Jul 16, 2019
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Guru Purnima - the biggest festival for a True Devotee


Dera Sacha Sauda Followers celebrate this biggest festival renewing their promises, their pledges made to True Guru Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan to become better versions of themselves, to become pure and pious souls as He wants to see them, on this blessed day (Guru Purnima).

A Guru is given the highest stature in mankind since ancient times. As a popular saying goes "Guru Govind, Dono khade, kaa ke laagu paay, balihari Guru aapne jin, Govind diya milaay" which means, Guru and God both are standing together, whole should I pay respect first, and since Guru connected me to God, he deserves more respect than even God. There are numerous instances, where if a disciple is rejected True Guru, he doesn't find a place anywhere in both worlds. Because God too is bound by the sermons of True Guru Master.

So How should a True Guru Be- What qualities define Him?

Find out by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

True Guru is light divine

A True Guru is that light, which can light up a whole universe with his knowledge. Where there is True Guru there cannot be the darkness of ignorance. His Light droves away darkness of every form, and illuminates every heart with the eternal light.

True Guru is the coolest shade of a densest tree

A True Guru is like a cool shade amidst a burning desert, who cools down every passers by with his sweet voice and unconditional love. He loves God's creations without any selfish motive and every soul is nurtured with equal love and care.

True Guru is full of abundance

A True Guru has no dearth of worldly things. He is the master of both worlds, yet he calls himself a fakir. One whose slightest direction, can change the face of winds, who can order mountains to move, cannot be a fakir. Yet he is not the beggar, who goes from town to town asking for alms in return of God's words.

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan says that, he is in fact, the one who gives, and doesn't take anything in return. What does he give? He gives the true path to Lord to each of his disciple, and takes aways his griefs, sorrows etc. in return. Such is the stature of a True Guru. So beware of those fake Gurus who are sitting in every other corner, asking for huge sums, in return of God's talks. Such Gurus are themselves stuck in the filth of the world, how can they transcend you with God?

A Guru is the lover of God Almighty

He is not a lover of material things, or temporary tastes. He only nurtures one desire or has just one purpose in life, to rid the souls of their tensions, worries, problems and to connect them with Almighty. God's name is the key to all tensions that a person receives as part of his Karma. They explain this universal truth to one and all says Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

A True Guru never teaches everyone to earn by illegal means and to motivate others to do so, they themselves earn by dint of hard work.

A Guru would never ask people to treat him as God

He is always a symbol of humility and selflessness and would not resort to any hypocrisy what-so-ever. He would in fact hide himself in front of others, and show himself as a normal human being, even though he is the owner of both worlds, himself.

A True Guru is forever above anger, greed, attachment etc His actions are all about human welfare and never related to any mean motives.

When a soul gets united with True Guru Master, it can feel its own blessed state and just cannot stop singing in gratitude. The soul finds itself in another world, where it had found an unknown treasure, which is giving her infinite happiness. This treasure cannot be shown to anyone, it can be just felt by that soul who has it, exhorts Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.