Jun 15, 2014
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Gift of Blood is Gift of Life - Special on World Blood Donor Day

An Ideal Initiative by Dera Sacha Sauda to Save Lives by Donating 3,95,398 Blood Units Till Date

In the human body, it will move, run and fly. Their each drop will shine forth in the humanity's sky. In medical exigencies, whenever there is a need of blood, everyone viz. Indian air force, police, media, or the thallesemia patients directly approach the globally renowned Spiritual Institution Dera Sacha Sauda. Adhering to the holy teachings of Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, every follower of Dera Sacha Sauda voluntary donates blood on every occasion of happiness, which is incredible in itself. To aware the masses about donating blood this is an unprecedented initiative taken by Dera Sacha Sauda. On every last Saturday, Blood Donation Drive is organized for Indian army. This Socio-spiritual organization, completed dedicated to humanity, has so far donated 3 lacs, 95 thousands and 398 blood units (Around 1 lac 77 thousands and 929 litres) and saved countless lives. On a single call of Revered Guruji, around 1 lac 3 thousand and 445 disciples have taken the pledge and given their consent by signing the form that they will donate the blood once in every quarter of the year.

Dera Sacha Sauda has been following the unique practice to remove the misconceptions about blood donation. Following His Holiness Guruji's teachings, Dera volunteers are well acquainted about the importance of blood donation for saving lives.

largest blood donor organization

Revered Guru Ji always teach that "Service to mankind is Service to God" and to incorporate it in real life His Holiness has undertaken 102 Humanitarian Activities for the welfare of mankind which are being executed by the followers worldwide with full earnest. Dera Sacha Sauda is generally referred 'True Blood Pump' on account of having lacs of followers always ready to donate blood whenever and wherever required. Miraculous thing about Dera Sacha Sauda is that its name has been recorded three times in Guinness Book of World Record for donating maximum blood units in just few hours and the donors feel pride. Dera Sacha Sauda is an organization where the donors reach to the place wherever blood is required irrespective of the location, which has never ever happened before anywhere. As a result, the death rate is reduced at a large scale. The other surprising fact is that the young followers of Dera Sacha Sauda donate blood on their marriages and they along with their families vow to donate blood, eyes, kidneys and even the whole bodies after the demise. Even in case of any of kin's death, the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda believe in donating blood to pay homage to the deceased ones rather than spending funds uselessly on customs. Dera Sacha Sauda is continuously donating blood on monthly basis since 2006 and removing the scarcity of blood. Dera disciples say with pride that from Kashmir to Kanyakumari they are able to donate the blood 24x7 depending upon their needs through Blood Indian Arms Transfusion Centre.

Who can be a donor?

One is eligible to donate blood if he/she is in good health, weigh at least 45 kg and is of 16 years or older but less than 60 years, free from HIV, hepatitis B and is not suffering from any disease. The blood donated in a single session i.e. 350 ml of blood is recovered completely in a day or two. Secondly, those who donate blood in every quarter are less prone to heart diseases. Furthermore, red blood cells presented in the human body are decomposed in three months. A healthy person can donate the blood every quarter fearlessly.

Achievements of Dera Sacha Sauda in Blood Donation

  • On 7th Dec, 2003 15,432 units of blood was collected in the mega blood camp organized at Shah Satnam ji Dham, Sirsa.
  • On 10th Oct., 2004 17,921 blood units were collected in the blood camp organized in Sri Gurusarmodia, Rajasthan in mere 8 hours.
  • On 8th Aug, 2010 43,732 units of blood were collected on the holy occasion of Revered Guruji's 43rd Incarnation Day, in Sirsa.

Dera Volunteers have donated 87,925 units of blood till date in 'Bapu Magghar Singh ji International Blood Bank'

By donating voluntary blood to the needy ones, Bapu Magghar Singh ji International Blood bank has been giving smiles on lacs of faces by rescuing their lives. This Bank, under the holy guidance of Revered Guruji, is known as Life Saver for spreading the gift of life to each needy person in Haryana, Punjab, Raajsthan and nearby locations. Another pearl added in the garland of Guruji's benevolences to Humanity is construction of Babu Magghar Singh ji International Blood Bank on 24th July 2007 in the premises of Shah Satnam ji Super Speciality Hospital.

All the medical tests are availed here at very low charges and no blood is asked in exchange for providing the blood to needy. This hospital has got a unique identity not only in Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan but also at International level. The blood bank which was started in 2007, has collected 87,925 units of blood till 11th June 2014. Needy people can be provided blood anytime even without asking for any replacement.

The spirit of blood donors is absolutely unique and highly appreciable. They never like to miss a single chance to donate and feel proud if their blood' each drop is utilized for saving others life.