May 8, 2023
  Total Views : 1156

DROP Campaign- A step to provide the clean drinking water to all

Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people in India continue to suffer from water scarcity. The advent of summers brings a lot of challenges but drinking water becomes the most precious commodity. With nearly 18% of the world's population, India has access to only 4% of its water resources. This makes it one of the most water-stressed countries, and the repercussions are born by the poor, especially those living in rural areas and in slums.

Recognizing the severity of the problem, Dera Sacha Sauda has come up with the inititive DROP – Drinking water provided in Rural and poor areas On Public drinkers’.

DROP is an initiative launched by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan to provide the facility of clean drinking water by installing dispensers at public places. Let's delve into the significance of this initiative and how it has contributed to the betterment of society.


Dera Sacha Sauda is a spiritual and social welfare organization based in Sirsa, Haryana, India, that has been transforming lives and serving humanity for several decades. The organization is involved in various social welfare activities such as blood donation, tree plantation, disaster relief, and education.

The DROP campaign is one of the many initiatives taken by the organization to serve society. This time they have laid focus on the issue of people in rural and poor areas that are forced to drink the contaminated water due to the lack of access of clean drinking water.  The acronym DROP stands for Drinking Water Provided in Rural and Poor areas On Public Drinkers.

Table of contents

  • Scenario in India
  • The Need for the DROP Campaign
  • Objectives of the DROP Campaign
  • Activities Under the DROP Campaign
  • Impact of the DROP Campaign

Scenario in India

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 163 million people in India lack access to safe drinking water. Lack of clean, piped, potable water forces people to rely on other not-so-clean water resources, which ultimately lead to health hazards, and more than 500,000 people die annually due to waterborne diseases. This lack of clean water primarily affects people living in poor and rural areas where access to basic facilities is limited.

According to recent data, about a quarter of India's population lives in impoverished regions and slums, where obtaining clean drinking water remains a daily challenge. In urban slums, access to clean drinking water is limited to only around 50% of the population, leading to a range of health problems and negative effects on people's livelihoods.

Water contamination is a major issue as well, and one of the underlying reasons for this is the lack of proper sanitation facilities. Open defecation and improper waste disposal contaminate water sources, making them unsafe for consumption. Additionally, industrial waste and agricultural runoff also contribute to water pollution, further reducing access to clean water in rural areas.

Often people are left with the only option to purchase drinking water through vendors, which costs them dearly and puts a financial strain on them.

The Need for the DROP Campaign

Clean drinking water is a huge challenge for poor and rural areas in India. The lack of clean drinking water leads to water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea; in slums and rural areas, where medical care is often scarce or inaccessible, these diseases can be life-threatening, especially amongst children, senior citizens and pregnant women. Precious time and money spent in arranging and buying water puts a lot of financial strain on this less-income populace.

The DROP campaign aims to address this issue by providing clean drinking water to people living in rural areas. Dera Sacha Sauda and the followers of the organization have been working in this direction by installing water dispensers in such regions so that everyone has access to this most basic need of living.

Objectives of the DROP Campaign

The DROP campaign has several objectives, including:

  • To provide clean drinking water to people living in rural areas.
  • To raise awareness about the importance of clean drinking water in maintaining good health.
  • To improve the quality of life of people living in rural areas by providing them with access to clean drinking water.

Activities under the DROP Campaign

The DROP campaign involves several activities, including:

  • Water Filtration Units: The campaign installs water filtration units in villages to provide clean drinking water. These units are equipped with advanced filtration technologies that remove impurities and contaminants from the water.
  • Awareness Drives: The campaign conducts awareness drives to educate people about the importance of clean drinking water in maintaining good health. These drives are conducted in schools, colleges, and other community centers.
  • Water Testing: The campaign conducts regular water testing to ensure that the water supplied through the filtration units is safe and clean.

Impact of DROP Campaign

The DROP campaign has had a significant impact on society.

  • Potable water is the most basic human need and through DROP Campaign clean drinking water has been provided to thousands of people living in rural, slums and other impoverished areas.
  • The campaign has also raised awareness about the importance of clean drinking water in maintaining good health.
  • The incidents of waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea have significantly reduced in such areas where water filtering units have been installed under the DROP Campaign.

Come one, Come All! Join us

So, dear friends, we cordially invite you to join us for this noble deed and contribute your part as every single person’s contribution is significant to bring this massive change and everyone is welcomed at Dera Sacha Sauda. Witness the profound impact of social welfare initiatives and experience the divine ambiance and the power of spirituality at Dera Sacha Sauda. Together, let us celebrate the spirit of love, compassion, and service, and contribute to building a better world for all.

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