Oct 11, 2018
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International DayOfTheGirl Child

Empowering the womb, to bring laurels to the Nation |  DayOfTheGirl

UN observes International DayOfTheGirl Child on 11th October, since 2012 to bring awareness about various issues pertaining in the Society in relevance to the girl children across the Globe. The theme this year being, "With Her: A Skilled GirlForce" this International DayOfTheGirl Child, is the beginning of year-long efforts to bring together, all the partners and stakeholders to highlight, invest in girls' & advocate the most pressing needs and opportunities so as to attain skills for employability.

With limited opportunities, girls are not ready to take on the skills required, in the 21st century, taking note of this, the theme has been envisaged. On the other hand, Rev. Guru Ji Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has been giving wings, to girl children, even before they are born and believes strongly in doing so, by every single member of the Society. He has initiated a number of reforms to transform the Society, by empowering girls at a very young age. Right from targeting female foeticide, and spreading awareness for the same, the skewed sex ratio, is already improving in rural areas.

Developing Holistic, All Round Personality through Education


Educational institutes establish under Shah Satnam Ji group of educational institutions, are doing wonders by following the global curriculum, Avenues of personal growth, targeting leadership skills, confidence building through a plethora of activities. Sports is an important part of education, by providing them world level infrastructure be it Skating Rink, Basketball, Hand Ball, Swimming, Yoga, etc.

The girl players here, have bagged hundreds of medals both in National and International tournaments. Shah Satnam Ji group of Institutions were established by Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, for the same purpose in 1994. Currently, Girls' education and all-round development, right up to specialization, including Masters, is covered here. Girls are shining the Nation's name in every sphere, with guidance and motivation from Guru Ji Himself.


Medals in the shooting, Yoga, Roller skating have been coming in, nonstop and the grit and determination, these girls show is simply unbeatable. With girls participating in every other program there is, including olympiads, Dance Shows, Spell Bees, they are simply helping each other with their confidence and awards. A significant number of girls, are now moving from rural areas, to study abroad or for job prospects in far and near cities, in the country itself. This shows the confidence building & transformation, that has gone into the families and girls themselves.

This is especially true in the case of rural areas, where the majority of these girls come from, and they were hesitant to even move out of the house earlier. The transformation in each of the girls is truly spectacular. We have international players, living in almost every square inch of these hitherto backward areas.

Women Empowerment

Redefining Women empowerment in the real sense, that is the motto and that has been the major factor, for which Guru Ji and the management strives for. And what's more Guru Ji has a vision of one day seeing every girl, empowered and shining the name of the Nation in one frontier or the other, truly aligned with the UN's goal of "With her: A skilled workforce"

Apart from education, Rev. Guru Ji is targeting the social fabric of the Nation, attitude towards girls, by changing mindsets, including social cultures and traditions, followed by century-old systems, which do not fit anymore in the current scenario.

Girls are no longer confined to four walls. Any custom that was restricted to boys or men, has been inclusive enough for girls, too, for e.g. Girls were not allowed to go for cremation of the deceased family members and could not lend a shoulder for the same, this has been changed by Guru Ji, to enthuse enormous confidence in the Girls & they are coming forward for the same. This is one example of breaking a taboo established long ago, maybe to safeguard the weaker sex at that point, but totally irrelevant today.

Similarly, Guru Ji has established the tradition of Kul-Ka-Crown, whereby a single girl child of the family, can bring the bridegroom, to her house after marriage, and not vice versa, with the consent of both the parties. This is also enthusing confidence in the families of girls. Also, Guru Ji's own daughters Honeypreet Insan, Charanpreet and Amarpreet Insan, have been huge role models for girls all around. National level Player, Successful singer, and Honeypreet Insan has even gone to the extent of breaking Jackie chan's record by performing 36 different, credits, all by herself, in the film "Hind Ka Napak Ko Jawab", giving wonderful role model to the World.

In such a short span, mastering all the technical as well as non-technical aspects of filmmaking, she has inspired millions of girls out there, to go ahead and conquer the World, which is waiting to welcome you, with open arms. And every girl, believes in the same, with so much confidence building and hand holding by their MSG papa, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.