Sep 23, 2015
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Happy Great Benevolence Day Silver Jubilee 23rd September

His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has completed the golden and radiant 25 years of His divine coronation. Adorable Guru Ji enthroned the royal seat of Dera Sacha Sauda on the auspicious day, 23rd September 1990. The devotees are celebrating with great fervor and delight the sacred Silver Jubilee Festival as 25th year of holy helmenship. This excellent period has been memorable as golden era in the history of Dera Sacha Sauda due to plenty of remarkable achievements. Adorable Guru Ji accepted the blessed rein of Dera Sacha Sauda on 23rd September 1990 at the young age of 23 years, which is an unparalleled achievement. This has been a unique and wonderful phenomenon in the history of spiritualism when Adorable Guru Ji was blessed with Spiritual coronation just at the young age of 23 years through the benevolence of His Holiness Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj. Since change is the law of nature; therefore, this pleasant transformation has been recorded 25 years from now, as an epoch making change. His Holiness Param Pita Ji has been kind enough to disclose at global level that the selection of a youth with divine Spiritual Power is going to motivate and accelerate the cause of social welfare and the principles of humanity and awaken the strayed masses to acquire God's words thereby establishing the regime based on honesty, goodness and humanity. People are observing and have realized that the concepts of religious progress and human welfare have advanced enormously during the past 25 years. The noble tasks of humanity are being implemented with full devotion and a great number of persons are getting linked to God's Words with the kind grace of Adorable Guru Ji. The admirable achievements achieved during these 25 years for improvements and progress of society are invaluable and unequalled. He is working day and night for the betterment of the society. He is extending cooperation to each and every good field of the world. He is accelerating every task of human welfare at His personal level. He sincerely wishes that every person should devotedly attain the virtuous principles of humanity, become a true lover to the motherland and should get attached to God's words. He is translating this imagination into reality. In this noble effort, the 25 years of enormous success are on the top. His every effort is uplifting the society.There does not seem to be any Perfect Spiritual Saint who could render such great services of human welfare and enormous achievements in just 25 years. His attempts, eager pursuits and efforts have been marvelous because He is dedicating His endeavor with great wisdom, skill, hard work and resources. His contributions are un-paralleled and unique, therefore many world level organizations are bestowing great respect and gratitude. These organizations are elaborating praiseworthy achievements through Guinness Book of World Records, Asian Book of Records or India Book of Records. It is all due to the sheer majesty, glory and splendor of   His divine qualities.

Holy words of Most Revered Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj regarding Spiritual Coronation (succession):

This is not Our personal property: The cycle of monthly meeting of devotees continued since July 1989, to decide upon the selection of the righteous successor as new Spiritual Guide of Dera Sacha Sauda. During one of the meetings, certain volunteers submitted a written request to choose one of the members from the parental family of Adorable Param Pitaji. But Guruji counseled, "No!   This is not Our personal or family property. This spiritual treasure shall only be bestowed upon the virtuous, deserving and appropriate personality." We shall do such an indelible and genuine task: Before blessing the Spiritual Royal Seat, Adorable Param Pitaji declared, "We do not wish that there should be any turmoil after achieving the divine succession. We shall personally do this genuine and divine task which no one else has ever done not can ever perform in future. No one shall ever be able to raise objection when We do it with good consciousness and personal involvement." His Holiness Shah Satnam ji Maharaj got it done as per His holy words. Composition of "Will": Most Adorable Saint Param Pita ji conferred the "written will" statement in the name of His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan three months prior to the actual bestowing of the Spiritual Coronation. Generally, the notice of bequest denotes, "After my ultimate departure," but Most Adorable Param Pita Ji submitted the written statement of will, "Dera Sacha Sauda movable and immovable property, cash, funds and everything linked with Dera is being granted from now onwards to Adorable saint Sh. Gurmeet Singh Ji (Revered Hazoor Pita ji)." This is an unprecedented example in itself to bestow the spiritual authority. Visualize Us in the Young Body On the auspicious day of 23rd Sept, 1990, His Holiness Param Pita Ji, during Spiritual Congregation, delivered sermons to the followers, "The divine rules of nature cannot be changed. You are capable of watching Us in form of old body in your presence, but if you wish to visualize Us in young body form, you can view Us in the divine figure of Adorable Hazoor Pitaji (explained through hint). You should treat His declarations as Our affirmation; Whosoever loves and pays regard to Him (Hazoor Maharaj Ji) is loving and paying regards to Us (Param Pita Ji). We shall continue Our performances through the thoughts and actions of Adorable Saint Ji (Hazoor Maharaj) while sitting in His young body. We are sure that the supervision of Dera Sacha Sauda, the progress and welfare activities for the followers shall get enhanced to many times. All the devotees will achieve comfort and delight who develop faith in Our versions". We shall make Him brave, courageous and Lion-hearted: About two day before the occasion of blessing the spiritual status, Adorable Param Pita Ji elaborated through sacred declaration in the presence of Sat Brahmchari Sewadar, "As per Our wishes, Our Spiritual Guide His Holiness Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj has provided Us much more virtuous and talented youth. We will create in Him the qualities of a courageous tiger that shall become capable of facing every adverse situation .In case even a mountain strikes against Him, He will be capable of shattering it into pieces." A brief glimpse of the life of His Holiness: Most Adorable His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan incarnated on the earth on 15th August 1967,from the holy pelvis of most respectable mother Naseeb Kaur Ji Insan and in the house of most hon'ble father Bapu Namberdaar Magghar Singh Ji. Thou acquired esteemed incarnation as the sole affectionate child after 18 years of marriage of Thy parents. The holy Saint Trivani Dass Ji had predicted about Thy godly personality to the honorable father. Just after Thy incarnation, he visited Thy sweet home to impart fortunate message that the child is not a simple being but a unique and divine entity. He should be nurtured with utmost and affections. When Thou attained the age of just 23 years, Thou were invited by His Holiness Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj and His Holiness nominated Thee as His   true spiritual successor. After seeking permission from Thy holy mother, when Thou reached near thy father, his throat became choked with savor of love and detachment . But before granting a pleasing farewell, he elaborated the predictions of Saint Trivani Dass Ji. He comfortably revealed, "I am no one to stop Thee." Therefore, Thou reached Dera Sacha Sauda on 22nd September after seeking permission from thy parents. His Holiness Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj was eagerly waiting for Thee. Thou were invited to the Tera Vaas of Shah Mastana Ji Dham . On the evening of 22nd September Revered Guruji enquired about the well being of Thy hon'ble parents and then had sweet conversation. Thou were blessed with spiritual heirship on acknowledging His supreme successor. The very next day, on 23rd September 1990, Thou were honored to take over the Royal seat (coronation) after public proclamation as the third Spiritual Master of Dera Sacha Sauda. Thou were blessed with radiant floral garland and blessed eatables. All the regions of the earth and the above started glowing with brilliance. There were shouts of triumph, victory and exultation everywhere. Every devotee felt fortunate on watching the sublime event of disclosing the one great Spiritual Power by another equally great spiritual Power . The persons who could observe this unique scene, considered themselves to acquire eternal bliss. Thou were accepted as most honorable and affectionate personality on Sep 23, 1990 by Thy Spiritual Guide His Holiness Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj. His Holiness shared the Spiritual Royal seat of Dera Sacha Sauda with Thee till 13th Dec. 1991. His Excellency accomplished such a noble and indelible task that no one could own any doubt or suspicion. Since then Dera Sacha Sauda has acquired the climax of prosperity beyond imagination. Global Level Prosperity of Dera Sacha Sauda: In addition to the spiritual benevolence, certain more achievements acquired at world level are being mentioned in brief: Celebrate and Glorify God 's Words: Dera Sacha Sauda is attaining new heights to link masses with supreme God's words. Guru Ji feels delighted in granting initiation and promoting Method of Meditation. Unlimited and desirous people visit Dera Sacha Sauda to get attached to God's words. There is such a surge of divine power that almost 50 thousand people come to attend each religious congregation and they pledge to discard the wicked habits of taking egg, meat, wine, intoxicants etc and are blessed with Method of Meditation. The spiritual congregation which is organized every week end is attracting a large gathering that has a great urge to acquire the divine benevolence through Adorable Guru Ji. He has been kind enough to bless God's Words and link more than one lac people just within a few hours so as to improve their life. The blessing of divine spiritual succession to Guru Ji has proved to be so much beneficial that the number of devotees of Dera Sacha sauda has crossed the number of 50 million which used to be just 11 lacs (1.1 million) earlier. Progressive Construction of Hermitage (Ashram): The religious organization of Dera Sacha Sauda has achieved enormous development under the sanctified guidance of Guruji and is still achieving high speed of progress. Many branches of hermitage have been established in India and abroad. Almost every village and city has acquired Naam Charcha Ghar (a holy building for recitation of God's words) which are also renowned as centers to discard intoxications. More so, there are other sacred centers of Dera Sacha Sauda which tend to promote attachment with God's Words. The constructions of such prestigious and reputed branches have been completed in many countries including America, Canada and Australia. Their number has increased to 45 with the kind grace of Adorable Guru Ji (Which was limited to 24 before 23rd September, 1990). The day is not far off when every country shall be graceful to establish a holy branch of Dera Sacha Sauda. Progress in the Field of Education Revered Guru Ji is kind enough and provides unlimited support to promote education. The process to enhance the prospects of education started with the establishment of Shah Satnam Ji Girls School Sirsa in 1994. Thereafter, Dera Sacha Sauda has achieved enormous progress in the field of education and these educational institutions are dedicated to improving the destiny of the students and the nation. Presently, International Schools have also been established under Shah Satnam Ji Group of Educational Organizations. Thousands of students are capable to improve upon their moral status and confidence which influences the high officials as well. The unique and superb achievements of students in studies and sports are due the direct guidance and motivation of Adorable Guru Ji. These institutions also provide free educational facilities to financially weaker students with the divine blessings and inspiration .Thus the role of Adorable   Guru Ji in promoting education is extol worthy. Commendable contributions to Health Sector : The medical field shall always feel grateful to Guruji since He has exerted many endeavors beyond comparison to anyone. The holy organization of Dera Sacha Sauda is supreme and renowned for its contributions in blood donation, kidney donation during life time; eye donation and even body donation after death. More so, Shah Satnam Ji Specialty Hospital has been established which is elegantly equipped with latest technology. In addition to this, Ayurvedic and Naturopathy methods are also utilized so that the patients can be treated in every right manner. Adorable Guru Ji has launched mobile hospital in the form of "Farishta and Nanha Farishta" (Angels) through His personal research and adventure.   Every facility of treatment has been made available. Even the incurable problems are being resolved through meditation or God's words which are an incomparable venture. There are thousands of evidences which cause astonishment to expert physicians of the world. Blessings in the  Field of Agriculture: Adorable Guru Ji has bestowed extra-ordinary and unprecedented contribution to the farmers. They are imparted latest knowledge on the basis of experiments and research in agriculture. The dejected and desperate farmers are motivated to progress through self confidence so that they do not think of committing suicide. Even the agricultural expert scientists feel convinced and arouse desire to practise upon the seeds produced in the fields at Dera Sacha Sauda. Such seeds and kernels prove to be beneficial for the farmers because they gain sufficient profits. In addition to this, the practice of organic farming is seeking importance on basis of its quality and skill. The crops produced procure advanced booking. The crops, vegetables and fruits produced without chemical fertilizers and pesticides have remarkable nutritious values and taste. The organic farm has achieved its celebration in the country and its products get advance booking. The aspects of agriculture are flourishing with the kind grace and guidance of Adorable Guru Ji because He has been a prominent experienced farmer. Large scale agricultural festivals and fair are organized every year to motivate the farmers through their knowledge and experience. Launching of Humanity Divine Nectar (Jaam-e-Insan): Reverence to the principles of humanity is diminishing due to advancement in materialistic and selfish perceptions. People suffer through hatred, malice, grudge and rivalry. Adorable Guru Ji blessed a unique concept on 29th April, 2007 to eliminate the wicked attitude by providing Divine Nectar (Jaam-e-Insan) to the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda to promote the values of humanity. It was not a signal of changing any religion but a convention of attaining eloquent spiritual power. This elixir has a mixture of milk and sweet syrup with rose flavor but its achievements with full devotion and benevolence of Adorable Guru Ji helps to resolve even impossible tasks beyond imagination. For instance, certain blind persons could regain vision, deaf and dumb could recover their senses, issueless persons could achieve parenthood and even the incurable disease like cancer could get eliminated. People could attain eternal bliss and delight. The glance and charm of Divine Nectar has been so excellent that people could fulfill their every deserving and pending   desires. Achievements in the field of Cinema: Perfections of Guru Ji are unlimited and hardly any field remains untouched. Most Adorable Guru Ji has exhibited His prominence in projecting the first movie as "˜MSG, The Messenger" on February 13, 2015. His performance as a hero of the film has deeply influenced every viewer. His very first movie has achieved four awards of international level and mentioned in the India and Asian Book of Records. These records are based upon maximum dress designs and participation of splendid co-dancers. He has designed 54 dresses during lead role. Other three awards are achieved through collective dance with 75,127 persons with lighted candles; 1, 29,724 members for the song "Never-Ever" and the attendance of 1, 31,517 persons during the first day of film promotion. The organizations linked with registration of "˜records' are actively watching the achievements of Guruji so that they do not miss any opportunity to project their success. Many prominent film directors, actors etc are trying to seek direct blessings from Adorable Guru Ji because they have also expressed their willingness to work along with Adorable Guru ji. Worthy Steps of Progress: The tasks undertaken on the guidance of Guru Ji are admirable and unique. Superb waves of 112 tasks have been launched through Dera Sacha Sauda for social welfare and motivate the principles of humanity. The trend of social welfare is progressing because the number of participating volunteers is increasing every month. All the prominent persons of our nation are appreciating every remarkable project and are even getting linked with the said deeds. For instance, hon'ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi has also adopted the sublime project of cleanliness "Clean Earth to Eliminate Ailments." Thus all the citizens are getting involved in campaign of "Clean India". This task of cleanliness has been implemented in 27 most populated cities since its first beginning through capital city of Delhi on 22nd September 2011. Almost every state government is trying to follow this campaign. The eager attempt and endeavor is fruitful in social improvements. Revered Guru Ji adopts the girls entrapped in prostitution as His own daughters and rehabilitates them with mainstream by arranging their marriage, thus creating a social reform movement against prostitution. So far, 17-18 girls have escaped from the arduous situation due to management of their marriages. They are now recognized as "Shubh Devi (Fortunate Goddess)" Adorable Guru Ji has also blessed the eunuchs and they are now a part of "Sukh Dua Smaaj". The honorable Supreme Court has also recognized them in the category of third Gender. In brief we fell delighted that the religious organization of Dera Sacha Sauda is eminently promoting 112 tasks of social improvement. All the evil habits of intoxicants are gradually being exhausted to create healthy environment. All the countrymen are gaining spiritual strength and moral confidence. We express our gratitude and dedicated submission to Guru Ji for His divine grace particularly on 23th September on the auspicious spiritual coronation day. Establishment of Royal Shelter (Shahi Asra Ashram) This comfortable residence provides all the essential amenities for the otherwise helpless and orphan boys. Presently, there are 44 young boys who are nurtured and guided to improve upon their fortunes. They also have been blessed with the parenthood     of Adorable Guru Ji. They are achieving distinctions in studies and sports at national and level through their learning in convent schools. The children who are dejected by nature, parents or society are given esteemed protection, guidance, training and education through the kind benevolence of Guru Ji otherwise their existence on the earth was under question. This is definitely a praiseworthy and unique campaign of social emancipation. Comfortable home for Royal Daughters: (Shahi Beti Basera) A special campaign has been started by Revered Guruji to save young girls who are traced as orphans or left by certain guardians who are financially weaker and are unable to nurture them. A comfortable home has been constructed for their residence which has been named as "Shahi Beti Basera". At present, there are about 26 royal daughters residing here with full convenience and pleasure like the home of affluent persons. They are being provided education & sports facilities of convent school. Their achievements are attaining laurels to the nation. Most Adorable Guru Ji has blessed them His own name as mother & father so that no one considers them as orphans.