Jun 27, 2018
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International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Tackling Drug Abuse menace: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, special Drug Abuse is a major problem world over. Drugs can cause havoc in lives and not just the one  who is addicted to them, but to families connected with that person, his immediate friends, who  may get addicted along with him/her. Once a person needs to get used to this doorway to hell, then  the person is stuck with this doorway forever leading to one crime after another, robbery, loot and  raid for money, alcoholism and every other thing that is there, and thus the menace keeps growing. What's worst is that the targets here are young adolescents unarmed with even the basic  understanding of the functioning of the world. It is high time, our future is protected against these  unarmed, mind controlling, nerve numbing, beasts. They are the worst nightmare for any parent.

Let us safeguard our kids and give them the right direction by spreading awareness and throwing  our the drug paddlers and their break the nexus that may be functioning in different ways. Another  major problem, that is looming over is illicit trafficking. Trafficking kids, women, and any other  vulnerable tribe is the worst of crimes against humans. They are being denied of a basic right towards safety, dignity and even threat to life.

Realising the magnitude of Drug abuse and illicit trafficking, Dera Sacha Sauda, under the  leadership and guidance of Rev. Guru Ji Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has initiated  a series of welfare works, where awareness camps are conducted to counsel youth about the risks  of drug abuse, through various mediums, youths are encouraged to participate actively in the  overall development of a healthy society, which keeps them productively occupied and working  towards the welfare of society.

Apart from this, Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers under the guidance of Rev. Guru Ji conducts 7 Day  de-addiction camp, where habitual drug abusers, are provided all the help to live a normal life sans  drugs. This is possible through Meditation and very little medicine if needed, and the victims are  required to stay with one family member and they are instructed not to meet any of their friends  who are into drugs, so they can stay away from the menace of drugs and come out of it once and  forever. With regular meditation, they are able to increase their willpower and successfully stay  away from these life-threatening packets. They also vow to never resort to this habit which is  detrimental to the entire society.