May 14, 2013
  Total Views : 8672


Wedding Without Dowry

Guruji has educated and motivated the devotees against this social evil and started the trend of marriages without dowry

In the present times, the ancient time custom of dowry in which parents used to voluntarily give away household effects and jewellery to their daughter has been corrupted. Today, the groom's side tries to extort as much money as possible as from the bride's side on the occasion of marriage. Then, they torture the bride, physically and mentally, which has become routine. If the demands of groom's side are not fulfilled, gradually, this devil of dowry greed swallows the woman. This has resulted in hundreds of bride burning cases in India. Guruji has educated and motivated the devotees against this social evil and started the trend of marriages without dowry. This is a healthy tradition, in which bride and groom are linked in a marital bond in presence of thousands of devotees in a pious atmosphere. Because of Guruji's teachings, people are becoming extremely inclined towards making marriage dowry free. Every month, many such weddings are solemnized in the Ashram. This drive against dowry has proved extremely successful. Parents may give anything of their own accord to the daughter as her share, but the question of making demands is simply wrong.