Apr 20, 2013
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It Is Exceptional To Move on The Divine Path Firmly

"Luckiest are those who receive God's love, affection and holy grace in abundance." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million faithful followers presently).

A few further excerpts from the Satsang are as follows: Deception, falsehood and fraud are very common these days. Fortunate are those who are God's enamors and love Him faithfully and truly. This is really incomparable to move on the divine pathway in this era of Satan; where a person is entangled in the cobweb of futile things. Man has to face several hurdles in this direction to attain God; nevertheless they are the blessed ones who travel on God's path and acquire plethora of happiness. No difficulty or tension, bother or troubles them ever and they firmly step forward. Consequently, God never deprives them of anything.