Mar 31, 2013
  Total Views : 1327

Find Own Faults Rather Finding Other's

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million faithful followers presently) exhorts that man must not find others' faults rather than this he must find his own. But today man is engrossed in finding others' mistakes. If the man quits his vices while ignoring anyone else's mistakes he becomes brim full of bliss and joy.

Your mistakes always lead you towards illness, worries and tensions. Devotees must quit their bad habits and unite themselves with the Almighty God. To attain Him one gives up one's every thing, if required. God's name is the treasure trove of happiness. Man is so much powerful that with reciting the God's name intently he can become God from the human being. But the very need is to recognize this divine power and meditate on regular basis. To have meals even one has to work hard but to meditate he is not at all required to work hard. Just he has to move the tongue with the divine words. If this is not possible then it is also sufficient to meditate with the thoughts. Every devotee must be determined to quit his vices. With God's name and rendering selfless services man would definitely become satiated with the holy grace and compassion.