Mar 13, 2013
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Holy Discourse Nullifies Accumulated Bad Deeds

"Satsang is that place where, if the person comes to come then the effect of dreadful deeds get nullified; making a person internally pure and capable to get hold of the Holy Grace." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million people). Further excerpts from the Satsang are as follows:-

There is no other place than Satsang to purify oneself internally. One must listen to and abide by the Holy Sermons. This way, a person would not be deprived of anything rather becomes brim full with spiritual joy and happiness; by purifying one's thoughts. For this, one need to come to Satsang, listen to & abide by the sacred preaching and recite Guru-Mantra(method of meditation) that which is considered as very difficult to enchant. Saints are forever and a day in favor of the well being of everyone; but this depends on the man how much he/she follows the Holy Discourse. With this, one can get rid of the prospective diseases and illness too. Saints always edify the man to recite God's Name, seek God from God, Himself and never utter or think bad of anyone.

With regular meditation one is bestowed with the deluge of Divine Elegance and compassion. One becomes the same as the company one keeps; so the companionship with vices ceases all happiness. On the other hand, friendship of noble persons helps in moving ahead on the path of spirituality. So, it is must keep the company of the noble and kind people. Satsang not only nullifies this birth's awful actions but it also makes one ready for the other world (eternal abode) as well. God's Name is the treasure trove of happiness that results in brimming bliss eternity. HE, the ocean of mercy and the benefactor of Holy Grace is omnipresent. So, one must unite oneself with the God's Name, take note to and abide by the Hallowed Sermons imperatively. If a person attends Satsang but don't comply with the preaching then one has to bear the fruit of one's committed bad deeds. So, one must listen to the Sanctified Orations to diminish the outcome of the accumulated deeds and to acquire immense delight.