Mar 4, 2020
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Every Once in a While, Attend A Spiritual Celebration for A Recharged Version of Yourself

Majority of the people believe that the purpose life is to find happiness. Some people know that happiness can be attained through spirituality as it teaches the way of life. But very few know What Exactly is Spiritual Awareness, how to identify and follow the higher authority or spiritual master. When every corner is colored in the hues of celebration it is a sight to watch for. And when these celebrations are with a spiritual touch, then there is no end to the charisma and divinity adds its own special touch to the whole ambiance. You are transferred to another world in a new dimension. Divine energy makes this whole world worth living. Maha Rehmokaram Day - Dera Sacha Sauda

Explore the Inner Depth of Your Being: Spiritual Awareness

Have you ever thought how one can gain spiritual awareness and thereby knowing yourself? One should follow a Spiritual Master or find a holding hand to drive him in the direction of attaining spiritual consciousness. We cannot imagine a life without higher authority. And this higher authority is the one who is working towards our well-being no matter how much ever sins or crimes we are committing on a daily basis. It somehow manages to find an excuse to forgive us and continues giving us yet another chance only to be betrayed once again. But God as many of us may call this authority just refuses to let off his children. HE simply knows these powerful beings called humans, who are given the power of the brain, will just ditch this power and come around soon. So what makes Him so forgiving? We don't know, all we know is, he is out there for us, every single moment providing for us, nurturing us, ignoring all our shortcomings, just as a mother keeps doing for her rowdy son. In the hope of bringing him back to his senses, she just goes on and on. And our creator definitely is many times more than a mother, who is limited by biological powers, while the former has no limitations.

Religious or Spiritual Centers Act as Stress Absorbers

And every time I come across a spiritual entity, be it our humble Gurudwara buddies, or the more vocal temple goers, or the very adamant mosque bearers, I cannot help but bow down to these groups for their dedication. And who knows our creator out there, has faith in us because of these believers of God. He simply knows the ones praying deserve another chance yet again to come back. And spirituality on its own is too vast to reach till the very bottom. Even the most acclaimed Saints, have admitted that they have but understood a fraction of this vast field. As mystic as this branch is, it is equally enticing one and all, towards it, with its ability to transform everyone into an exceptional experience and an unmatched blissful state. For that moment, you cannot help but sway towards this power and simply reverberate into another dimension. And then that moment spent in that aura, keeps you going back and asking more of it. So there, we have enough proof of this higher being calling us, and while our true self recognizes the call and acknowledges the same, our superficial self keeps rejecting it, creating a never-ending rift within ourselves. And this rift keeps on hitting you time and again until you are able to completely surrender to the higher calling. This takes more than a lifetime more often, and some may be lucky enough to experience the same within their lifetime. And most will agree on this, that a spiritual guide can make this happen much sooner. And fortunately for us, our land being land of Gurus, we have a good chance to find a true spiritual guide who can help us reach there just in time.

Spiritual Celebrations at Dera Sacha Sauda

Dera Sacha Sauda is one of the well known Spiritual Centers in India which organizes various activities on various occasions for the welfare of the society. This include Free Medical Check Up, Blood Donation Camps, Free Education, Books, Free Housing for the needy etc. Spiritual celebrations have their own way of commemoration different from regular celebrations like birthdays, marriages, etc These celebrations are full of spiritual music, with the divine hymns, along with the sermons, these make a perfect recipe. You cannot experience the same until you are open enough to witness it. And once you open yourself to receive the gifts, you are drenched with them abundantly. And here I chanced upon one such celebration at the Sirsa Ashram of Dera Sacha Sauda. It was an experience worth recollecting and keeping in our collection of memories. Interestingly these folks do not just offer their prayers and sing hymns laced with sermons, rather, they also combine it with welfare and humanitarian works. And these include blood donation camps, Medical health screening camps, etc.

60th Maha Rehmo Karam Diwas

So while this celebration was to commemorate the 60th Maha Rehmo Karam Day, the day when 2nd Master at Dera Sacha Sauda Shah Satnam Ji was coronated. This day is celebrated on 28th February every year.

Some of the Highlights of The Day

  • 1401 units of blood were donated.
  • 968 patients were examined and given free medicines and consultation as part of the free medical Camp.
  • The ration was provided to the needy pregnant women. Books, bags, and tiffins to needy children. A tricycle to physically challenged and 2 keys to newly constructed houses were given to the destitute.
With a spiritual awareness session called Naamcharcha, this entire program, which lasted for roughly 3 hours was complete mind rejuvenator. With short documentaries, showing the life of 2nd Master Shah Satnam Ji and recorded Satsang episode of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, the present Master, being played on screens, and the marriages of devotees and the langer prasad, in the end, were all perfect. What was best was the Satsang, which was soul curry for the soul in every sense. True Masters indeed have those powers that transcend human beings and make you feel formless and you instantly connect with the universe. Little wonder then lacs pour into this place, every week, every month and on such special days, this count of turnout runs into 6 or even 7 figures.

A Simple Ritual for a Wonderful Insured Life

We all have our own places of worship, where we go once in a while asking for a new things. We should always resort to every single day like this. Increase your spiritual awareness, visit the temple within us, the one where the creator resides permanently. He keeps guiding you calling you sitting right there. And oblivious to his calls, we are busy with our own pursuits. Well, we know that time is becoming scarce day by day. But once you start making this as part of your routine, you will be blessed. You are given with more concentration, more humble, compassionate and wonderful humane connect. Small situations would not put you off track. And you will be more receptive to every grace that he is showering every moment. And besides, visiting this temple won't take all those efforts, just a knock, and you are there. Ask for forgiveness, ask for grace, ask for guidance and you have made it across. And this simple knock may just become the insurance premium for all the maturity benefits that will follow.