Apr 1, 2013
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Human Being is The Most Precious Amongst 84 Lakh Species

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million faithful followers presently) exhorts that God has bestowed the man with the status of being the most precious one. Gold, diamond etc. can be bought from anywhere but the human birth cannot be attained at any cost. And today people are just wasting this very birth due to being engrossed in lust, avarice, ego, wealth and attachment. Man is entangled in this cobweb very badly that they don't let him to get free. Moreover, man does not recite God's words,  doesn't  listen to Satsang (holy discourse) and never abide by the holy sermons so how could he get benefited?

This is the terrible era of vices (kaliyug). So you cannot think of a man listening to Satsang daily is free of all these vices. But this is for sure that man must get the fruits of listening to Satsang in next world (eternal abode) with respect to the time given to Satsang. But to get happiness in this world this is the only requisite to comply with the holy sermons. There is a section of people who used to attend Satsang daily but still are engaged in jealous, hatred, and negative thoughts. In this way, he can never ever become capable to get the holy grace and compassion.

Today, man does not like to get anything how much time Saints may spend to teach them but he remains deluded by his mann (negative aspect of mind). This is the fact that to put s dog's tail in any pipe for 12 years even does not get straight. So to get freedom form this one is required to meditate regularly. On the contrary, mann can deceive you at anytime. So it is imperative that one must not follow one's mann and the people deluded by it. Rather than this he must accompany noble people and bridle his mann. Then only you would be capable to get the holy grace and compassion. If one follows the teachings of saints then it is impossible that he will not get the happiness internally or externally. He becomes brim full of bliss and spiritual joy.