Apr 22, 2013
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God Can Increase The Life-Span Of The Followers With Firm Faith

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million faithful followers presently) expounds that God has bestowed this priceless human birth to a soul. While being in this body, soul needs to meditate and obtain liberation from the cycle of transmigration of births and deaths and reach the eternal abode. That is why the Supreme Power created this very specie namely humans. But man, on being deluded by mann (negative aspect of mind), keeps on committing bad deeds and never recites the Gurumantra which ends up all sorrows, worries and tensions; the incurable diseases which can be exclusively healed with God's name only. If a man, who is on the verge of death, has firm faith and meditates regularly, then it might be possible that God increases his life span because this is not a big deal for Him. So it is essential that a person should meditate till the last breath and depart from this earth, to the eternal abode in God's lap.

Oblivious to the fact that everyone has to pass away one day and leave this mortal world; a person believes that his stay is everlasting. Besides that one sees that people of all age groups are passing away, still one is not able to accept it as true that a day will come when he too has to leave this mortal world. This is a bitter truth that no one wants to die. Actually, God's name not only survives the man from the death but it also liberates him from cycle transmigration of births and deaths. God also helps those who are optimistic of being healthy and willing getting rid of all worries. Today, man has forgotten to recite the Gurumantra. Whole day, one remains busy in daily chores of life and committing awful deeds; falling prey to wealth and lust. The only solution to get rid of this is to meditate which makes a man capable of acquiring the holy grace and compassion with respect to the meditation done by a person. Guru Ji said that until unless a person meditates he will not obtain eternal bliss; plus, how would one's soul become powerful? Those who meditate and abide by the holy sermons get bountiful of blessings. So one is advised to meditate and follow the sacred preaching's to get a hold of the internal as well as external happiness and delight.