Apr 17, 2012
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1,500 volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda lend a helping hand for Jalandhar victims

A multi-storey building of a blanket factory collapsed in Focal Point area near Jalandhar. The incident occurred at around 11:30 pm on Sunday night, when scores of workers were busy in manufacturing blankets in the premises of Sheetal Fibers Limited.

Around 1,500 Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers involved in the rescue efforts at collapsed factory building of Jalandhar. Following instructions from His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, these volunteers of Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing of Dera Sacha Sauda reached the site and started rescue operation with army. Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing volunteers from  Firozpur, Moga, Ludhiana, Mansa , Bathinda   and also from other districts of punjab   arrived early Monday morning and helped finding trapped workers from the collapsed building. The force coordinated with the district administration and was divided into two, with 800 volunteers assigned to work during the day and 700 volunteers  in the night. All Dera Sacha Sauda  volunteers whether they were Chartered Accountants, Engineers, Industrialists, Government Employees, Doctors, and Teachers, all left their own work without worrying about loss, just to participate in rescue work. Even 80 year old volunteer unmindful about his age, was seen to participate in rescue operation and saving lives of peoples trapped under the debris. On the very first day Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing  volunteers lifted debris and felt contended when they succeeded in taking out people who were alive, though later volunteers found many dead bodies also. Volunteers had rescued one person alive after cutting his leg. While describing the scene, a volunteers Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing  of said, "as the area was congested heavy machinery reached late. Before cranes and other machinery reached, we did everything with our hands or some tools which were provided by the army." Dera Sacha Sauda  volunteers, before eating their meal, prayed to the God for the safety of persons still trapped under the debris. All other rescue teams even district administration appreciated the role of Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing  volunteers in the rescue operation. NDRF captain Ravinder Singh praised the effort and said the Dera Sacha Sauda  volunteers carried on even in the rain. Everyone is found appreciating incredible efforts of Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing. All this care was possible just because of the holy grace of Almighty Satguru ji, otherwise the volunteers would not have been able to save others lives. HE does it HIMSELF in the garb of volunteers. Profuse salutes to His Holiness Guruji who infuses such a passion and strength into the volunteers!