Feb 28, 2013
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God's Words (Raam Naam) Enlightens the Life

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 5o million followers presently) exhorts that God's name is the panacea. The one, who grasps it, bears the fruits; internally, it makes the soul so powerful that it becomes capable of acquiring the Divine Vision. It makes the man hale and healthy and removes all sorrows, worries and tensions. God's name bestows profuse happiness but it seems very difficult for the people to meditate in this terrible era of Satan (kaliyug). Most of the people remain occupied in their works but for meditation they put forth the absurd excuses. Gods' Holy Name can convert autumn to spring season. It gives life to the lifeless buds and they too flower head. Moreover, it helps deceased souls to reach HIM again. On meditating intently one is able to gain the holy grace and compassion, and consequently becomes free of all of his committed terrific deed's fruit.

Man adopts Guru Mantra but does not meditate. On meditating one becomes free of all depressions, sadness and tensions. Without meditation one never obtains the innate happiness and so leads a burdensome life. If one wants to attain the holy grace and compassion and get rid of distress, fears and tensions it is necessary to meditate with full concentration while sitting, walking or performing daily chores of life.

Today, people deceive others just for the sake of a few bucks. For the same reason man is selling himself. But that money will not accompany till the grave. Even the ornaments one is wearing are taken off in the name rituals such as the last shower of the body. Furthermore, there is no bed of roses for the body other than the floor. A person has to leave all the worldly things here itself, so why to put up for sale ones trust, religion and faith in the allurement of money, and to run after money diverting oneself from God. The money earned through corruption and deception never lets a man live peacefully. It is imperative that one must have hard-earned money and should meditate; this turns everything into a Blessing. God's Sacred Name bestows joy even to the deserted life. So, one is requested to adopt the method of meditation and recite it daily at least for 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Even scant meditation done in this era of vices can bring abundant results. So, one must meditate while doing daily chores of life; and get rid of the sorrows, worries and tensions; and to obtain abundance of holy grace and compassion.