Apr 18, 2020
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Indescribable Benevolence - Dera Sacha Sauda's Founder Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj

The true Satguru-Murshid-Kamil's altruism towards humanity cannot be counted. No statement can be given to the unspeakable benevolence of the Satguru Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj. The one who gives life the Satguru, and brings the dead corpse back to life, who frees the captive souls in the prison of birth and death with their grace, Can there be any greater deed? And the disciple-true lover of God becomes entitled to all the kindness of his Guru, Piro-Murshid, the true Satguru who follows the words of his Guru Murshid. In spirit, every link starts with the Guru and remains connected with Guru Murshid-Kamil.

Guru is Necessary in Every Area

It is seen in the social and worldly field that Guru is necessary for every area. With Guru, the person achieves success in every field. And without that Guru the condition of that life is like that of a plant of sesame which is alone in the desolate, thriving but having no care. It gets into the soil on its own. The Guru is with him, and according to his words, the person moves, then life becomes a never-ceasing bliss. Success in every field follows naturally. Satguru would never allow his disciple to mediate in any other area. When the child is small, parents teach him to hold his finger. When the child grows up, learns to walk with his feet, the parents get carefree, but the Satguru holds the finger of his disciple every moment so that he never slips into the dirt of worldly pleasures. Therefore, the true Guru, Piro-Murshid guides his disciple every moment, explaining and grooming. He recites the words of his spiritual Satsang and prays to God, praying for the thorns of his way, his karma and his troubles. He always holds the disciple's hand. Parents can, of course, leave their child alone in the world (when they grow up) but Satguru never leaves his child alone, for he remains an infant for his Master all his life.

Dera Sacha Sauda - The Real Heaven on Earth

True Master Mastana Ji showed what he wanted, what he promised, and his work for the creation of true Lord by laying the foundation stone of God's abode Dera Sacha Sauda. The mercy and deeds of the revered Supreme Father are visible in every particle in Dera Sacha Sauda. It is this Dera Sacha Sauda, founded by true Master Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj on 29th April 1948 that laid the foundation of humanity on earth. At a time when humanity was dying a slow death, Dera Sacha Sauda revived every bit of it, with its teachings of serving God's creation and praising true Lord. The grace of His Holiness the Father is present in the form of the current Guru Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji in the way of INSAN. Under the auspicious direction of Rev. Guru Ji, crores all over the world are seeing the grace of the revered Master with their eyes.

The Saints Come to Awaken"¦

The auspicious arrival of Guru-saint legends on this mortal planet is for the benefit of humanity, and society. Saints provide support to all living beings. They always ask for the good of the Supreme Father and do everything for humanity as much as possible. They do not say bitter words to anyone with their thoughts, words, deeds. It also said by great men that the wrath of saints is also a blessing, whereas the Love given by the world is fatal for a human being. We cannot guess how much evil karma of a person they end at the slip of a moment with their glance, or even harsh words. They never persecute anyone but instead focus on erasing anger, greed, ego, illusion, jealousy, hatred, etc., rotting the minds of people and fill their hearts with true Love and turn their lives into a never-ending musical symphony. Saints are great philanthropists. Their tendency is like a flowing stream. As flowing stream the sins of sinners, big criminals and cleanses them in a moment. Words of saints cool the heat of the heart. As the rainy spring falls on the hot earth, a person smells a unique smell, of fragrance and coolness.

Dera Sacha Sauda - True Lighthouse for Billions

History is a witness that demons like Kaude, prostitutes like Ganaka, known for their ruthless acts, turned into great devotees after hearing words of saints. Such is the company of Saints. Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj has shown the path to thousands of wandering souls in his lifetime, and this Dera Sacha Sauda founded by Him continues to be a lighthouse for billions across the world, guiding the world towards a life of truth and philanthropy. Their aim of the saints' benevolence towards every living being is often misunderstood by the world as they see this world from their eyes. But what is missed by the world is that this is necessarily a saint's inherent nature. He cannot hurt his own enemy. There is no word "enemy" in their life's dictionary. Although lacs treat them as their enemies as they focus on ending the evils residing in the person, which the person considers his friends, and are his brutal enemies, his Holiness Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj, one such great saint, incarnated for humanity and his entire purpose on this mortal land has been the salvation of living beings.

A New Direction to the World

In this terrible era where everyone is running for their selfishness. While saintly spiritual mystics have no interest in any of these, all they do is good work for everyone with selfless motives. Murshiday-Kamil Sai Mastana Ji Maharaj spent 12 years in Dera Sacha Sauda. He has "‹"‹connected thousands of people with the path of truth. And people who were mostly thieves, thugs, bandits, robbers, as mentioned above. And he turned them into hardcore devotees and made them entitled to the happiness of both the worlds. True Master Sai Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj gave a new direction to the world. Embellish his mood. Eradicated mutual jealousy and hatred that was growing by leaps and bounds in people's hearts. Made everyone sit in one place and taught the lesson of respecting all religions. True Master Beparwah Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj lit a flame of the name of Ram which is shining in the hearts of the world today without any discrimination. Dera Sacha Sauda still maintains its same sacred dignity under the inspiration and guidance of the revered Guru Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, the third body of Reverend Sai Ji. The arrival of saints on this planet is an auspicious sign for humanity and society. 'O saint has come to awaken. Have come to awaken. Yes, everyone, HE has come to show you the way. Has come to show the way. May the entire creation is blessed by of Reverend Beparwah Mastana Ji Maharaj.