Nov 25, 2018
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Welfare Initiatives Galore, as part of Incarnation Day Celebrations of Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj

Kartik Purnima, the most pious and blessed Day, when the Founder Of Dera Sacha Sauda, Shah Mastana Ji incarnated, on this mortal planet, to rid souls of their diseases of birth and death and to spread the message of eternal love and humanity. Mastana Ji's Incarnation Day brings gaiety and celebrity everywhere. It's an environment full of festivity and enthusiasm. There cannot be any bigger celebration for a disciple, than his Master's incarnation.

True Master, Shah Mastana Ji's Incarnation Day, is celebrated by Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers around the Globe, with acts of kindness and welfare and reminiscing His kind deeds.

The entire generation is indebted to the True Master, for creating this spiritual college of Spirituality that imparts true lessons in humanity and truthfulness. By lading the foundation stone of this most pious place, the Master has bestowed, millions of disciples the path to a true life, leading directly to the doorstep of Almighty. Shah Mastana Ji's infinite sermons act as guiding light in the dark nights of failure and hardships. Shah Mastana Ji (Founder Of Dera Sacha Sauda) hailing from Baluchistan used to speak in a different language but had an adorable, sweet voice, and as per the sermons of his Master, Sawan Shah Ji Maharaj, that your voice, would draw crowds and make people go crazy in the love for the divine.

Although His language was not understandable by the people of Bagar, they used to say," your voice is so sweet, we feel like listening to this voice forever". And they rid themselves, from the cycle of birth and death.

On the occasion of Incarnation Day, various welfare camps are organized by Dera Sacha Sauda followers, in the Sirsa Ashram. These include medical camps, Blood camps, Distributing needy items, groceries, house keys to the needy and many more, welfare initiatives. It is this celebration with humanitarian works, that the Master rooted for, his entire life.

As part of welfare activities carried out as part of Incarnation Day, 15 Tricycles were distributed to visually impaired and groceries and warm clothes to 11 families each. As part of Blood Donation Camp, held today, 4307 units Blood collected Blood, and 4414 patients screened as part of medical Camp. The followers thanked Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, for providing this wonderful opportunity of serving God's loving children.

The followers, help thousands of souls, get rid of their pains and sorrows and bring a ray of light in their lives. We are forever thankful to the True Master, Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, for taking forward the legacy of Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj (Founder Of Dera Sacha Sauda) and taking it to another dimension with his guidance and teachings.