Mar 2, 2016
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Grand Celebration on Maha Rehmokaram Diwas

While delivering holy sermons to lakhs of devotees gathered from all over the world at Shah Satnam Ji Dham, Sirsa on the pious occassion of His Holiness Param Pita Shah Satnam ji Maharaj's Maha Rehmokaram Diwas, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan enunciated that this day is witnessed as a day when His Holiness Shah Mastana Ji and Param Pita Shah Satnam Ji coalesced. On this auspicious day, The Divine being Shah Satnam Ji sat in equality with The Supreme Being Shah Mastana Ji and got blessed with the divine reign. His Excellency Guruji felicitated the devotees for Holy Maha Rehmokaram Diwas and endowed the Glorious Method of Meditation to 16,420 seekers who pledged to shun the vices. Jaam-E-Insan (Holy Nectar) was also served to several seekers. On this auspicious occasion, 6 Devout Warriors (Bhakt Yodha) were tied in the wedlock and 32 marriages, without the consideration of dowry and any kind of ostentation, were also solemnized. Further, devotees pledged and opted two new welfare works, thus lifting the total number of welfare works being conducted to 119. While benefiting devotees with the holy sermons, His Holiness asserted "Today, His Holiness Shah Mastana Ji became one with Revered Shah Satnam Ji, and said "We were, we are and we will always be"." Revered Guruji Stated that Sufism and Divine Love is a very deep concept altogether. Getting a good place in spiritualism is equivalent to attaining a gold medal  in both worlds. In spiritualism, the deeper you go, the more knowledge you will attain. Generally, if you go in depth of anything, you will feel suffocated, there will be a danger of life and you will also not be sure of your comeback. But in spiritualism, the more the depth, more will be the achievement. You will be free from fear. Instead of being stuck, one will feel as if he is flying, freed from all the ties of this materialistic world. There are no words to explain that feeling of happiness. While elaborating the true master-disciple relationship Revered Guruji stated, "This relation is the best and sublime one. From the true Master's side, this relation is tied with a staunch thread which can never be broken, not even by numerous efforts of satan. But if we see from disciple's side, this relation is tied with a fragile thread which is easily breakable. Disciple easily forgets and departs with the master on getting affected by five evils namely lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. If one follows the path shown by True Master, then he along with his family members gets blessed with divine benison and holy grace. His Holiness elucidated that True Master is one who showers the light of knowledge & wisdom in the otherwise ignorant and unenlightened life of His pupil." Guruji quenched all the queries of inquisitive followers during the Satsang. This February, His Excellency Guruji imparted the glorious method of meditation to 30,535 seekers which is a large number as compared to last year's February when only 655 seekers were blessed with the Gurumantra. On the occasion of pious Maharehmokaram Diwas itself, 16,420 aspirants were blessed with the sacred Method of meditation. While interacting with media representatives during the inauguration of blood camp, Revered saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan stated that this day has immense significance and is celebrated as Maharehmokaram Diwas. On this day, Lord Mastana Ji handed over reign of Dera Sacha Sauda to Shah Satnam Ji and made him sat in equality with Himself. On this occasion, Blood Donation Camp, Free Medical Camp, Cyber Laws Awareness, Legal Advice and counseling, Career Counseling and IT Assistance Camps are organised. Along with this, toys & study material to destitute children and nutritious food to pregnant women are also distributed. His Holiness gave his views on Jaat reservation agitation and stated that as per spirituality and religious scriptures, no religion or caste should do so. Only the terrorists, hooligans and trouble makers do indulge in these types of acts. Such chaos might have been done to benefit from to avenge some political or personal feud. When questioned about reservation, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan stated his personal views that reservation should be on the basis of economical status, should be given to those who are below poverty line and to those who study under candle or street lamp. Such needy people should get help without any caste or reservation bias. To help the victims of reservation agitation, blocks on behalf of Dera will be asked to help in Prime Minister Relief Fund (Mukhya Mantri Rahat Kosh). When asked about his views on JNU issue, Revered Guruji stated that one should not raise slogans against his home country. One should have feeling of patriotism for the country in which he lives, breathes & eats. Nation's debt can never be repaid. While interacting with press persons, His Holiness stated that back in 1972 when He used to study, no one preferred to call himself as small or backward, but today everyone wants to be denoted as small/backward, just to gain the benefits of reservation. While expressing his views on Budget, His Holiness stated that though He has never been part of analysis, but in His view society is divided into 3 sections on the basis of income: high class, middle class and low class. The basic commodities should be given with subsidy whereas luxury items can be made a little expensive so that daily need items can become a bit cheaper. Revered Guruji further stated that Master-Disciple relation is highest of all. Spiritual saint always takes care of God's children as His own. Its true master's duty to teach righteous path to His pupil and disciple should follow His teaching with full dedication and persistence. His Holiness revealed that shooting for MSG Online Gurukul is going on at faster pace and will be completed in 20-25 days after which VFX work will be done. This epochal movie will show the greatness of the science of our religions and how people from all over the world came to learn it. It will depict how in older times people could walk on water and even fly , how just by closing eyes people could travel thousands of kilometers (teleport) and treatment using plants. This movie is full of knowledge, perfectly blended with entertainment. Revered saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan revealed that the life style of a saint and ordinary man is totally different. Common man lives with so many wishes and desires related to his family, carrier etc. whereas a saint has only one wish and that is to keep the children of Lord safe & happy, including birds and animals also. A true saint is one who never takes or benefits from others' money, but uses His own hard earned money for the poor or needy. The circle of a true saint is absolute whereas that of a common man is finite.