Jan 30, 2013
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Got My Eyes Back by Pita Ji's Blessing

Mr. Jaspreet Singh,

New Zealand

It was in year 1998, I was studying in class 6th in private school in Muktsar (Punjab). I was blessed with method of meditation by Hazoor Pita Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan in 1994. So one evening, I had itchy red  eyes  and my parents took me to an eye  specialist. The doctor misread my situation and he diagnosed it as flu and gave some  eye  drops. which I used for a week and from that day I could not see anything and was totally blinded. My parents looked at all the options and took me to  eye  surgeon in Fazilka (Punjab). He looked at my  eyes and commented that this was the worst case that he had seen in a child of my age. He prescribed medicine and when the medical staff came up to put  eye  drops, my mother took the medicine and recited " Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Asra". When she put eye drops in my  eyes  and in next couple of minutes I started to see. Many many Thanks to Hazoor Pita Ji, without You Pita Ji I would have never been able to see this world again.

I request Pitaji to bless us in every step of life. "”

Mr. Jaspreet Singh