than 2 dozen world records in Tree plantations and cleanliness alone.
