Aug 25, 2013
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God is Attained by Recitation with Pure-hearted Devotion

"What is God's name, what does it consist of and why is it necessary to adopt it? If you had not been nominated with any name what would have happened? You are known with your name only. As and when some says your name you instantly pay attention to him, you don't need to think for a moment even. Same way, when one calls the Almighty God, He comes to him/her. The one who has created Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji and Mahesh Ji and to call Him, it is important to adopt the holy God's words (Gurumantra)." guru ji dera sacha sauda satsangGurumantra. It does not take even a penny to adopt it. Those who adopt and chant it intently with heart full of devotion their whole life becomes happy and they remain hale and healthy. There is a phrase that says, "In anguish everyone does recite, but none does in happiness." However, if the man does meditate during his good time, it results in nullification of all sorrows and worries. Moreover, it is much more beneficial than the meditation done during tensions. As the parents have a great longing for the son, if they have only 15 to 20% of that longing for the Almighty God, God would indeed appear before them. Recitation brings internal happiness and self confidence. On listening to the holy sermons, abiding by them and reciting Gurumantra even while staying at home, one can have an access to the Almighty God. Revered Guruji invoked everyone to come forward for humanitarian activities. Devotees listening Holy Sermons by His Highness