Mar 9, 2014
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Dera Sacha Sauda Welfare Works Dedicated to Women's Well-Being

Continuing with the unabated, unstoppable massive and inclusive welfare activities towards Humanity and the environment, Dera Sacha Sauda has not let out the women masses behind; terming them as to be the 'Jagat Jannani', i.e. mother to all mankind. In the present male dominated society it becomes even more imperative to look into women issues and provide them the rightful & dignified place. The atrocities towards women have so well imbedded into our society that we, at times, even fail to recognize their existence. So, Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan initiated many activities that start from the womb and takes care of the females all through their various stages of life. Revered Guruji has commenced these much-needed welfare reforms targeting towards women empowerment, be it is prostitute rehabilitation or starting lineage through a girl's family, self-respect, liberation, learning and self-support, making women no less dignified than the males of the society. These welfare activities, which are more than 100 in number, are carried out across the globe by over 60 million volunteers in various capacities.

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Crown Of The Lineage: Promoting Matrilineal Inheritance (parallel to the usual patrilineal one) by encouraging the boy (if he has another male sibling) to relocate to his wife's parental place with everyone's consent and look after the bride's parents as his own responsibility. Five such marriages have already been arranged by the pious inspiration of Revered Guru Ji. SHUBHDEVI (BANE REMOVED BY BOON) Revered Guru Ji adopts the girls entrapped in prostitution as his own daughters, gets them medically treated and rehabilitate them with the social mainstream by arranging their marriage, thus, creating a movement against prostitution. 17 such marriages have already been performed in Dera Sacha Sauda. Website:

The other welfare & uplifting activities for the women carried out by Dera Sacha Sauda:

1. Starting from the womb:

  • Preventing Female Feticide:We are witnessing so much oppression of women in today's society, and a major cause can be attributed to the skewed sex ratio
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  • Royal Daughters: With an aim to counter the menace of female feticide and gender based discrimination of girls, Revered Guru Ji has adopted the girls who were to be killed in fetus or were abandoned by parents as his own foster daughters. He has inspired lakhs of followers to take a pledge not to kill their unborn daughters. His Holiness has adopted 23 such girls as yet and many of them has emerged out as national toppers in sports & academics.

2. Taking Care of the Girl's Childhood:

As is the birth, so is the childhood of a girl child. In a village, she faces all the discrimination and atrocities and in a city, she becomes a house maid. Thus, Revered Guruji came up with exemplary initiatives- Child Protection: Stopping child labor as well as promoting education.

  • Stop Trafficking Of Children: Resisting child trafficking by creating teams to check it.
  • The Bud Of Knowledge: Promoting girl's education through awareness and facilitation.
  • Genuine Guidance: Guiding people about the ills of child marriage.

3. Guiding the Adolescence:

  • Dignified Humanism: Counseling the youths to avoid eve teasing i.e. preventing unethical behavior. Inspired by which, millions of young boys have pledged not to tease eves in their life.
  • Spiritual Character: Promoting character buildup (which helps build up a healthy young generation free from fatal diseases like AIDS and other sexually transmitted illnesses.

4. Securing The Grown Up Girl

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  • Empowered Women: Operating training centers for giving self-defense techniques to females.
  • Self-Esteem: Setting up vocational centers such as stitching centers, looms for weaving etc. as source of employment for women in rural areas

5. Ensuring a Happy Married Life for the Girl

A Girl's marriage is considered to be the biggest onus onto her parents. To ensure girls' other home is as blessed as her birth home, Revered Guru Ji encouraged the following welfare works: Liberation From Curse: Endorsing dowry-free marriages.

  • Blessings: Providing help to financially poor and unprivileged girls to get married.
  • Ru-B-Ru: Ashram's free matrimonial service under Ru-B-Ru program through website ( as well as through a Help Desk.

6. Post Marital Support

  • Pious Womb: Building character, values and good traits in coming generations by encouraging pregnant women to listen to true spiritual discourses and read stories of the noble and brave.
  • Mother Child Guardians: Bringing up the newly born babies and nurturing the poor pregnant women for some time till the baby
  • Respect Motherhood: Providing healthy and nutritious food and medical treatment to extremely poor pregnant women.
  • Save Womanhood: Assisting destitute women.
  • Anticipated Life: Helping young widows getting married again.
  • The New Morn: To help and counsel young divorcee women to get married again and start a new life again by finding good matches.
  • New Light Of Hope: Promoting widow's marriage by the in-laws family like their own daughter, if the girl is willing to.

Each reforms starts with a thought, and such positive thoughts are flowing in abundance in the Dera and its followers. The followers not only take an oath in front of the Revered Guruji, but also fill in the pledge forms providing their assertions for the same. By the Grace of Revered Guruji, we have been highly successful in implementing these reforms at the grassroot level which otherwise seems quiet impossible. Revered Guruji always calls upon the masses to treat girl child at par with the boys, providing them with the same environment and opportunities. This will result in Girl child making a mark for herself and bringing honor to the parents and family. The girls are no less than boys in any field, be it knowledge, learning or hard work. On this International Women's Day, lets join hands in these welfare causes to make our society more loving & respectable towards women. Happy Women's Day to All !!