Feb 24, 2013
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Glory of God's Name is Exquisite

"Glory of God's name is exquisite. Those who meditate on God's name, they are never deprived of anything and are free from sorrows, worries and tensions. It is a great thing to remember God in this horrifying era (kaliyuga) of Satan." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million people) at Shah Satnam Ji Dham, Sirsa. After the Satsang 16 marriages were solemnized without following the tradition of dowry. Revered Guru Ji imparted the glorious method of meditation to 16,705 seekers and administered them to take pledge to quit the vices.

His Holiness, Guru Ji exhorted in starting of Satsang(Spiritual Congregation) that a mega Satsang(Spiritual Congregation) will be organized on February 28, 2013 on the auspicious occasion of Gurgaddi Nashini Diwas of Param Pita Ji (Second Master of Dera Sacha Sauda). On this occasion a medical camp will be held and several welfare works will also be performed.

While addressing the sadh sangat Revered Guru Ji said, "God's name can do the things which cannot be accomplished with billions of rupees even. Wealth of the whole trinity cannot carry out the thing, which can be done with the divine name and that too within few seconds. One can never ever give life to anyone. However, Raam Naam(God's Word)has this much power that it can give new life to the deceased ones. Recitation of Gurumantra nullifies all the terrific deeds of a man and also bestows incredible happiness. All the scriptures mention that we all are one and God is also one, then why to hate others? Those who abide by the holy sermons they gain immense happiness. On the contrary, those who defy God they always remain disappointed. That divine voice is instilled in everyone. Those who are atheist and don't believe in God's existence they have not yet developed the eyes to see the divine. Lord dwells in each and every particle the only requirement is to have the eyes to see HIM."

Man spends many years for academic courses but, never devotes time to recite the God's name then how can that person be able to have an access to HIM? For the attainment of God it is necessary to meditate properly. This way, he would definitely obtain the divine vision. One can never attain God with any kind of cleverness or deception. God's name is the only means to lead the life full of contentment and happiness. With God's name one becomes internally pure and develops the self confidence. And this leads to the cultivation of positive thoughts within. God's name is the treasure trove of pleasure. Those who meditate, find the delight of every kind. And those who comply with the divine preaching they turn to diamonds from stones. Man must be sagacious as well as assiduous. He must earn his livelihood by hard work. One must never go after the mann (negative aspect of mind) because those who follow they lose everything they have with them. God carries out the actions which are in the favor of all and sundry. To attain God it is imperative to intently recite God's Name without any kind of ostentation.