Mar 10, 2013
  Total Views : 1154

Devotion Inculcates Spiritual Ambrosia

"God's name is very much potent and this awakens our internal powers. Man is brim full of spiritual nectar and ambrosia. If one keeps on reciting the Almighty's name religiously he can be blessed with incredible happiness." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million faithful followers). Followers from Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and many other states reached over there to listen to the spiritual discourse and got themselves enriched with the holy sermons. Revered Guru Ji blessed 16,225 seekers with the glorious method of meditation and administered them to pledge to quit the social vices. On this occasion, His Holiness Guru Ji rewarded Sangrur Block, Punjab with medals and trophies for ranking second in the humanity works all over the India. After the Satsang 7 marriages without following the tradition of dowry were also solemnized. A few further excerpts from the Satsang are:-

Ghee, milk, almonds are instilled with the power, but let it be known that with their consumption one cannot become potent. In the same way, recitation makes it possible for us to have divine vision and rendering selfless services bring us happiness which we had never ever imagined. However, men who lose the track of Almighty God and His altruism and engross themselves in slanders and back biting lose this happiness. God who provides man with each and everything is capable enough to take those things back too. So, only those acquire the Almighty who abstain themselves from every bad habit like lust, avarice, ego etc and become immortal like Bhai Manjh.

As per all the religions drugs are restricted and it is mentioned that their consumption is a big sin and still nowadays every village and city has counters for selling wine. Everyone is indulging in showing off these days. One pretends to be religious but still they act and work against the principles of religions. We all need God's blessings and grace so for this we must recite, render selfless services, and pray for the well beings of all. Only this way, God can indeed help us. By listening to these holy sermons and abiding them can enable us to be blessed with the holy grace and compassion of God.