May 14, 2013
  Total Views : 21748

Food Bank and Cloth Bank

Food Bank and Cloth Bank

Contributing sincerely to this initiative by supporting poor families with food and clothing assistance not only in India, but all over the world

Members, numbering over hundreds of thousands, who were present in the special congregation organized on the first anniversary of 'Jaam-e-Insan' taking inspiration from Guruji pledged to make a food bank and a cloth bank. Observing fast for a day every week - that day food is deposited by the followers in food banks in respective blocks. From here volunteers distribute this food material to the hungry and poor persons in the area. Similarly, the followers deposit their old clothes in a cloth bank and these are disbursed amongst the needy. In India, in several public places are finds, mentally disturbed persons who are also fed from the food bank.

Food and Cloth banks established at Block level in different states of Punjab, Haryana, U.P., Rajasthan, Delhi etc.

In Islam, it is written that a person who remains busy in prayer while disregarding the needs of a hungry neighbor, gains nothing. Similarly, Christianity teaches everyone to love their neighbors. And help for the poor brethren is a manifestation of that love. Food is needed for survival and clothes to cover our bodies. Together, they constitute the two most basic and preliminary needs of us human beings. Today, in the garb of modernity, we have become increasingly selfish and self centred. And it is this change in social values which takes us away from the true import of all the world's religions. There are huge granaries and surplus food is available. But what suits the devious mind is a control on the prices. Every year we hear of excess produce being dumped in developed countries while millions are starving. Therefore, a new initiative has been started by Dera Sacha Sauda. Here, the followers stay hungry for a day, every week and give away that day's food equivalent to those in need. Those who can not observe this unique fast can contribute monetarily. Likewise, clothes that are in a good condition are given away to the clothes banks for distribution to the needy.